
Weekends are always short.

Even Hermione is complaining:

"How come time flies by so fast? I just read two books and the weekend is over..."

Her mouth full of Versailles made her Gryffindor classmates subconsciously stay away from her.

Ron glanced at her with disgust: This girl is so annoying! ! !

But right now Hermione can only be ranked second in annoyingness! ! !

What upset Ron even more was his uncle Lin Zhengying.

Ron, who had originally taken a Maoshan class, found Uncle Jiu to be very approachable and the things he taught were quite practical, so he was happy to continue taking the class.

But when he learned that the Maoshan class time for the next week would be adjusted to between five and six in the morning, the time was actually as long as an hour! ! ! And when his name was also on the list of students selected by Uncle Jiu...he couldn't be happy anymore.

After learning that her son was selected to take the Maoshan course, Mrs. Weasley wrote a letter to Ron specifically to urge him to study hard.

But getting up at five o'clock is really difficult...

"Fortunately, we only have one Maoshan class a week, otherwise, I would not have been tortured to death!!!"

Ron looked at Harry, who was sleepy but relatively relaxed compared to him:

"are not you sleepy?"

Harry rubbed his eyes: "I'm sleepy! It's just that when I was at my aunt's house, I got up earlier than this."

"You are so pathetic."

Hearing this, Ron showed a sympathetic expression.

Not long after...

They came to the Black Lake.

Although the Maoshan class also has a dedicated classroom, the inside information Li Xian revealed to them is that unless it is windy or rainy, they will probably have classes outside most of the time.

At the edge of the black lake where the sun had not yet fully risen... Harry and Ron noticed from a distance that someone had already arrived there first.

"These guys are really weird. They can still do it so early..."

Ron looked at Hermione, Neville, and Li Xian who had arrived before them.

I saw Li Xian sitting on a futon at this moment, looking like he was meditating.

There are a total of twenty-one futons in the open space in front of me.

Except for the one at the front, the other twenty are arranged in a 5X4 formation. Li Xian is sitting in seat C in the first row. Not to be outdone, Hermione sat in the first row, first from the right.

"What are you doing?"

Harry and Ron also followed Li Xian and Hermione's example and sat cross-legged on the futon. Neville, who was also meditating next to them, shook his head in confusion: "I don't know... they were already like this when I arrived. Yeah. Who knows when they will arrive..."

Harry subconsciously looked at the other futons.

Twenty? In other words, only twenty of the fifty first-year freshmen at Hogwarts are eligible to learn the Maoshan course?

The acceptance rate is less than half! ! ! The requirements are so strict! ! !

Thinking of this, Harry couldn't help but feel a sense of honor in his heart.

"Whoever comes, read after me!"

At this time, Li Xian, who was sitting in the first row, suddenly said:

"Tao begets one, two lives, two begets three, three begets all things.

All things bear yin and embrace yang, and the energy is in harmony.

What is evil about people is being lonely, widowed, and destitute, but the princes think they are famous.

Therefore, things may be damaged and benefited, or they may be benefited and lost.

What others teach, I also teach others.


Harry, Ron, and Neville looked at Li Xian in confusion, only to see him closing his eyes and silently reciting the scriptures.

Hermione on the side almost didn't hesitate and started to memorize one sentence from Li Xian, and then one sentence from him.

So that the students who came later sat down inexplicably, then learned to sit cross-legged, and then started to recite inexplicably.

The group effect is like this. When one group takes the lead in doing something, the next ones will subconsciously follow, even if they don't know what they are doing...

After reciting for thirty minutes, Uncle Jiu Lin Zhengying lazily walked over.

Li Xian stood up immediately and bowed respectfully: "Meet Master!!!"

When the other students were hesitating to stand up, Lin Zhengying said: "You haven't officially become a disciple yet, so you can't call me Master. You can continue to call me Uncle Jiu, or Professor. How about it? How do you recite the scriptures? Already?"

Just when Hermione was actively trying to say that she could memorize it...

Malfoy, who was sitting in the last row, immediately snorted: "That's it? Let's get up early in the morning just to carry these inexplicable things???"

Li Xian turned around and glanced at the silly Malfoy. In fact, on Sunday yesterday, Li Xian went to see Uncle Nine.

Of course, he didn't want to interfere with who Uncle Jiu chose to teach and who he didn't choose to teach.

But this Malfoy...how did Uncle Ninth fall in love with him?

In this regard, Uncle Jiu said:

"One thought is a gentleman, and another thought is a villain, but there are many people in the world who live between these two thoughts. They are neither villains nor gentlemen."

In just one sentence, the essence of Malfoy seemed to be revealed.

Li Xian couldn't help but admire Uncle Jiu's vision of people...

As Uncle Jiu said, Brother Drag is a contradictory individual, just like the hawthorn wand in his hand...

[The leaves and flowers of the hawthorn tree have healing properties, but the broken branches have a death-like smell. 】

So while hawthorn wands are great for healing magic, they are also great for cursing, a duality that also makes them difficult to control, just like Malfoy, who walks the line between good and evil.

Looking at Malfoy again, he saw the little guy raising his chin with a look of disdain, but when he saw a smirk suddenly flashed across Li Xian's face... he suddenly felt a little hairy on his back!

Then he noticed... there seemed to be a gaze staring at him from behind. When he turned his head and looked, his whole body jumped up.

The screams frightened the other students and fled away.

The person who scared Malfoy to scream was naturally Li Xian's pet zombie Hiro.

In the entire Hogwarts, the little zombie Hiro has been temporarily listed as one of the most terrifying existences.

"Hiro, come here!!!"

Uncle Jiu waved... The little zombie Ah Hong happily jumped to Uncle Jiu, and Uncle Jiu immediately introduced:

"The power of all the spells in Damaoshan depends on the mana, and the level of the mana depends on the degree of practice of the Heart Sutra. The "Tao Te Ching" that your little brother just led you to memorize silently is one of the basic Heart Sutras of Taoist practice. Spend half an hour every day Time, recite the Tao Te Ching once, and the magic power in your body will improve."

"Little senior brother???"

Everyone looked at Li Xian in confusion, and Uncle Jiu explained: "In Maoshan, we insist on being led in by the master, and practice on an individual basis. Unless there are special circumstances, after I teach you once, your junior brother Li Xian will take care of the rest." "

Hearing this... everyone realized that this young senior brother actually wanted to be a professor's assistant, and they couldn't help but feel jealous for a while.

Li Xian was extremely resistant at the moment: Do you think this is a good job?

"I would like to ask Professor Lin, is there any way to make this kind of progress that can be seen with the naked eye?"

Hermione asked curiously.

"Of course!"

Uncle Jiu then took out a charm and handed it to Hermione: "Now try putting this charm on your clothes."

When Hermione turned around and was about to ask her classmates for glue, she was stopped by Uncle Jiu:

“Post it directly!!!”

Hermione followed the instructions with confusion, only to find that the yellow charm without any glue was firmly attached to her robe and could not be shaken off.

"How is this going?"

"This is called Qi!"

Uncle Jiu explained: "Explain in detail that this spell has my magic power, so it can have the ability to bond without the help of any external objects..."

Hermione nodded in understanding, while Uncle Nine observed the little girl in front of him carefully:

This woman is extremely intelligent, but I don’t know what her character is... If possible, she could be cultivated more.

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