Honkai Impact: Send your sister to World Snake at the beginning

Chapter 25: Rumors of zombies, exploring the old city at night

"Tickets for Eden's concert. Your father is really powerful."

Although Fu Xia doesn't pay attention to these, he also knows that Eden is the most popular singer at the moment and is known as the greatest artist of this century. She often dominates the hot searches on the Internet. In reality, her posters are everywhere. Do you want to know her? All difficult.

"I have three tickets here. I originally planned to go with my father, but he had something to do and couldn't come." The little fat man looked a little disappointed, but he quickly cheered up. "It's just right. Let's go together. We still have a ticket. Let me think about it and call your senior sister too."

"Well, you know, I'm not interested in these things. This ticket is so precious, so you should go with someone else." Fu Xia was a little hesitant. Although he wanted to see Eden's grace, this ticket was indeed very precious.

"Don't be polite to me. Who is following the other? We are best friends. Just go with me." The little fat man put his arms around Fu Xia's shoulders and didn't care. Yesterday, Eden announced that she was going to hold a concert in a city not far away, which made him extremely happy. Anyone who has heard her music will be shocked. He had made up his mind from the beginning to go with his father and his best friend Fu Xia, so he asked his father to buy three tickets. His father had something to do and couldn't come, so he just let Fu Xia's senior sister go. Take less care.

"Okay, thank you." Fu Xia agreed anyway. He cherished this friendship very much and was thinking about how to tell Senior Sister Hua the news.

After-school time always goes by surprisingly fast, and in a blink of an eye the school bell rings.


"Did you hear that Eden is going to have a concert in Longquan City next Saturday? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"What are you expecting? Longquan City is not far from us, but do you have any tickets for the concert? They are all sold out within three seconds of getting on the platform every time. Scalpers can't even get the tickets."

"Hey, don't pour cold water on me here, can't I think about it? It's true!"

Listening to the chatter of her classmates, Hua didn't know how to get involved. She usually spent her time practicing martial arts and spent very little time on entertainment. The classmates were chatting about Eden's new song, but she hadn't heard it. Not included in the conversation.

An An quietly packed her schoolbag, Hua carried it on her back and walked out the door.

Hua is always among the first few to leave the classroom. For this silent girl, the classmates have no special impression of her.

"Sister Hua!" A familiar voice came from behind. It was the boy who was very familiar with her junior brother. Hua still had a good impression of this boy who was happy every day.

Turning around, it was indeed him, and beside him was his junior brother.

"What's wrong?" Hua asked with a smile.

The little fat man took out a ticket from his pocket and handed it to Hua with a smile. He was really worried about Xia's ability to do things. He couldn't even say a few words to his senior sister. He was really worried about paying Xia the original concert ticket tomorrow. Give it back to yourself, and you can only take action on your own.

"My dad bought three tickets for the Eden concert. Let's go there together next week. Fu Xia will go too. You are in your senior year of high school and you must be under a lot of study pressure. Let's go and relax together."

Feeling the sincerity in the little fat man's eyes, Hua took the ticket he handed over.

"Thanks, I'll be there."

"That's right. I know that Sister Hua, you are not as coy as Fu Xia. We have agreed that I will ask Fu Xia to call you when the time comes. We will go on Friday."

The little fat man was very satisfied with Hua's behavior, hugged Fu Xia and was about to leave.

"Sister Hua, please leave first. Fu Xia and I are going to have some fun. You don't have to worry."

Fu Xia then said: "Senior sister, I will go back in a moment."

Hua pinched the ticket in his hand, thinking of the descriptions of Eden by his classmates, and he was full of expectations for Saturday's concert.

Here, the little fat man hugged Fu Xia and walked out of the campus gate.

With a mysterious expression on her face, she leaned close to Fu Xia's ear.

"I tell you one thing, you must not be afraid."

Fu Xia pushed the little fat man away in disgust. "You're not afraid. I can still be afraid. I'm so nervous. Tell me what you're going to do by pulling me out. I have to practice boxing tonight."

"Hey." The little fat man didn't care. "Haven't you heard? There are zombies here. They attack people passing by at night. They are right over in the old city. I plan to go and have a look and investigate."

"Zombie?" Fu Xia is somewhat interested. He has been practicing martial arts this year, but martial arts has not been of much use. He did not show his strength at all when he came to the gym. His hands were itchy. If there were zombies... But This kind of market rumor is false at first glance. Now that technology is so advanced, rumors of the existence of real zombies have long been spread, and it is not just a rumor.

"Yes, zombies!" The little fat man's eyes shone. This legendary thing aroused his curiosity the most. "Aren't you curious? You can practice boxing for a long time, but you can only encounter zombies if you miss it for a long time."

"Okay, if we don't find him, we'll go home early." Fu Xia agreed. Even if he was indifferent, he was still a young man. The characteristic of young people is that they are very curious. Even if they don't encounter zombies, it would be good to go shopping in the old city. He has never been there before.

The schoolbags are placed in the classroom, and their homework has been completed in the physical education class. It is said that this physical education teacher is always sick. How did he choose it when he applied for the job.

The city itself is not divided. It is the citizens who divide the city into two parts: the old city and the new city. The old city is in the east and the new city is in the west. In recent years, we have focused on developing the new city. It already looks like a high-tech city. All kinds of neon lights flash at night, which is no different from daytime. The development of the old city lags far behind. Most of the houses are still the same as they were in the last century, and they look gray at night.

There is no soil for development here. Young people have gone to live in the new city. There are very few people in the old city, only some old people are left. The old people go to bed early. As a result, only sporadic lights are on in the old city at night, like a ghost town.

Little Fatty and Fu Xia walked on the streets of the old city at night with flashlights on.

The little fat man clung to Fu Xia's body, holding Fu Xia's arm tightly with one hand and flashing a flashlight with the other.

"I-I'll go, is this, the old city so scary at night?"

His teeth were chattering, and the little fat man felt weak in his hands and feet. He was quite confident when he came, but he didn't expect that the mere environment had already defeated him before he met the real owner.

"No, as for that." Fu Xia looked at the little fat man who was close to his body speechlessly. This is the so-called addiction to food. He was obviously scared to death and wanted to see a zombie. If he really saw it, he would probably have to die. Scared half to death.

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