Honkai Impact: Travel Notes of the Tree and the Sea

Chapter 80 Return of the True Self (Page 12)

Alicia knelt down between the two horns of the giant dragon, slowly stroking the scales under her body, hoping to give Tian Na some comfort.

Tian Na's narration seemed to be telling a story, someone else's story, but the lovely Lixia felt a little distressed after hearing it.

"However, Ah An will definitely not be alone during future trips. After all, Ah An told me that those three lovely girls will accompany An An."

There was a hint of imperceptible disappointment in Alicia's cheerful tone as always. Perhaps Alicia also hoped that she could accompany him and accompany him on the rest of the journey. But now she no longer has that possibility.

Tian'an, who still maintained his dragon form, naturally felt Alicia's loss. At this time Tian'an finally asked the question that had never been spoken.

"Ellie, if you have the chance, would you like to see this world? This world you expect."

Maybe she thought that the dance was coming to an end, or maybe Alicia simply wanted to talk to Tian Na more in the last time.

"Of course I do. I want to see if the starry sky in the new world is as shining as ever. I want to see the humans in the new world. I also want to see the Herrschers around you..."

"You know, Ana. Every time you tell a story to Eden and I, I yearn for that kind of life. A trip that doesn't care about the destination or the journey and just go on the go. Isn't that very romantic? Something about that?”

Alicia relaxed and lay on Tian's head, her eyes full of hope. Alicia once imagined what it would be like if they were all still alive, if they were all ordinary people and were born in an ordinary world.


Alicia jumped off Tian'an's head and turned her back to him so that Tian'an wouldn't see her expression.

"The dance is over~A'an, you also know everything about Alicia as you wished."

"So, after you leave, A'an, you must remember us and take a good look at this new world for us -"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that."

Tian'an interrupted Alicia's speech for the first time. Those words that seemed a bit inhumane made Alicia look up at Tian'an in confusion, as if she wanted to see from Tian's dark golden vertical pupils. See something in it.

"As a traveler, what I want to say is that some scenery can only be appreciated with your own eyes. Only when you are truly in the scenery can you understand the meaning of this journey."

"I know it too, and I want to see it with my own eyes. But I am just a memory, and we are destined to stay in the existence of yesterday..."

Alicia's voice turned into sobs.

The dance has reached its final stage, and now Alicia has already told Tianan to come back to Paradise to see them when he has time, and she can't even say such words.

After all, the biggest secret guarded by Paradise is Alicia herself. But now that the secret has been solved, the Paradise has no meaning of existence. After Tian Nian leaves, the Paradise will slowly be formatted, erasing everything that once existed among the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire.

Seeing Alicia's performance, Tian'an just nodded silently in his heart.

Alicia answered and wished, and he received it.

"Twelve Star Marks - Libra"

Alicia, whose vision was blurred due to tears, could not clearly see what was happening in front of her for a while.

After she wiped away her tears with a hint of panic, Alicia realized that there was something else under the dragon's wings in front of her.

There is a golden weighing plate hanging under each of Tian's wings. As the dragon-shaped Tian's body gradually straightens up, a "dragon-shaped scale" has appeared in front of Alicia.

"This is……"

Alicia tried hard to recall that Tian'an had previously shown Alicia the twelve star-marked weapons he owned. And looking at Tian's current appearance, Alicia knew that Tian'a should be one of the weapons used by "Libra".

But at that time, Tian'an just said "the greatest effect of this weapon can only be reflected in matters related to cause and effect" about the weapon, and then prevaricated it.

So, under Alicia's gaze, the dark golden crystal flower that Ali gave to Tianan appeared on the plate on the right side of the scale, while there was "nothing" on the plate on the left.

But even so, the scales are beginning to tilt to the left. But the good news is that there is more than just one crystal flower on the plate on the right.

"Outsider, I don't know what your purpose is, but now, because of Alicia, I am willing to believe you once." The still cold voice came from the space, and what appeared on the plate with the voice was A blue crystal flower.

"Sorry, my friend. It took me some time to convince them, but we believe you, because Ellie does too." A golden crystal flower also appeared on the right side of the plate.

"The future of the Paradise...has taken a path I don't know...but I see...it is a future without tears..." Pink crystal flowers followed closely.

"Qiang Qiang! I didn't expect it to be me in the end. Since they have all done this, I have no choice but to obey the majority. But if you have a chance, just give me some more of your drawings." With the last gray-white flower The crystal flower appeared on the plate, and the scale finally began to tilt to the right.

Of course there is "something" in the plate on the left side of the scale. After all, cause and effect cannot appear out of thin air. And the reason why there is nothing on the left is because the thing on the plate on the left is the world itself.

Now the crystal flower representing Alicia has won the position above the world above Libra.

At the moment when the plate on the right tilted completely, the starry sky in the Sea of ​​Origin began to reverse.

Countless pink starlights scattered from everywhere and gathered in Tian's claws. Alicia subconsciously wanted to touch those starlights, but when she stretched out her hand, she realized that her body seemed to be gradually becoming a part of those starlights, floating towards the sky with them.

Soon, Alicia disappeared.

As more and more starlight pours in, a crystal flower is gradually taking shape in Tian's hands.

Soon, the last starlight slowly merged into the crystal flower. Tian Na held the crystal flower in his hand, and there seemed to be a naked body lying in the center of the crystal flower.

Then, the crystal flower shattered suddenly, turned into fine powder and clung to the girl's body, turned into the girl's pure white dress, and wrapped her body.

The girl woke up slowly. She seemed a little confused when she just woke up. She touched her face and clenched her fist in disbelief. A familiar feeling filled the girl's body, making her feel like she was in a dream.

Until Tian's voice brought her back to reality.

"How's it going, Alicia. Are you still used to your original body?"

"A'an...you brought me...back to life?"

Alicia still looked in disbelief, touching her body here and there.

Originally, resurrecting Alicia was very simple. The memory can serve as the soul. Then Xiaochuang can make a soul doll and put the soul in it.

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