Perhaps to repay Xing for saving her life, or perhaps to make up for calling Xing a monster when she first saw her in the orphanage, Bronya did not choose to resist when Xing pushed her and fell down the stairs. Who can say clearly...

The two appear in the laboratory.

Xing cherished the glasses Fang Zuo gave her and held a rabbit doll in her arm. This was the only thing her parents left for her.

Fang Zuo arranged for Xing to wait in the laboratory for a while, then walked out of the laboratory door and headed outside St. Freya Academy alone.

Coming to a wilderness, Fang Zuo teleported to the laboratory. Xing sat obediently on a chair and looked at everything in the laboratory curiously. When he saw Fang Zuo coming back, his whole person became much brighter.

Fang Zuo took Xing's hand and smiled warmly. "Let's go home."


In order to prevent others from discovering his abnormality, Fang Zuo took Xing back to St. Freya Academy from the wilderness.

He told the guard that Xing was his sister and that he didn't face any difficulties. The guard let them in directly. After all, how could such a young girl be a threat?

Returning to his dormitory, Fang Zuo breathed a sigh of relief. No unexpected situation occurred. All the measures he had prepared were not used. He successfully brought Xing back.

He led Xing into a small bedroom. The walls were covered with pink wallpaper and there were many dolls on the bed. It looked very cozy.

"This is our home. If nothing else happens, we will live here for several years. How are you, are you satisfied with this place?"

Fang Zuo looked sideways at the little girl on his left with a smile on his face.


Xing's eyes were full of stars and she nodded.

Although this place is small, it is very warm and cozy. This is something she has never felt since she can remember.

"From today on, we are brothers and sisters. I will take care of you and won't let you get hurt."

Fang Zuo touched Xing's long hair and said dotingly.

He had wanted to have a daughter before, but this goal was not realized until his death. A girl as cute as Xing should have been pampered by her parents in every possible way.

"My long hair is very beautiful. Promise me not to cut it off."


Teacher Fang Zuo suddenly had a lovely sister beside him. The news spread throughout St. Freya Academy, and everyone was very curious.


Theresa shook her short hair, sweat beads falling down the ends of her hair.

She had just finished training. As a Valkyrie, although she refused the title of S-class Valkyrie, it did not mean that she did not need to participate in combat. Apart from management work, she spent most of her time on training.

Cecilia's death left a big shadow in her heart, and she would think of her whenever she was free.

"Ah, Jizi, what are you talking about? Fang Zuo suddenly has a sister? Hahaha, stop joking, where did he get his sister..."

Theresa smiled and waved her hands. She didn't believe it at all. Tianming's intelligence ability was not just blown away. The information about Fang Zuo in the database was clearly recorded. He was an orphan and a survivor of the disaster in Siberia. According to the records, He does have a sister, but they were separated when they were very young. Tianming couldn't collect any information about his sister. It's been a long time since...

Theresa couldn't laugh anymore, she thought of Cecilia again.

'Grandpa, if it weren't for you, how could Cecilia have died? She was obviously just the Second Herrscher. '

Himeko crossed her arms across her chest and leaned against the wall.

"Who knew, he suddenly went outside the academy, and when he came back, he brought this so-called sister with him. Do you think we should go and have a look?"

Theresa thought for a while, shook her head, and looked at the sky outside the window, the sun was shining brightly, the sky was blue and white clouds.

"I've been staring at him for a long time, and he didn't do anything out of the ordinary. Maybe I really misunderstood him. He just likes the academy. Besides, there's nothing we can do here to plot. You need to waste your time on him."

Himeko laughed. "You finally figured it out. Even if he has any ideas, we don't have to be afraid of him. He's just a thin, smelly man. What's so great about him?"

Theresa turned back and rolled her eyes at Jizi. "Since he is a stinky man, don't keep drinking with him. Why not spend some time thinking about how to make students grow up faster. In addition, don't often hang out with those rich second generations. You don't like that kind of people. Why do you keep asking them to 'date' you?"

"Ha..." Jizi yawned, looked down at the short Theresa, and sneered.

"This is how I relax. The world is so dangerous and I can't have any fun anymore. Maybe one day, bah, what unlucky words can I say? I won't die before I find a good man."

"Since you don't want to go and have a look, I'll go alone. I really want to meet that guy's sister. I heard that he takes his sister with him wherever he goes, making the little girls in the academy envious. "

After saying that, Jizi was about to walk outside.

"Go ahead, go find your handsome boy."

Theresa waved her hand. She wanted to take a bath most now, and then she had work to deal with, so there was no time to go and have fun with Jizi.

She didn't want to see Fang Zuo, but Fang Zuo wanted to see her.

These days, he takes Xing with him wherever he goes. After the "Eye of Sin" was blocked, the world in Xing's eyes has returned to normal. She is still a child after all. Fang Zuo takes her to play with many young ladies every day. The whole person is much more cheerful.

Before experiencing what happened later, Xingquan didn't show any signs of illness. It can only be said that the acquired environment is extremely important to the formation of a person's personality. Now he is a cute little sister.

After getting along with Xing for several days, Fang Zuo realized that it was not a big deal to take her around every day. Although he was fine with it and was even happy to do so, Xing was also very happy. However, people are social animals and there was no one with her in the academy. People of the same age need friends, and friends of the same age play an important role in a person's childhood.

Therefore, Fang Zuo decided to send Xing to school in Changkong City, but now he faced a problem. Xing had no identity and could not handle the enrollment procedures for her.

But this is not a problem for Fang Zuo. If you want to ask who is the most powerful person in the Far East Branch, it must be that woman. He also needs to let Xing pass in front of Theresa, otherwise he will not be able to tell De What kind of opinion will Lisa have on herself? After all, Xing has a special status.

He took out his communicator and dialed Theresa's number.

Got connected quickly.

"Are you the principal? I'm Fang Zuo. I have something to ask you. Do you have time now? Ah, let me go to your office. Okay, I'll be there right away."

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