Xuancheng No. 1 Middle School.

Nan Lingyi couldn't recognize a cheap son, but Shen Yunchu was different.

Even if we haven't seen him for a few years, we can still recognize him even though he has changed a lot.

"Mom, it's Yunxi."

Nan Lingyi followed Shen Yunchu's line of sight and saw a thin and handsome young man with big eyes and fair complexion, who stood out among the crowd.

Nan Lingyi touched his face and felt a little satisfied. No matter what, these children had inherited their good looks.

She is a superficial person and will be more patient with good-looking people.

"Follow us and take a look."

Nan Lingyi said unhurriedly, and the mother and daughter followed the students as if they were going shopping.

They followed for a while, feeling a little strange. The old lady tilted her head and asked, "Didn't you have any companions when you were in school?"

Shen Yunchu was stunned for a moment, recalling his somewhat distant student career, and replied seriously: "Yes."

Nan Lingyi pointed to the front: "Then why is your little brother walking alone without even a companion or a classmate to say hello?"

Just now, Shen Yunchu was caught up in a dispute between her former younger brother and her. Now she was reminded by her mother that something was wrong. As Shen Yunxi walked by, all the students around him seemed to be avoiding...

Just, like avoiding the plague.

"What, what's going on?"

The mother and daughter looked at each other and saw the boy passing by an alley and seemed to be surrounded by a group of people.

Shen Yunchu was anxious and wanted to rush forward. Are these people going to bully their younger brother? Nan Lingyi thought calmly for a moment and stopped Shen Yunchu: "Listen first, what happened?"

The young man was pushed to the wall.

The Qingjun young man lowered his head but did not make a sound.

"Hey, isn't this the famous figure in our school, Shen Yunxi? Why are you no longer as aloof as you used to be?"

The others around him laughed.

"Brother Xie, you don't know that our classmate has a quirk, his family situation is not bad, his life is good, and he even has professional knowledge. Professor Zhang led him to do many projects, and he got awards and bonuses for that. He's soft-hearted, but he just can't live a good life..."

"That is, not only did he steal Professor Zhang's teaching and research results, but he also tried to taint Professor Zhang's daughter. You tell me, how dare he?"

"It's a blessing that God's law has made it clear that people would bump into it, otherwise..."

"If his stepmother hadn't knelt down and begged Professor Zhang in front of him, he wouldn't have been able to go to school, or he would have been in jail..."

"Shen Yunxi, when I heard that you were in this alley and you took the opportunity to send Senior Zhang Wanyue back, you suddenly became suspicious. Today, I want to seek justice for Junior Wanyue..."

"Now that Junior Sister Wanyue is still living in the hospital, she is so frightened that she can't even eat. Shouldn't you repent?"

These people's words about my hospital made the old lady connect the cause and effect. She looked a little colder. Shen Yunchu was secretly worried. She didn't expect that such a scene would happen when she met Shen Yunxi.

"Mom, it's impossible for me to do those things..."

"He has been so kind since he was a child that he couldn't bear to step on an ant to death. How could he do these things?"

Nan Lingyi had a sense of fate, and the old lady already knew it and had made a decision in her heart.

"Go find some people, you don't want to see your little brother really get beaten, do you?"

Shen Yunchu responded hurriedly.

The life of many people these days is not easy to say. She just shouted about recruiting part-time workers for 100 cents a day, and suddenly a group of people came to her.

Counting, there are about one or two hundred people.

She led these people towards the alley. When they heard the noise, the group of people looked at each other.

If someone comes over, they will naturally not continue. They are all students. Although they punish evil and promote good, it is not good for others to meet them.

Shen Yunxi closed his eyes and prepared to face the pain. He waited for a long time, but there was no movement. Instead, he heard the noise of many people.

The old lady kicked him directly: "Why are you still closing your eyes? Waiting to be beaten, come with me..."

Shen Yunxi was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously stood up and followed Nan Lingyi.

Shen Yunchu took a group of people to a place. She scratched her head, trying to think of a reason to send them away. She patted her head and said, "Go over there and help move the things."

Not far away was a steel factory, and it happened that a batch of goods had just arrived and were waiting to be moved.

Shen Yunchu gave everyone the money, and everyone was full of energy and rushed to move the goods.

The guy who was driving was waiting for someone at the door. Suddenly he saw a group of people coming and muttered: "These people who come out to move goods are pretty fast."

Shen Yunchu took advantage of others not paying attention and quietly left to find himself, Nan Lingyi.

Shen Yunxi followed Nan Lingyi silently.

Nan Lingyi didn't speak either.

Knowing that Shen Yunchu was chasing after him, he gasped: "Mom, luckily there is a bunch of things that need to be moved over there, otherwise I don't know how to send those people away."

Hearing the voice, Shen Yunxi raised his head subconsciously and said in disbelief: "Sister?"

Shen Yunchu looked at Shen Yunxi with a complicated expression.

Shen Yunxi suddenly realized at this time that the person who called Shen Yunchu "mom" had been to Qiao's house when Shen Yunchu got married and knew Mrs. Qiao, so he naturally knew that she did not call her "mother-in-law".

The only thing that can make Shen Yunchu willing to call her mom is...

only one person.

Could it be her?

Back then, Shen Yunxi was not as old as Shen Yunchu. He was so young that he had long forgotten those things.

At this moment, I was a little stunned.

When Shen Yunchu saw this, he kicked him lightly: "What are you doing standing there in a daze? Call me mom!"

Shen Yunxi shouted subconsciously, but couldn't make a sound: "..."

Then, I didn’t know what to say.

Nan Lingyi looked at the little guy in front of him and said nothing.

Shen Yunchu pinched his ears angrily: "What, your voice has run away from home? You can't even call me mom."

Shen Yunxi just lowered his head and said nothing.

He said dullly: "She was never there when I needed her. It was my stepmother who raised me and paid so much for my affairs. I have promised that I will only recognize her as my mother..."

Shen Yunchu, who was originally very happy because of the reunion, heard Shen Yunxi's words and felt as if his heart had been stabbed by a needle. The pain was severe. What did the younger brother say?

Did she hear it correctly?

She subconsciously looked at Nan Lingyi, fearing that her mother would be sad about this. Although she didn't know where her mother had gone after leaving them all these years, in her heart, she was the only mother for their brothers and sisters.

"You, what are you talking about?"

Shen Yunchu couldn't help but slap Shen Yunxi on the face.

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