Honkai Impact 3: Deadwood

Chapter 72 Pursuit

"Captain! The Herrscher is very fast. If you continue like this, you will be caught up!" "

"Don't panic, enter the first level of combat readiness, activate the hull protective shield, turn on all close-in air defense systems and rail guns on the entire ship, and adjust the power to 150% of the standard."


"Adjust the course, never get close to the coast, go to the open area to the west!"

"Huh? Yes!"

Following the captain's order, Hyperion immediately changed his route and flew to the plains to the west. At the same time, the entire ship was surrounded by protective covers formed by hexagonal grids, and all main guns were put into standby mode.

"Captain, kids..."

"Theresa, don't worry, I asked the technical class to prepare a backup channel, and we will be able to contact you in a moment."


"Your former student suddenly became a Herrscher. You must feel very uncomfortable, right?"

"I-I'm fine...Captain."

Wendy was once Theresa's best student. The captain also learned this during the original conversation with Theresa.

"Cheer up now, Principal."

The captain deliberately used the title of principal. She walked up to Theresa, leaned down and patted her on the shoulder.

Theresa snorted lightly, and the expression on her face became firm: "Don't underestimate me, Captain, if you really want to talk about it, I am the elder."

"Well, this is what the leader of the Far Eastern Branch should look like."

It seemed that Theresa was not shaken by this, so the captain felt relieved, but there were more serious problems at the moment.

"The Herrscher of Wind", judging from his memory, Wendy probably has the terrifying power to manipulate and create fluids. This is why the captain did not let Hyperion escape to the coast.

If Wendy really has that kind of power, the entire sea will become Hyperion's enemy. In addition, fluids also include gases... and humans themselves, that is, the blood in the human body.

That was a long, long time ago. The young man had witnessed with his own eyes that in the place where the "Wind Herrscher" was raging, some people were torn into pieces without any warning, and some died miserably because the blood all over their bodies exploded. , and some people...in their arms, with their almost completely severed bodies, told themselves the last words...

"Captain, the Herrscher is catching up!" "

"Prepare to fight, launch missiles first to hold her back!"

Following the captain's order, the missile bays on both sides of the Hyperion bridge were all opened, and the missiles inside flew out neatly in rows, launching an attack on the Herrscher behind.

However, after several rounds of explosions, the "Herrscher" emerged from the smoke without any damage and accelerated, finally blocking Hyperion in front of him.

To be honest, neither the captain nor anyone else felt that a single Hyperion could confront a Herrscher-level existence head-on.

The captain is always ready to maximize the power of the "Key of Space". Once Wendy becomes murderous and wants to use the power to kill people on the ship, he will immediately activate the "Second God's Key". "Three Rated Power", using the power to control space to do its best to protect Hyperion.

And in the worst-case scenario, he will go out directly and use the "God-killing Armor" and "God Key" to have a head-on confrontation with Wendy in order to allow Huberly to escape safely.

"Captain! Look!"


Within sight, the girl blocking the battleship in front of her, the flying airflow gradually took shape in front of her, and finally turned into a high-pressure airflow bullet in her hand.

"It happened!"

It was too late for the battleship to reorganize its defenses. Wendy sneered and threw out the air bomb in her hand. A ball of white air shot fiercely at Hyperion. The protective cover of the Hyperion hull was only in contact with the air pressure bomb. In an instant, it was torn to pieces by the powerful airflow.

After a loud noise, a large crater was easily smashed into the superalloy deck on the side of the Hyperion bridge. The ship's hull shook violently, as if it was about to fall and disintegrate in the next second.



Due to the sudden violent shaking of the ship's hull, Theresa lost her balance and fell down. She was about to hit the metal railing. The captain moved over to protect Theresa's small body in his arms, but his own body was violently It hit the guardrail hard.


"Huh? Captain!!"

"Theresa, are you okay?"

The captain endured the severe pain and helped Theresa up, but Theresa reprimanded him very worriedly: "Idiot! What do you care about me? I am a Valkyrie, and nothing will happen to me at this level!"

"Well, subconsciously..."

"Captain, are you... okay? Even though you are an ordinary person, you are still so brave. Let me see!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Besides, compared to this..."

At this moment, another barometric bullet thrown by Wendy also flew in a slight arc and cut one of Hyperion's turrets into pieces.

The sirens of the entire ship emitted harsh beeps, and the bridge fell into some chaos. This was the first time since he took office that he and everyone faced an enemy of the "Herrscher" level.



At this moment, Jizi, who was waiting on the Helios transport ship, suddenly sent a communication.

"Let me attack with "Crimson"! "


Hearing the word crimson, the captain suddenly understood what Himeko wanted to do. "Melting Core Armor Crimson" is Himeko's exclusive Valkyrie armor. Although it is an old type and cannot even be considered a third-generation armor, it is said that in During the collapse of Nagakora City, Himeko used that armor to fight head-on with Mei Raiden, who became the "Third Herrscher" and went berserk.

"If we use the Nexus system, we should be able to buy time to retreat, Captain!"

"No, Himeko, stay on Helios and wait."

"What? Captain, what are you thinking? If we don't find a way to fight back, this ship will disintegrate in the air! We can't wait any longer!"

"Now, I am the supreme commander of this ship, Major Jizi. You want to use your own life to delay time for everyone to retreat. Do you think I will allow this? Execute the order and wait where you are."


The boy's rejection was expected by Ji Zi, but she didn't expect that his attitude and tone were so firm. He had never seen the captain's expression at that moment. It was different from before, serious... No, should I say sad?

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