The first performance of "Come on, Boy" put a lot of pressure on all the contestants.

They only have three days to train and one day to test, and then they will face the performance.

Not only that, in this performance, every student in Class A has three minutes of independent performance time.

Even though it is only three minutes, it is quite precious for every player.

Every more minute you have the opportunity to show in front of the camera, then there is one more minute of hope to be remembered.

Whether they can successfully debut in the end is closely related to whether they can be accepted by more audiences.

Of course, contestants who have these three minutes of performance time will have greater pressure.

After all, others only need to rehearse one show, but they are two.

Especially since this is a performance with a large audience, I understand that nervousness and anxiety are inevitable.

These days, Song Yuxi rarely contacted Shu Wan. Occasionally, his manager would send him a few photos of his training.

Shu Wan knew that Song Yuxi was very busy, very busy.

From Geng Chao's mouth, Shu Wan had already learned that Song Yuxi did not have more than four hours of rest every day for several days.

He couldn't wait to spend every second of his time practicing, and he couldn't bear to take any more time to rest.

Shu Wan felt very distressed, but she did not persuade her.

At this time, Shu Wan felt that any concern and advice were in vain. Song Yuxi just needed to work harder and harder.

Every drop of sweat paid here has its due value.

At least, fans of Song Yuxi know how hard their idol is moving forward.

Of course, Song Yuxi is not the only one who is working hard. If you want to take root in this circle, it will be impossible without working hard.

The tickets obtained by Shuyi Entertainment were in a good location, and Shu Wan and Zuo Yi sat in the first row without hesitation.

After all, you are an investor, so you still get this kind of treatment.

Shu Wan did not bring a light sign, but only a small support bracelet. After all, in her position, anything she held would block the audience behind her.

Of course, those in the front row obviously have this consciousness.

What surprised Shu Wan was that besides the investors of the show, there were also many station ladies.

This was the first time Shu Wan saw the real station sisters. At this moment, they were busy setting up their own long guns and short cannons.

Seeing their professional shooting equipment and serious expressions, Shu Wan couldn't help but poke Zuo Yi.

"Does our Yu Xi have a place to stay?" Shu Wan asked in a low voice.

"Where to stand?" Zuo Yi looked confused.

Shu Wan rolled her eyes, okay, she is a novice in the fandom, and Zuo Yi is even more inaccessible.

"Have you seen these beauties? They are station ladies who specialize in photographing artists. They usually have a website, and they will publish the photos and edited videos on their own websites."

"Generally speaking, these people will export a lot of material to fans. Do we Yu Xi have it?" Shu Wan explained patiently.

Then, Zuo Yi still looked confused, "I haven't heard of it..."

Great, nothing.

Shu Wan quickly edited the message and sent it to the work group to ask. If she hadn't seen it on the spot, she would not have thought of it at all.

After all, she doesn't have much experience chasing stars, so she really doesn't understand what's going on here.

But at this moment, no one responded to Shu Wan. Song Yuxi's team was busy, and Shu Wan was not in a hurry.

After a while, almost all the audience had entered the venue. With a burst of music, the stage lit up and the auditorium went completely dark.

Except for support items such as light signs and bracelets that were still glowing, the scene had fallen into darkness.

This was Shu Wan's first time watching the scene, and now he felt his heart pounding with nervousness.

The scene was a little restless, but soon, a mechanical male voice sounded on the stage.

"Welcome to the premiere of Come on, Boy."

Immediately, the sound of music started.

A huge beam of light hit the stage, and the teenagers standing neatly on the stage appeared in everyone's sight.

There were screams at the scene, but surprisingly, there was almost no sound from the first few rows.

By the light of the stage, Shu Wan looked around, except for the people sitting in the first row who looked like investors.

There were actually a lot of spectators in the two rows at the back. The expressions on their faces were a little twisted with excitement at this moment, but they all bit their lips tightly and made no sound.

This was strange, and Shu Wan didn't understand it, but at this moment, no one told her the answer.

Shu Wan quickly found Song Yuxi on the stage. He was not in the absolute C position, but he was also standing behind and to the right of the C position.

It can be said that it is also a very conspicuous position.

Shu Wan never took his eyes off Song Yuxi throughout the whole process, watching his expressions match the dance, sometimes laughing, sometimes serious.

Looking at his flawless dance moves and his steady singing, Shu Wan even felt like he was in a dream.

From the first time she saw Song Yuxi in the live broadcast room to now, in such a short period of time, Song Yuxi seemed to have been completely transformed.

At this time, he was shining brightly on the stage.

Shu Wan could even clearly hear fans shouting Song Yuxi's name.

The bursts of sound were really shocking.

The performance was over quickly, in just a few minutes.

But the program team is still thoughtful and gives each contestant a chance to introduce themselves again here.

Because she ranked high in the queue, Song Yuxi was the third one to make the introduction.

"Hello everyone, I'm Song Yuxi." It was a simple self-introduction without any flattery, but it still got screams from the fans.

Shu Wan saw that there seemed to be a smile in Song Yuxi's eyes, and he could hear everyone's voices.

This gorgeous stage should belong to Song Yuxi. He is like a dazzling star on the stage, so brilliant.

But this is a competition after all. After some introductions, comments from the instructors were also included.

This time, the instructor's seats were all on the right side of the stage, with a separate area designated. Different from last time, this time the instructor almost always spoke with encouragement and praise.

It's true, at least from the audience's point of view, the performance just now was quite good.

The movements can be said to be neat and uniform, the singing is clear and beautiful, and they also did a good job in the few solo clips.

It had only been a few days, and each of them seemed to have improved a lot compared to before.

No wonder it is said that competition is the best training ground. I believe these big boys will make obvious progress after going here.

Next, there will be an individual presentation session for each of them, and they will still appear according to their ranking.

Song Yuxi was the third one. When the lights came on and Song Yuxi sat in front of the piano, Shu Wan felt that her heartbeat was out of rhythm.

Nothing else, so handsome...

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