Harry Potter: Badger's Flathead

Chapter 98 A bunch of letters

"What's the sound? Did you hear it?"

Harry, who was eating, suddenly looked up at the sky, and then asked his friends around him doubtfully.

"No, you heard it wrong." Hermione swallowed the noodles and looked at Harry strangely.

"Harry, weren't you just frightened?" Ron raised his eyebrows and touched Harry with his shoulder.

"No, I really heard it. Listen! It happened again." Harry pushed Ron's head away and said very seriously.

"Evan, did you hear that?"

"Suck~ I'm not making it! I'm eating noodles!" Ivan chewed noodles in his mouth, holding a chicken leg in one hand, his cheeks bulging from the food.

The beef noodles that Ivan had made fresh in the kitchen had just been frozen by the ghost. He was in urgent need of a steaming bowl of beef noodles to save his life.

(Aiwen: I eat beef. If you don’t let me eat it, I’ll treat you to a big melon!)

Harry said nothing more, lowered his head and concentrated on eating noodles.

After eating and drinking, several people went their separate ways and went back to their dormitories. They were in urgent need of a warm fireplace to save their lives.

After they left, a sneaky elf came out from under the table and looked at Harry's leaving back with a worried expression.

The diary has been lost for many days, but nothing has happened so far. Either Lao Fu's diary is too old and was thrown into the trash can, or it was not picked up at all.

But it's also possible that the old monster is holding something back.

Therefore, Ivan wrote a letter overnight asking Xiao Dai to send it to his grandfather, asking his grandfather how the things he wanted were prepared, and that he could get some if he needed them now.

Two days later~

Alvin received three letter packages in one go.

Little Daidai took one portion, a screech owl took one portion, and a gray forest owl took one portion. Alvin was a little curious, why don't they come here usually, but all come together when they come?

Little Daidai was very generous. After putting down the letter, he asked the other two owls to put them down as well, then took them to his nest and invited them to eat the dried meat from his small bowl.

It eats the best owl jerky snacks.

Alvin ignored the generous little guy, but opened three letters and wrapped them.

The first one was sent by Lucius, a letter, two seals, and a key.

Dear Alvin:

The pet store is officially in operation. In addition to the main store in Hogsmeade, the Diagon Alley branch has officially opened. It has also reached an agreement with the Magical Creatures Store and the Owl Store. From now on, our pet food, snacks, and toys will be even more outstanding. In all cases, all are provided by us.

The address of the Chinese restaurant in Hogsmeade has been chosen and is currently being decorated according to the drawings given by your father. We are just waiting for the Hogwarts kitchen elves to go to the restaurant to train new chefs.

The two seals are the identity seals of the pet shop and restaurant owners respectively. Please be sure to keep them safe! The key is my newly opened account at Gringotts. All new earnings in the future will be deposited into this warehouse, so that I don’t have to worry about being robbed by goblins using Gringotts transfers in the future.

——Lucius Malfoy

After reading the letter, Aiwen's lips turned up and he smiled. This is a good thing! Not only did we win over two big customers, but we also opened a branch, and the restaurant is also ready!

The next step is to wait for the small amount of money to arrive. When the pet circle expands its market scope and allows more pets to enter the wizard's home, then won't it be necessary to count the money until my hands cramp!

And when the funds are in place, other industries can be implemented one after another. By then, the capitalists in the wizarding world will definitely add their Margrave family surname!

Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha haha ​​(* ̄? ̄*)

The second letter was from my father.

In addition to greeting him on a daily basis, the letter also told him about his cooperation with the Malfoy family and the screech owl sent by Lucius, which was specially used to deliver messages to him in the Muggle and magical circles. Getting acquainted.

At the same time, he and Lucius decided to open a hotel to accommodate wizards and ordinary people at the same time. It would also serve as a place for the Malfoy family to settle in the Muggle world, and it would also provide a service for the Margrave family before the industrial chain of the wizarding world was formed. Income sales.

——Your handsome and charming dad

Alvin was not surprised by the signature at the end of his father's letter. In private, they didn't have so many rules. When he was young, Bartlett was a person who didn't like to be bound by rules.

He refused the academic schedule arranged by his family and went to the United States to study alone. It was precisely because of this that he met a destined person like Alina.

So no matter how glamorous he looks on the outside, in private, Bartlett is not a serious person at all. He often wears big pants and works as a housewife at home when he is not working.

The premise is that you don’t need to go shopping with your wife!

The third letter is amazing!

It was a reply from grandpa. In addition to a letter, there was also a packet of drawings.

My little sun:

I found the blueprints you asked for. If you need anything, tell grandpa. You have to take care of yourself in that wizarding world. If you need a weapon, just say it. Grandpa will ask his men to send it to you! You can't be bullied, that's all! Grandpa will visit you when he is done with all the troublesome things during this period.

————Love your grandpa

Alvin was so moved that he wanted to cry, discussing how important it is to choose the right reincarnation technology! Look at the doting of this family, it almost suffocated him!

Just like that, let him die in this suffocating love! He has no regrets (~“▔□▔)~

What grandpa sent was a dozen firearm manufacturing drawings, with the shape and size of each part accurately drawn on them. Anyone with a machine tool who can understand the drawings can make it!

Grandpa's family is a wealthy family in Russia, and they are also arms dealers, and they are legal! Before Big Brother was disbanded, it had been engaged in the arms industry, providing weapons to the Soviet army, but the scale was not very large, and it was only responsible for providing arms to the military regions in the central and southern regions.

Not to mention how awesome it is, but it's not something that anyone can do, unless their family's own economy collapses, the company is acquired by others, or they offend a big shot and are targeted.

Although he is not a noble, he has money in his pocket and does not want to join the team to die. He just wants to live his own life, so in this turbulent period, his life is relatively stable.

However, Alvin heard from his mother that even after this, he still wanted to drag the old man into trouble, so his grandfather is very busy right now.

Ivan felt that he should do something.

Perhaps, he can use magic to help grandpa open foreign markets! When the time comes, hiring a few impoverished dark wizards to help grandpa resell arms will not only be safe but also save a fortune in taxes.

It's just that it can't be seen in the light, it doesn't matter. After all, this is smuggling, and what is escaped is the layers of deductions on the surface.

Now that the blueprints are in hand, you can start operating them. The parts and materials made by blacksmithing during this period are enough to make a few handy weapons.

You need to hold on tighter, that old monster's diary will never stay peaceful for too long.

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