Quick Travel: After the European Emperor can sign in

Chapter 9 Educated Youth of the 7s 9

the other side.

Qin Jiabao returned home after visiting the park. As soon as he entered the door, he saw Qin Ya coming out of Qin's father and mother's house.

Qin Ya was startled, her expression was unnatural, and she showed a guilty conscience.

But she quickly adjusted and even took the initiative to talk to Qin Jiabao.

"You came back so early today? You didn't go shopping with your friends on the street."

Seeing the broom in her hand, Qin Jiabao didn't think much about it.

"It's nothing fun. Besides, brother Yuan Xi is going to the countryside, so I have to prepare something for him."

After hearing this, Qin Ya became unhappy for a moment and said angrily: "You are really my good brother. Have you forgotten that I have to go to the countryside too? Why haven't you prepared anything for me?"

"How can it be the same? Brother Yuanxi and I are half-brothers. He takes such good care of me. What's wrong with me returning the favor?"

Qin Jiabao is confident.

Qin Ya was so angry that she put down the broom on the spot, slammed the door and went back to the house.

Qin Jiabao ignored her and happily went back to his room and began to rummage through the cabinets to prepare a gift for Chen Yuanxi.

In the evening, at the Qin family's dinner table, Grandma Qin, Father Qin, Mother Qin, and Qin Jiabao intensely discussed Chen Yuanxi's going to the countryside.

"Who the hell, you actually reported Yuan Xi? Oh, that kid is so good, how could anyone report him?"

"The news has spread to everyone in our workshop today, and Lao Chen feels bad when he sees it."

"If this hadn't been reported, Yuan Xi would have given up his fucking job and stayed in the city. It would be uncomfortable for me to be interfered with."

"Don't let me know who reported it, or I'll ask my brothers to beat him up together."


The discussion among the four was in full swing. The more Qin Ya listened, the stiffer her face became. She lowered her head and silently plucked at the rice in the bowl.

She had mixed emotions in her heart, with anger mixed with guilt and worry.

Why do you care so much about Chen Yuanxi, an outsider?

She was going to the countryside, so why did Chen Yuanxi feel wronged by going to the countryside?

The more I thought about it, the more resentful I became. I hurriedly ate the rice in the bowl and went back to the house.

She was afraid that if she stayed any longer she could not help but say bad words, and that would be bad if people found out that she was the one who made the report.

She knew how unpopular people were with those who made snitches.

She was spit on and looked down upon before she even wanted to go out.

Qin Ya, who left early, did not hear what happened next. If she had known about this, she would have endured it and left after hearing it.

After Qin Ya left, the topic turned to money for some reason, and Qin Jiabao began to inquire about it secretly.

"Mom, does our family have any money in the bank?"

"Why are you asking about this?"

Qin's mother looked at him suspiciously.

"Mom, what are you doing? I am caring about our family's property."

Qin Jiabao felt aggrieved, so he adapted the story he heard from Yuan Xi, magnified the tragedy of the stolen home tenfold, and told it to Qin's mother.

"Hey, if you steal so much money, you will eat peanuts if you are caught. The thief is too courageous."

"Then you have to be caught. Besides, even if you are caught, the money has been spent. The thief can't get a penny out. Where can you find someone to compensate you?"

As soon as Qin Jiabao explained, even the stubborn Grandma Qin wanted to deposit her pension money in the bank.

"My dear grandson, what if we lose this passbook and the bank doesn't give us the money?"

"Just get your ID and get a replacement. It's more convenient to hide a passbook than a wad of money."

Qin Jiabao's little mouth made the three adults excited.

The next day I went to apply for a passbook and deposit the money in the bank.

When Qin Ya tried to steal the money, she was completely dumbfounded. She looked through it carefully but couldn't find a penny. The places where the money was hidden in the past were found to be empty.

The closer the day of going to the countryside came, the more anxious she became.

The Qin family didn't think much about it, thinking she was worried about going to the countryside.

It’s the end of August in the blink of an eye.

During this period of time, since I got a drop of soul source last time, all I signed in for were pots and pans and other kitchen utensils, as well as seasonings, furniture and so on.

He used them all to fill up the empty wooden buildings.

He also took the time to go to the black market to get rid of some tickets that he couldn't use so they wouldn't expire.

Sign in on the last day of August.

Yuan Xi got up early in the morning and opened the gift package.

[Congratulations to the host for getting a toilet. 】


The usage of the model and related introductions automatically appeared in Yuan Xi's mind.

This is indeed a toilet. As long as you place it on the open space, it will automatically enlarge and turn into a fully functional... toilet.

As soon as the model is placed in the space, it will automatically become larger and land on the other side of the warehouse.

Yuan Xi didn't know why. Compared with the jade pendant space at the end of last month, it felt a bit hasty that this toilet appeared in the end-of-month gift bag.

[How could it be? This is a product of weapon refining. After the host uses it, he will know the benefits. 】

"Do monks also need to go to the toilet?"

【No need. 】


"What weapon refiner is so idle?"

[It doesn’t matter so much, just use it. 】

Yuan Xi wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, Wu Ba's words made sense.

Just use it.

Once he realizes what dry toilets in the countryside look like, he will be so grateful for the toilets he has now.

"Yuan Xi, have you packed up?"

"Mom, it's ready."

Yuan Xi went out carrying a military green cloth bag and a leather suitcase in his hand.

He has to catch a train to Bac Giang Province today.

No one in the Chen family went to work today, they all asked for leave and stayed home.

The train arrived at the station at eleven o'clock, and the family decided to go there early and wait.

"Your Grandpa Zhang bought you a soft sleeper through some connections. You don't have much stuff, so you have to take care of it and other families will send it to you."

"And you can take this bag of food and eat it in the car. Also put this kettle away. It contains sugar water. Be sure to drink it. After drinking, there will be hot water on the train. If you are thirsty, go get some water and leave it to others. Help watch."

"Also, you must remember to write back, you know?"

It was the first time for her son to go away from home, and Mother Chen repeated her words over and over again.

Yuan Xi was not bothered and responded to the same words seriously.

"Brother Yuan Xi, I have been thinking about this gift for you for a long time. I didn't know what you were missing, so I bought stamps for you. Remember to write to me."

Qin Jiabao also came to see Yuan Xi off. He originally wanted to follow him to the train station, but there were too many people. Qin's mother was worried that his arrival would cause trouble, so she gave up the idea.

There was also Uncle Wang next door, Uncle Zhang who bought tickets, and other idle uncles and aunties in the alley, which surrounded the Chen family.

The journey from Chen's house to the entrance of the alley usually took a few minutes, but it took an hour to walk. If it weren't for the worry of not catching the train, I don't know how long it would take. Yuan Xi was sweating from the heat as he was surrounded by the crowd.

On the way to the train station, there was only the Chen family.

It became quiet at this time, and no one spoke until they reached the station.

"The train is coming in, the train is coming in."

Someone shouted in the distance, followed by the clang of a train entering the station.

Mother Chen's eyes turned red immediately, and she secretly lowered her head to wipe her tears.

"I can't make it to the second brother's wedding, and I probably won't make it to the eldest brother, but I have prepared gifts for you all."

"Just put it in my room. You can go home and find it later."

Chen Yuannian patted Yuan Xi on the shoulder, "It's a waste of money. Keep your own money. You don't know how much it will cost to be alone outside. Your second brother and I have wages."

Chen Yuansheng also came up, patted his chest, and said proudly: "If you are short of money, tell your second brother to work less and don't tire yourself. Your second brother will support you."

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