NBA’s aging star system

Chapter 87: Careless, didn’t dodge

Su Tian hit a three-pointer and the two sides were tied at 24.

It's the Eagles' turn to attack.

Schroder, who is holding the ball, also knows that the Cavaliers' focus is on the outside at this time, and the inside is relatively weak.

Direct lob to Millsap in the low post.

Millsap received the ball and faced Thompson.

Thompson is a fast-moving insider, but he is not tall.

As it happens, Millsap is not a tall man either.

Millsap is 203 and Thompson is 206.

It's only three centimeters taller, so it's hard to tell.

Millsap received the ball and started to play inside.

The two had a confrontation. Thompson actually withstood it.

Su Tianzheng was thinking that Thompson was pretty good.

When he turned around, he saw Millsap's body touch, his back against Thompson, and he succeeded in a layup.

Got it, no need to praise.

Thompson was also very embarrassed and lowered his head to prepare to serve.

After Irving received the ball, he took up his stance again this time, preparing to play Schroeder alone.

Schroeder gestured to the inside.

Of course, Irving knew that the Hawks would not let him break through.

Double-teaming and assisting defense is inevitable, but this is exactly what Irving wants.

A simple dribbling rhythm change on Irving's side passed Schroeder and began to break through inside.

Schroeder followed closely behind Irving.

Although with his height, there is no possibility of blocking shots if he follows behind.

But at least it blocked Irving's future route.

Irving went all the way to the basket, and sure enough, Horford came over to double-team.

Irving saw Horford coming to double-team him, so he passed the ball directly without hesitation.

When Horford saw Irving passing the ball, he quickly stabilized his center of gravity and tried to rush back.

But, is this pass a bit wide?

In this direction and with this intensity, Mozgov cannot catch the ball.

Horford was confused, and suddenly he understood.

"Shet, forget about that guy!"

I saw Irving's pass go all the way to the bottom corner.

Standing in the bottom corner at this time was Jr. Smith.

Jr received Irving's pass with just the right intensity and shot a three-pointer directly.


Smith hit a three-pointer.

Saw the shot go down.

Jr jumped up and down, waving three fingers in celebration while returning to defense.

Although at this time, the Cavaliers except Su Tian and Irving were all substitutes.

But jr is no ordinary substitute, this is Wang Weishi's substitute.

Ah no, this is the best sixth man level!

Although sometimes he may not be very smart, he definitely has the strength.

Everyone said he was a genius, but no one said he was good at it.

Horford was also helpless and had no choice but to continue running towards the frontcourt with the team.

Millsap had just scored a two-pointer, and then turned around and scored a three-pointer.

I also felt very unhappy.

He ran directly to the low post and started asking for the ball before he was completely firm.

Seeing that Millsap wanted the ball very strongly, Schroeder had no choice but to pass the ball in.

After Millsap received the ball, he hit his back hard.

Thompson didn't expect Millsap's first blow to be so harsh, and he was knocked directly to the lower plate and staggered.

Millsap took advantage of Thompson's unstable center of gravity and quickly turned around, trying to repeat the ball from the previous round.

Millsap turned around and was about to take a layup.

Suddenly discovered, huh? Where is my ball?

By the time Millsap reacted, Su Tian had already reached the three-point line with the ball.

Everyone on the Eagles was stunned for a moment. Only Schroeder, who was outside the three-point line, followed Su Tian when he came to the three-point line.

The two of them ran and chased each other all the way to the basket.

Su Tian suddenly collected the ball and made a layup.

Schroeder subconsciously tried to block the interference.

Su Tian successfully shook him away.

Wait until Schroeder starts to descend.

Su Tian took the shot calmly and successfully hit the target.

At this time, Millsap stood under the basket on the other side of the court with his hands on his hips, looking up at the replay just now.

He still didn't understand how Su Tian suddenly ran out and stole the ball.

I saw the scene just now played back on the big screen.

On the screen, Millsap was confronting Thompson.

On the other hand, Su Tian, ​​who was on the other side, secretly bent his waist, blocking Millsap's field of vision, and sneaked closer.

Just when Millsap pushed past Thompson and was about to turn around for a layup.

Su Tian suddenly jumped out from the side and took the ball away from Millsap's arms.

After taking it away, Su Tian didn't stop at all and quickly ran towards the frontcourt.

Millsap knew what happened next.

Watching the proud Su Tian return to the half court.

Millsap shook his head. He was careless and didn't dodge.

Also, Su Tian is such a thief! How abominable!

Everyone on the field has different thoughts.

There were also people in the audience who were stunned.

Especially Dellavedova on the Cavaliers' bench.

"So, what Su Tian said before is true?" Dellavedova looked at Su Tian in disbelief.

Well, Su is right, as long as you are shameless, you can get steals.

I have to go back and practice hard.

Su Tian didn't know that his small demonstration ignited Dellavedova's heart.

Back in the game, the Eagles attack again.

Schroeder didn't give it to Millsap this time.

Instead, he called Horford and started a pick-and-roll.

Schroeder used the pick-and-roll to try to attack the inside, but Irving retreated too obviously.

This leaves a lot of room for Schroeder to shoot.

What's going on? Looking down on my shooting?

Then vote for you!

While thinking in his mind, he took a direct three-point shot.


Schroeder missed a three-pointer.

Seeing that the shot missed, Schroeder quickly turned back to defend, trying to cover up his embarrassment.

"Schroeder, don't worry, you don't have three points, not now and not in the future."

Schroeder was on guard when a word suddenly came to his ears.

Schroeder looked up and saw that it was the chicken thief Su Tian.

Schroeder was about to retaliate, but Irving had already come over with the ball, so Schroeder had to give up his talk and run to defend.

It's a small thing to talk, but it's not good to be scolded by the coach.

Irving looked at Schroeder coming up on defense, but he was also calm and held the ball outside the three-point line.

One hand gestured towards the inside line.

Thompson inside ran to pick and roll.

Schroeder saw that the Cavaliers were going to pick and roll, and wanted to quickly bypass the pick and roll.

But Irving held the ball toward the three-point line and immediately retreated back to the outside of the three-point line.

Direct three-point shot.


Irving stepped back and hit a three-pointer.

"Schroeder, this is how you shoot a three-pointer." Irving raised the corners of his mouth as he spoke.

Obviously, Owen heard Su Tian's trash talk.

Su Tian was also surprised. Although Owen has a more flamboyant personality, opportunities to actively talk trash like this are rare.

Schroeder: You are so noble! You are amazing! Don’t you just have James by your side? If you give me a James, let’s see!

But Schroeder just complained in his heart and didn't say it out loud.

It's a pity that I didn't say it out loud. What if I did.

Su Tianneng sprayed him so hard that he couldn't tell the difference between east, west, north and south.

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