Honkai Impact 3: Deadwood

Chapter 83 Bathhouse

"Speaking of which, I didn't expect that the "Anti-Entropy" troops would go there for vacation. It seems that the resort in New Zealand is quite popular. "

During the brief chat, the blond girl in blue and white armor suddenly sighed, but the captain was filled with questions.

"What? Vacation?"

"Huh? Is there any problem? When we encountered the "Anti-Entropy" fleet just now, I wanted to ask you what happened, but Ms. Theresa said you were not here, so I mentioned it to her instead. . "

"Of course, what happens next?"

I seem to have guessed the reason...

"Then she told me that "Anti-Entropy" came here for a team building vacation, and I thought, should I recommend it to my friends next time..."

"Who would take a battleship to go on vacation, and it has become a complete disaster area..."

"Ah, that's right..."

The overly upright girl suddenly realized something and nodded seriously.

"Anyway, let's leave that aside for now. Sorry, Bianca."

"Huh? What's wrong, course teacher? Why suddenly..."

Seeing that she had no doubt about it, the captain couldn't bear to hide it like this, so he told her everything about how he deliberately used the public channel to chat, causing the location of Youlandel to be leaked.

After hearing this, Youlandel frowned and said nothing. When the captain apologized, she just kept saying it didn't matter.

However, it was not until his own ship sent a return notice and the blond girl hurriedly said goodbye to the captain that the captain heard her faintly say:

"So that's it. It seems that I came in too much of a hurry. After I was caught talking to the teacher in public, I scared them into going on vacation..."

The girl finally muttered and flew towards the battleship parallel to Hyperion, leaving the captain standing there with a helpless smile and sigh.

At 5 pm that day, Hyperion returned to St. Freya Academy after his recovery mission failed and he lost two Valkyries.

While Kiana was still asleep, the captain, Himeko and Theresa had a long discussion in the office.

Although the risk was not low, in the end the two of them unanimously approved the plan arranged by the captain to infiltrate the ME Club, one of the cadres of the "Anti-Entropy Organization", Cocolia's home base, to rescue Mei and three others.

Fortunately, the ME Company is located in the Far East region. The situation is urgent and the time for action is late tonight.

That night, with a few hours left before the mission started, the captain, who was a little confused, went to the St. Freya Baths, which he had not visited for a long time.

The bathhouse of St. Freya Academy is also a very popular place in the school. I don’t know who designed it in the first place. The bathhouses are all decorated in a retro-Eastern style that does not match the overall church-like architecture of the campus. For the first time Anyone who enters will have the illusion of going to a hot spring in a popular tourist area.

Of course, the apartments where students and teachers live have single bathrooms, and most of the students who come here are not just here to take a shower.

The reason may be because of the traditional influence of bathing in the Far East, or maybe because Theresa made a mistake, further modified the style of the bathhouse facilities, and added many ingredients similar to hot springs...

I heard that the special ingredients added to the water and the minerals used as the base of the bath can relieve fatigue and improve skin quality. The academy is basically an all-girls school, so its popularity has naturally increased.


Even the captain couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he was soaking alone in the huge bath. I have to say that it is really comfortable to take a bath once in a while.

The slightly hot bath, the white water mist, and the retro style all remind the captain of the past long time ago when he and his close friends relaxed, laughed, and talked about trivial matters in the hot spring.

For some reason that he himself didn't know, even though it happened hundreds of years ago, in his memory, it felt like it happened yesterday...

Ishikawa... Saito... Yukimura...

Each name and the image of its owner appeared in the captain's mind. Their faces, their voices... were still so clear.


Reciting the name of his old friend, the captain breathed another sigh of relief, scooped up a handful of water with both hands, then opened his palms, and the clear warm current flowed down from his fingers. Finally, when all the water was gone, the captain's empty palms were still filled with water. Keep a trace of warmth.

That is a precious thing called memory.

During this long journey, he met many people and lost many people, but he did not feel too sad or painful about it.

In any case, he is still very lucky that his memory can transcend common sense and remain clearly in his heart forever. Even if one day he will lose these precious memories, now he will never stop for this and fall into confusion. .

But thinking of this, the captain looked a little sad again.

He didn't know whether it was a blessing not to forget.

Perhaps for some reason, you may have transcended the constraints of common sense and don't have to worry about the memory capacity of your brain. However, someone very important to him has been trapped in this problem for thousands of years.

Constantly giving up, constantly forgetting, and finally even one's sincerity was sealed in the so-called mission.

"If I don't have this 'lucky', then am I qualified to dictate her life and choices?"

"In other words, with this "lucky" thing, can I feel at ease with it?"

"Red Kite..."

The captain's voice echoed in the empty bath, but what he didn't expect was that his unintentional call was answered by someone in the women's bath next door.

"Huh? Are you calling me? Captain?"


The captain woke up from his memories and looked behind him, and then realized that starting from the bamboo wall behind him was the women's bathing area.

"Fu, Fu Hua?"

"It's really strange that you would come to the bathhouse. Aren't you worried about being secretly photographed by the students?"


As soon as Fu Hua complained about it, the captain recalled not very good memories... In fact, this was also the reason why he didn't come to the bathhouse very often.

Except for a few teachers and staff who are male, everyone at St. Freya Academy, including the students, is all female.

The same goes for the bathing area. People come and go in the women's bathing area, but no one comes to the men's bathing area at all.

Therefore, whether it is other men or the captain who occasionally comes here to take a bath, basically one person has a large bath to himself every time.

The school once considered whether to change all the men's baths into women's baths, but after hearing the captain's praise of the bathing experience, Theresa finally retained 1/3 of the men's bathing area.

But even if Theresa had arranged it carefully, the captain still didn't come to the bathhouse very often.

The reason is, as Fu Hua said... I don't know what happened, but soon after the captain came to serve in the Far East Branch, his popularity began to spread in the academy.

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