Harry Potter: Badger's Flathead

Chapter 80 I’ll beat him up again!

As expected, Ivan was called to the principal's office again, but now it was just him and Dumbledore, and it was Filch who called him.

Several other deans went to the school doctor's office to see the two guys who were beaten, and planned to talk about Alvin later.

"Child, why are you called here for beating someone again?" Dumbledore was a little helpless.

"What else could be the reason? There are always people who think they are superior and come to mess with me. If he doesn't mess with me, why should I beat him?" Ivan looked like it was a matter of course, not afraid at all.

"Um~ Violence can't solve the problem."

"It is true that violence cannot solve the problem, but it can solve the people who created the problem! If the people who create the problem are solved, the problem will not be solved. So solving the people who created the problem is equivalent to solving the problem. So if the problem is solved, then the problem People must also be solved, so that the problem can be solved!"

Dumbledore was silent for three seconds, and Fox stared at Ivan with his mouth wide open.

"Child, I'm getting older, can you not say it's so complicated? Can you please take care of me, an old man who is over a hundred years old~"


"I probably understand a little bit, but how are you going to solve this problem?" Dumbledore squinted his eyes, curious about Ivan's thoughts.

"What's the big deal? I didn't kill him, which is already a great honor to the school. Besides, it's not my fault. Who told him to call me a mudblood?"

If this doesn't make sense, then there's no need to stay at Hogwarts. If you don't expel me, I'll leave on my own. "

Ivan didn't lie about this. He wasn't afraid even if he no longer studied at Hogwarts. Not to mention the magic book, Lao Fu's diary was still in his hand!

Lao Fu is a very good wizard. You can say he is bad, but you cannot say he is bad. There are any magic spells that cannot be found out there!

He knows how to use isolation spells, and he's not afraid of the diary absorbing his life. Now he also has an industry in the wizarding world, so he's not afraid at all!

But he really couldn't bear to part with Hufflepuff! I can’t let go of the comfortable dormitory, the interesting classmates, the kitchen next door, and the lovely and amiable dean!

It would be fine if he was punished for nothing, but if he was really expelled, then he would let the wizarding world experience the horror of failing high school students!

"Ahem~ It's not that serious, is it a school rule? Although it needs to be strictly followed, it depends on the situation. It's not that unkind. You don't have to worry about that."

Dumbledore was a little embarrassed. Students had always been expelled for committing crimes, but this was the first time he heard that students had thoughts of leaving Hogwarts.

"Uh-huh" ~ Alvin shrugged.

"Oh! Merlin's leaky trousers! Ivan, you'd better explain why you hit him so hard again." Professor McGonagall came with an angry tone, and Professor Snape followed behind.

"Flint had extensive bone fractures all over his body. Thirty-seven bones were broken. His liver was ruptured and his spleen was ruptured. I thought your attack was severe enough last time, but I didn't expect..." Professor Snape's face was gloomy and gloomy. There was suppressed anger in his tone.

"Who is the blame for his own stupidity! He really thinks of me as a good boy! Even if I don't beat him to death, I'm giving the school face. First he called Hermione a mudblood, and then he called me a mudblood!"

Hermione was almost crying with anger. What a big deal he was. After being beaten, he still lay on the ground like a dead dog. What right did he have to insult us! I really want to blow his head off! "

Ivan didn't care about the anger of the two professors, he just told the truth, he was not afraid anyway.

"Then... why don't you come to the professor? Didn't I tell you last time that you can come to the professor to punish him?" Professor McGonagall's anger disappeared instantly, but she still asked Ivan a little angrily.

Professor Snape froze on the spot, his face that originally contained anger became a little dull, as if he had remembered something, and there was some regret on his face.

"He has already cursed me. Is it useful to tell you? Do I have to endure it and let him become arrogant? What's the use of telling you?"

Alvin spread his hands, looking like what else can I do.

"How could it be useless!" Professor McGonagall was a little angry again. She felt that the child had gone too far today and actually thought that the professor was useless.

"So Professor McGonagall, can you make him give up this idea? Can you eliminate the discrimination of those trolls! No, you can only make them restrain themselves for a while.

Don’t forget, the conversation we had when school started, and look at what happened today, no one took your words seriously at all.

That momentary punishment will never change their minds, it will only make them more resentful and breed more discrimination! Because they never feel that they made a mistake. "

Ivan's words silenced Professor McGonagall. Indeed, this idea has never changed over the years. Even being punished cannot change them. They are still like that after leaving school, and they will even educate their descendants in this way.

"So the best way is to shut them up! Make them really convinced, make them really scared! Only in this way can they control their proud broken mouths and stop spraying feces! No matter who it is, there will be a next time! I even beat him!"

Ivan's words were vicious and arrogant, but the professors surprisingly did not teach him a lesson, but were thinking about Ivan's words... Indeed, they have never corrected that thought in so many years, otherwise this would not have happened. thing.

"Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, I know that you are both qualified and good professors, but sometimes, you are still too kind. The ideas planted in your bones cannot be changed by harsh reprimands! There is no bloody lesson. , cannot shake the deep-rooted concepts.”

After speaking, Ivan looked at the three important figures in the magic world in silence, without feeling panic at all! Since we can't kill him anyway, there's nothing to be afraid of.

"Okay, can you decide my problem? Should I be expelled or punished? I can drop out of school on my own. After all, this..."

"no, I can not!"

Seeing that the three professors were silent, Ivan wanted to take the initiative to pass the steps, but before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Snape.

"No one will fire you, right, Albus!" The teacher gave Old Deng a sharp look and gave him a shudder.

"Ah...ah! Yes, no." Dumbledore wondered, what's wrong with this kid?

"You heard it, this matter is not your fault. I will deal with those trolls with splendens in their heads. You...relax.

But you also have to be punished a little. After all, you can't set a bad example for the students. After all, Madam Pomfrey doesn't want to see students getting injured in fights and being hospitalized every three days, right? "

Si Jiao walked up to Ivan. The tall and thin man, coupled with the gloomy and slightly melancholy face, was full of oppression.

"Yes, Professor." Ivan swallowed. The old bat's aura is so strong!

"Okay, let's just forget about this. Ivan will punish you to help me handle the materials for a month. I will settle accounts with the people in my hospital, okay? Albus, Professor McGonagall."

"Since you are from your academy and you have decided, then so be it."

"Of course, Severus."

With the consent of the two old professors, Snape turned around and attacked the school hospital for the second time! They didn't mention the mudblood when they complained to him just now.

"Sorry, Professor!" Ivan called out to Professor Si who was about to leave.

"What's the matter?" The handsome teacher Si turned around and stopped.

"Can I go during the day on the weekend? I have to go to Professor Flitwick to practice spells at night, and I have an appointment for the whole semester."

"Okay." After saying that, Snape strode out of the principal's office.

After Professor Si left, Ivan stared silently at the two old professors.

"Ahem, since everything is fine, you can go back. Just be gentler next time, and the children should not be too violent." It was Lao Deng who finally spoke and put an end to the incident.

"Well, I've caused trouble to you again. Sorry, Professor, I'm leaving first." After saying that, Ivan turned and left.

"Albus, this child doesn't know how to..." Professor McGonagall hesitated.

"No, Minerva, I know what you want to say, he will never! He has qualities that that person will never have." Dumbledore stood up and comforted Professor McGonagall.

"When I went to meet this child for the first time, I thought he was a very well-behaved and honest child. After all, that family was not an ordinary family. But what he said today really looked like those families..."

Professor McGonagall is referring to those dark magic families...

"Yes, but I still believe that he will not follow that person's path." Dumbledore confidently assured Alvin again.

Just as Professor McGonagall was about to say something, she heard a sound from the stone door behind her, and saw that it was Alvin who was leaving and returning.

"Is there anything else, Alvin?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Indeed, I still have something to talk to Mr. Principal." Ivan looked at Dumbledore.

"Say it, kid."

"Please, dear principal! Please don't put the pile of cockroaches on the plate as a tribute. You can change it to a more honest tribute. Those enchanted candies are crawling everywhere on the other tributes. At a glance, that scene……

I don't think any god would like that picture, even if it's a candy you can eat! If you don’t agree, I’ll cut off your tomato hotpot! "("°ロ°)"

Aiwen was a little angry. Just now he thought about going to the kitchen to eat something to replenish his strength, but he saw a bunch of cockroaches crawling on the Stove Lord's tribute. Through Bubu's mouth, he knew that it was Old Deng who was here!

After knowing the usefulness of the portrait, he generously paid tribute to his favorite cockroaches. As a result, the pile of cockroaches became restless after he left, so Ivan rushed back as fast as possible to settle the score with Old Deng.

"Ahem~ Well, I understand. I'll change it next time, but don't cut off the hot pot!" Dumbledore coughed slightly to cover up his embarrassment.

Seeing Old Dengtou's assurance, Ivan looked at Dumbledore with a strange look and then left the principal's office.

Professor McGonagall was left looking at Dumbledore curiously.

"Look, Minerva, I said he would never follow that person's path." Dumbledore smiled mysteriously.

PS: The author has no problem with Slytherin, but the mischievous ones in the original book are all in Slytherin, so there is nothing we can do~

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