Don't be afraid, villains, Sister Shenhao is here to save you.

Chapter 77 The encounter with private kitchen cuisine

The Shura Field came too fast, like a tornado.

Shu Wan explained Gu Jincheng's problem carefully. Of course, she was careful to conceal the strange relationship between the two.

By the time Song Yuxi was sent to rest, Shu Wan was already talking and her mouth was dry.

She only had four pots, so why did she end up living in such dire straits?

Obviously we are just good friends, why on earth should she feel guilty...

Well, the main thing is that it's really hard to explain. She can't say that it's all her fault, and she has to get the rain and dew equally.

Fortunately, Song Yuxi's rest time was too short, so she couldn't get to the bottom of things with her here.

After all, it was not easy to meet Song Yuxi, so his team naturally wanted to explain the recent situation to him in detail.

By the way, make a plan for the subsequent competition arrangements.

The afternoon passed quickly, and during dinner time, Shuyi Entertainment dispatched a total of more than a dozen vehicles.

Although it cannot be said that everyone in the company was brought to the dinner, all members of Song Yuxi's team, as well as the company's senior management, were present.

For Song Yuxi, today is indeed a big day. After being freed from the crime of plagiarism, Song Yuxi feels refreshed.

Jiuzhuan Corridor Private Kitchen adopts the old-fashioned courtyard-style architectural style of the imperial capital.

The overall decoration is in an antique style and looks very charming.

Zuo Yi had already decided on the location. The private room reservation system is adopted here. Their private rooms are large and can accommodate sixty or seventy people without any problem.

In the Nine-turn Corridor, there are only two such large private rooms, which are like low-level membership cards and do not even qualify for reservations.

Fortunately, Shu Wan's membership card is the highest level here, so getting a private room is not a problem.

Products produced by the system must be absolutely reliable.

The group of people sighed at the scenery here all the way, and soon after entering the house, the food started to be served.

The cuisine here is also the traditional cuisine of the imperial capital. It is said that the chef here is the inheritor of the original palace cuisine.

The craftsmanship is unparalleled, and the materials used are top-notch, so the price is astonishing.

This was the first time for Shu Wan to see such a banquet in his life. From time to time, his eyes would glance at the dishes on the table, and he wanted to take out his mobile phone to take a photo and post it to his friends circle.

As the boss, Shu Wan naturally couldn't do this, but it didn't matter, her employees did it for her.

At this time, Shuyi Entertainment employees began to post the dishes on their friend circles, work groups, and even their Weibo.

Song Yuxi's mood has eased now. She is chatting and laughing with everyone, and from time to time, she will help Shu Wan pick up food.

Shu Wan's belly was round after eating, and she and Song Yuxi had two more drinks. Shu Wan became a little tipsy and swayed out of the box.

The scenery in the yard here is excellent, and there are many plum blossoms planted. Shu Wan was walking and saw a koi pond.

There was fish food for feeding at the edge of the pond. Shu Wan was in a good mood and caught a small amount, feeding it slowly while enjoying the rare leisurely time.

But after a while, her leisurely mood was broken.

There was a sudden commotion at the door of a box not far from here.

"Sister, sister, don't leave..." The little girl's voice, with a crying tone, clearly reached Shu Wan's ears.

"I'm sorry, sister, I'm really sorry, please don't be angry..."

"Mom and dad are just not familiar with my sister's preferences. They love you very much. It's my fault, it's all my fault..."

"Mom, don't be angry. It's not my sister's fault, it's all Qingqing's fault. It's Qingqing who shouldn't stay in this house. It's Qingqing who took my sister's place..."

"It's right for my sister to be angry. Mom, don't blame your sister. Today is my sister's birthday..."

"Dad, please stop my sister quickly. Don't let her go. Qingqing should go. Qingqing shouldn't stay here. My sister will definitely be sad when she sees Qingqing..."

The little girl was crying while talking, and her voice was pitiful.

Shu Wan listened to it with great relish, and his soul of gossip burned with it.

What is this called, a cup of good tea?

"Since you know that I feel sad when I see you, why don't you leave?"

"Didn't you say you shouldn't stay here? Then why do you still stay here?"

"You leave now. If you leave, I won't leave."

Another female voice sounded, a little sharp, a little hoarse, and her tone of voice could not hide her anger.

"Dai Shuning, what are you talking about? Qingqing is your sister!"

Another female voice came, with a bit of rapid panting, obviously out of breath. Judging from the voice, it should be the mother.

"What kind of sister is she? Didn't you tell me that we were born with the same child? Why should I be the sister and she be the sister?"

"If you only like her, why do you want me back?"

"Ning Ning, what do you want your mother to do to satisfy you? You are my mother's daughter. How can you not come back to me?" The woman's voice was filled with tears.

Maybe he noticed that the atmosphere was a little subtle, and the female voice that spoke first began to speak again.

"It's all Qingqing's fault. It's Qingqing's fault. Mom and sister, stop arguing. Qingqing can just leave..."

Not long after he finished speaking, a figure ran past not far behind Shu Wan, and immediately after, a woman chased him.

Then, a male voice sounded.

"Have you had enough trouble? Is it interesting that a good family dinner is like this?" The male voice was deep and stern.

Shu Wan heard a slight beating, and then a man left quickly.

Shu Wan silently raised his fingers and counted them. Of the four protagonists, three have left and one remains.

Shu Wan was a little curious and quietly went out. Through the shadow of the trees, she saw the girl who was left behind.

He has medium-to-ear-length hair, fresh and neat, and wears a dark blue tight-fitting shirt with the hem tied into a pair of black breeches.

Wearing a pair of work-style short boots, her legs look straight and long. From a visual inspection, the young lady is about 175, very tall.

Shu Wan looked at the other person's long legs with envy, then looked at his fleshy short legs, and sighed silently.

The long-legged princess couldn't escape the family tragedy, Shu Wan sighed in her heart.

Shu Wan didn't plan to go out. If she, an outsider, saw something like this, the person involved would only feel embarrassed.

What's more, the matter had nothing to do with him, and Shu Wan didn't want to cause such trouble. After making sure that the other party had no intention of leaving for the time being, Shu Wan left silently.

But in his heart, Shu Wan couldn't help but weave this story.

Although she only listened to a little bit, why did she feel like it was a script about a true and false daughter?

What is this called, fiction brought into reality?

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