Thanks to the power of the online world, Shu Wan successfully found a security company.

Judging from reviews on the Internet, this company is quite powerful and has even been responsible for the security of international dignitaries visiting China.

Not only is it very high-end, it is said that most of the security guards inside are retired soldiers.

Well, Shu Wan's mind was filled with uniforms.

Shu Wan checked out the hotel without hesitation and took a taxi straight to the security company.

What surprised Shu Wan was that the location of this security company was actually in the Cloud Building.

It's great, it's in the same building as my company.

However, this security company called Chengyou was on the eleventh floor of the building, quite a few floors away from their company.

Shu Wanshu found the elevator by a familiar route and went straight to the eleventh floor.

Each floor of the Cloud Building is very large, and there are many companies on each floor. The largest floor even has nearly twenty companies.

But this eleventh floor was different. As soon as Shu Wan got out of the elevator, he saw the dark carpet facing the elevator door, leading all the way to Chengyou Security.

It's amazing. This is the only one on the first floor. How big the area is. Shu Wan's pupils were astonished.

With her poor vision, it was her first time to visit such a large company.

Fortunately, Shu Wan is a consumer, so she can still hold on.

Following the carpet all the way into the company, you will see a very large front desk. The young lady at the front desk is also different from others.

Not to mention wearing a suit and leather shoes, his face was serious.

There was no gentleness or gentle questioning. Both of them had sullen faces and looked at Shu Wan very solemnly.

Shu Wan felt horrified at being bid farewell to someone else's body.

"Excuse me, can I hire bodyguards here?" Shu Wan asked, suppressing the trembling that was likely to occur.

One of the young ladies immediately walked over steadily and said, "Okay, please come inside."

Not a word of nonsense, simple, direct and solemn.

Shu Wan followed the young lady obediently, looking around with his eyes. Very good, the clothes here are very uniform.

The suits are all straight, pure black, with a few stripes at most, and have a solemn look.

And each of them looks very strong, and can punch ten of them with one punch.

Unlike the workstations in other companies, the public area here is a very large leisure area.

Oversized and soft-looking sofas, TVs, and game consoles are all available.

Shu Wan walked in without attracting anyone's attention.

Soon, Shu Wan was taken to a reception room. The room was larger than Shu Wan's office and the decoration was luxurious.

"Please wait a moment." After saying that, the young lady left, waving her hands without taking a single cloud with her.

Fortunately, when she said wait, she really meant wait. In less than two minutes, before Shu Wan started to get nervous, a man pushed the door open and came in.

The style is very uniform, a very serious black suit. The only difference is that he wears rimless glasses, which makes him look a little gentler.

"Hello, I am the person in charge of the Safety and Security Department. My name is Xiao Li. What do you call me?"

"Shu Wan." Shu Wan tried to calm down.

"Miss Shu Wan, what do you need?" Xiao Li quickly looked at Shu Wan without leaving any trace, and his voice became gentler.

"I want to find two bodyguards, oh no, four." Shu Wan said.

"Okay, no problem. Miss Shu Wan can rest assured that our security here is very professional." There was a stiff smile on Xiao Li's face.

"Here is the security roster that can currently provide services to you. Each of them can provide you with 24-hour personal security services."

"Always protect your life and property safety."

Xiao Li said, taking out one of the several books in his hand and placing it in front of Shu Wan.

The booklet is very thick. Shu Wan visually inspected it and found it thicker than a finger.

Opening the roster, each page contains a detailed introduction to a security guard.

In addition to the basic name, age, height and weight, there are also their relevant experiences.

Shu Wan flipped through a few pages at random, with obvious surprise on her face.

In the first few pages, everyone is a retired soldier, some even retired from the special forces.

For a moment, Shu Wan's mind began to flash, what about the strongest soldier king falling in love with me, what about the soldier king and his eldest lady...

Stop it...

Shu Wan restrained herself from covering her face. God knows, she was really just doing it for her own safety.

Taking a deep breath, Shu Wan closed the roster and said, "Mr. Xiao, you are familiar with them, please recommend a few people for me."

"My request is very simple, as long as you can fight and protect me." Shu Wan said simply.

Xiao Li raised his hand, pushed up his glasses, and his smile widened a little, "Ms. Shu, will you need to go abroad or engage in any dangerous activities in the next trip?"

"Is going to a nightclub dangerous?" Shu Wan hesitated.

Xiao Li scoffed, "This doesn't count, this can only be regarded as Miss Shu Wan's daily hobby."

Shu Wan hesitated and couldn't help rolling her eyes, but she didn't explain, "There is nothing else."

Xiao Li pushed up his glasses again, "If that's the case, Miss Shu can consider these people."

From the pile of information, Xiao Li took out a few and placed them in front of Shu Wan. "Given that Miss Shu has no relatively dangerous activities, ordinary security can meet Miss Shu's needs."

"For the people I recommend to you, our quotation here is two thousand yuan per person per hour, plus monthly and annual subscriptions."

Good guy...

Shu Wan shouted in his heart, "What a good guy..."

She now knew why this company had grown so big, and the fees really shocked her.

One person, two thousand an hour, four people, even if it takes her three hours, it's only twenty thousand.

Luxurious, too luxurious.

Shu Wan waved her hand and said, "Four people, one person per day, use it up and then continue."

Xiao Li nodded sincerely, "No problem, Miss Shu, this is the contract, please read it first."

After saying that, Xiao Li pressed his earphone and said, "Let 124,155,150,133, , , and come to the reception room No. ."

After all, it was just a one-day employment, and the contract was very simple. Shu Wan took a cursory look at it and signed it.

After she finished signing, the four people with numbers on the other side also arrived.

Just as Shu Wan expected, everyone was very tall and powerful, and each of them had to wear small sunglasses, not to mention how handsome they were.

Looking at his four bodyguards, Shu Wan felt a sense of security and went up.

Let alone visiting an entertainment club at night, she felt that if she went to find someone to fight each other for 300 rounds, that would be absolutely fine.

With a quick payment, Shu Wan listened to her heartbroken voice, transferred a car from the company, and went straight to the mall with four bodyguards.

This mighty and majestic man, if he doesn't carry a bag for her, isn't this a waste of talent...

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