I save the world in the doomsday word game

Chapter 54 The Blind Merchant’s Exchange

[You walk along the ruins of the town of St. Reims under the bright moonlight...]

[There are 'Destroyed Blood Sun Believers' wandering on both sides of the road]

[Are you going to attack them, or ignore them and move on? 】

Lin Xun felt that no matter how small a mosquito was, it was still flesh, and it was not shabby to gain experience.

Click decisively to attack and release the laser cannon.

[You raise the 'Thunder Dragon Staff Spear' and silently recite the spell...]

[A flash of red light...]

[伱 defeated the 'Falled Blood Sun Believer', and the experience value increased slightly. 】

[You defeated the 'Falled Blood Sun Believers'...]

【You defeated...】


After one shot, the game text jumped wildly.

In a daze, Lin Xun once again felt the pleasure of collecting vegetables.

It's a pity that the Blood Sun monsters are too weak. Brushing a dozen of them at once is not enough to upgrade them.

I was about to go back to refresh the book page and get another wave of experience points.

He suddenly thought of the 'boiling subspecies dragon blood essence' he had just obtained.

This item requires the death of the body in order to be used.

Now the body column is 4/5, and there is still one empty slot. It is better to possess a bloody sun monster and use it as a human bomb.

Well, the plan works!

Men who plan carefully will not have bad luck.

I decisively picked a bloody sun monster that I liked and possessed it.

[You are possessed by the body of the 'fallen Blood Sun Cultist'. 】

When I opened the panel, I saw that the quality of the body was indeed dilapidated, about the same as the 'hungry old man'.

After returning to rest, the page was refreshed twice, the blood-sun monsters were brutally exterminated, and the journey started again.

[You continue to walk along the ruins of the town of Saint Reims under the bright moonlight...]

[Among the rubble and rubble, you find an old hut not far away, still standing intact among the ruins. Through the windows with metal bars, dim lights could be vaguely seen inside the house. 】

【Do you want to come forward and check? 】

Live again!

Lin Xun smiled slightly, this kind of fun of constantly exploring the unknown is very fascinating.

Finger click "Yes".

[You approach the old cabin. The wooden door of the house is also sealed by a metal fence. 】

[You look up and see that there are a few thin branches under the eaves of the hut, and a piece of tattered canvas hanging on it, with the divine light written crookedly on it - "Exchange for Blind Merchants". 】

【Do you want to knock on the door of the exchange? 】

Lin Xun's eyes widened, and he instantly noticed the elements.

shop! The merchant NPC is finally coming!

The first thing that came to his mind was whether he should kill the NPC and directly start the zero-yuan purchase.

Lin Xun felt something was wrong again. There could be no such obvious loophole in the game.

Quickly log in to the apostle forum to query information.

After a search, there are indeed many apostles who kill NPCs, but...

An apostle named 'Puppet' posted: I killed an NPC businessman in the wild, but nothing dropped. If the NPC dies, you can't buy anything.

Floor 2: You are stupid. You pick a human NPC to kill. If you are lucky, you might be able to possess him. (Manual dog head)

Floor 3: Yes, yes, it is best to kill in the gathering place. The human NPCs there will be more relatable and have a high probability of being possessed.

Floor 4: Owner, I wish you success in getting an awesome body~

Floor 5: All the apostles are really good people. Good people will have peace in their lives. I'll go back to the gathering place and kill the NPCs.

Floor 6: Isn’t this a bit too cruel?

7th floor: Don’t talk nonsense on the th floor. What we have gone through, newcomers have to go through too.


'Puppet' on the 108th floor: I'll fuck you bloody horses! ! !

'Puppet' on the 109th floor: I killed the human NPC merchants in the gathering place, but nothing exploded. After possessing it, I saw that it was all dilapidated garbage. Now there are no more side quests, and a bunch of NPCs are stuck in the resurrection point, unable to get out. Doesn’t your conscience hurt? !

Floor 110: No, I suggest the poster call the police.

Floor 111: +10086


Lin Xun searched through many posts and finally came to the conclusion that whether to kill NPCs or not depends on whether the risks are proportional to the benefits.

Trading NPCs such as merchants will not drop goods after being killed, nor will they drop traded spirituality. At most, the torn clothes and socks on his body would be exposed, which is a small probability event.

Of course, transaction and gift are two different concepts.

Apostles usually choose to take risks when the NPC's equipment or skills are too good, and there is a high probability that it can be possessed.

Lin Xun quit the Apostle Forum and continued the game.

He has accumulated a large amount of spiritual energy, with 1610 spiritual points used and 2710 unused spiritual items, totaling 4320 spiritual points, which is considered a huge sum of money.

The worry of having money in his pocket but no place to spend it has been bothering him for some time.

After thinking for a while, Lin Xun directly pressed "Yes".

[You stepped forward and knocked on the door, and the sound of "dong-dong-dong" echoed in the silent night. 】

[No one responded to you after a long time. Just when you were about to knock on the door again, there was some movement from the fence window on one side of the house. 】

[You step up to the window. Behind the metal fence is a broken stained glass window. It looks like it was pieced together from broken glass picked up from the church. 】

[Through the stained glass windows, you can vaguely see a twisted and weird shadow inside the house. 】

【Do you want to trade with 'Unknown Shadow'? 】

Lin Xun frowned, feeling something was wrong.

This house is called the 'Blind Merchant's Exchange', which means that the weird and twisted 'unknown shadow' in the house is a blind merchant?

Perhaps the businessman was deformed into a twisted and weird shadow after being exposed to the bloody sun.

Lin Xun guessed this in his mind and pressed the "Yes" option.

[The window was opened through a tiny gap, and a list filled with divine light words was handed out. You seemed to see that the person handing over the list was an arthropod with thick bristles. 】

[You take the product list and browse it carefully under the bright moonlight...]

[Scarlet eyeball (waste product), a blood-red eyeball taken from the head of a sunken creature. I don’t know what its use is. Spiritual value: 10, remaining quantity: 2]

[Blood-stained linen clothing (waste), an old set of clothing made of linen that is stained with blood. Spiritual value: 10, remaining quantity: 1]

[Wooden arrows are made of wooden arrow shafts and iron arrowheads. They are rough in workmanship and need to be used with a crossbow. Spiritual value: 20, remaining quantity 10]

[Flame pot (throwing prop), injects flame power into the pottery pot, so that when thrown and smashed, a burning flame will erupt. Spiritual value: 30, remaining quantity: 5]

[Scarlet flame pot (throwing prop), after injecting dirty power into the ordinary flame pot, the power will be increased to a certain extent. Spiritual value: 100, remaining quantity: 5]

[Filthy red beetroot (props). After the precious herb red beetroot is contaminated with the power of filth, it can relieve some fatigue of devout believers in the Blood Sun. Spiritual value: 200, remaining quantity: 5]

[Lucky gold coin (special prop), a gold coin blessed by an unknown existence. Carrying this prop will slightly improve your luck. Spiritual value: 3000, remaining quantity: 1]

【What kind of item do you want to choose? Or leave quietly with no money? 】

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