Harry Potter: Badger's Flathead

Chapter 68 The deal is finalized, treat Malfoy to dinner

"Here, take two pills of this." Ivan took out two triangular pills and handed them to Draco.

"What is this?" Although Draco was curious, he still threw it into his mouth without hesitation.

(Draco: It’s okay. The candy is quite delicious.)

"This is a Jianweixiaoshi tablet, which helps digestion. It's almost time to eat, so don't eat snacks yet, otherwise you will regret missing my dinner!"

Ai Wen thought for a while and took out this children's digestive artifact. We can't let children come over and just stare at a table full of delicious food! ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

"Master, it's time to eat." The butler knocked on the door and called the two of them to eat.

"Come on, come on!" (????)?

After pausing the game, Alvin picked up Draco and ran to the bathroom to wash his hands. Before Draco could dry his hands after washing, he felt like his whole body was flying.

When passing by the maid, the wind blew up the skirt of this pretty little maid.

Maid: (????) Ya’er~

As soon as the old housekeeper reached the second floor, he saw a dark shadow in front of him, and it passed by in a flash. He couldn't see clearly what it was.

Chas: "Did a big black rat just pass by? Something swiped past!"?(°?°)?

The scene in front of him changed, and before Draco could react, someone else was sitting at the dining table.


Lucius and Narcissa, who had already been on the table, were also stunned.

When did their son come here?

Bartlet and Alina were used to it. Since returning from vacation, they found that their son was surprisingly fast, especially when eating.

Ivan returned to his good-kid form, sitting on the chair and waiting for the food to be served. (〃‘▽‘〃)

"I'm going to make you laugh. This kid is like this. He is very active when it's time to eat." Alina explained a little embarrassedly.

"It's funny, Uncle Lucius, Aunt Narcissa." Ivan complained slightly.

"It's okay, kid. I remember Alvin is a Hufflepuff. This is normal." Lucius came back to his senses from his son teleporting to the dining table.

Hufflepuff? It's normal. How could it be done so quickly without magic? This puzzled Lucius.

"It seems that tonight's dinner is worth looking forward to. It must be great to have a Hufflepuff take such an interest."

Narcissa also smiled and said, not minding Alvin's inappropriate behavior at all. It was obvious that she and Alina got along very well this afternoon.

This afternoon, the two women talked more about their sons than their husbands. Because they were in two worlds, they couldn't talk about shopping or other topics together.

Because of their similar family backgrounds, plus being the mother of her son's friend and her husband's business partner, Narcissa was able to put away her discriminatory attitude towards Muggles very well.

She couldn't embarrass the Malfoy men outside.

However, she and Alina got along very well this afternoon, and she learned a lot of interesting Muggle information.

Draco still hadn't recovered from the mess, and his little mind was still running wildly about how he got here.

"Well, the food is finally served. I hope you like it." The maids brought the prepared dishes to the table, and Bartlett made an inviting gesture to the Malfoy family.

Ten main dishes including roasted sea cucumber with green onions, squirrel mandarin fish, crab meat and lion head, Buddha Jumping over the Wall, Dongpo Pork, Blanched Chicken, Kung Pao Chicken, Boiled Pork Slices, Pineapple Sour Pork, Braised Pork Ribs, and four vegetarian cold dishes. , and a pot of pearl emerald white jade soup!

A sumptuous oriental banquet was served, and the tempting aroma finally called the messy Draco back!

"Wow~" The young master was shocked.

Let’s not talk about the taste for now. This is at least bigger than the plate, with fewer dishes, and putting a root in the blank space is more visually appealing.

Don’t doubt the quality of the presentation of the national dishes. Those that ordinary people usually eat will be served to you at most. Serious national dishes are also served with great care!

"You're welcome, feel free to do it as you would at home!"

Bowls of crystal clear white rice were served, announcing that the dinner for the Malfoy family had officially begun!

Since this family does not know how to use chopsticks, there is a waiter who can use chopsticks to serve them specially.

But the family of three saw how flexibly the Ivan family and the waiter serving them used the two small sticks, and they all became interested and started to try it one after another.

In fact, chopsticks are easy to learn. As long as your fingers are not very inflexible and you master the appropriate method, you can learn it after getting used to it.

The Lucius couple adapted quickly and found that using this kind of tableware to pick up food was really flexible and convenient.

They had heard of it before, but due to regional habits, they did not take the initiative to try it. This time, it was the first time they tried it, but it felt very novel.

Our young master Draco has not yet learned how to use a pair of chopsticks, and he couldn't pick up a piece of chicken for a long time.

"Hey, yo~Draco, your fingers are not flexible, are you?" (???' )

Hearing Alvin's teasing, Draco's desire to win was instantly aroused.

"Who said that? I'm just not used to it for a while. Soon I'll be more skilled than you at using it!"

"Well, yes yes yes!" (?w?)

Seeing Ivan's deliberately teasing look on his face, Draco was about to raise his chin, wanting to make a speech like the young master he was used to, but he didn't expect that his mother would also come to add some finishing touches.

"Oops! I really didn't notice it before. It turns out that Xiaolong's fingers are not flexible!"

Narcissa also made fun of her. She thought her son was quite cute like this.

"Mom~" Draco was speechless. Unexpectedly, his mother also came to tease him.

"Haha~ Come on, Narcissa, stop teasing the children, and Draco, hurry up and eat. If you don't eat this, you will finish the delicious food!" Arlene also smiled and reminded the badger who was crazy about eating next to her.

Only then did Draco notice that Alvin next to him was eating deliciously with a mouthful of meat and a mouthful of rice, and he quickly joined in the meal.

"May we have a happy cooperation!" Bartlett said, raising his glass.

"Of course, it's a pleasure to work with you." Malfoy also raised his glass, and the two men clinked their glasses and drank.

Lucius was very glad that he did not miss this partner due to prejudice when he was in Diagon Alley.

Since that person's downfall, he has sacrificed too much of his fortune to escape. If he had known that guy was so rebellious, he might as well have been a neutral family!

I wanted to rely on him to lead the family to glory, but I didn't expect that guy to be so crazy! Not only did he not hug her, but he also lost half of his family wealth!


Now in order to run the family and his precious son, he has sold some of the black magic props passed down from his family!

This time, it was better. An unexpected act of maintaining dignity brought him such a big harvest!

Um? Where has the pure-blood supremacy gone, you ask?

Pooh! In the face of real interests, an intangible slogan is nothing! Pure-blood supremacy cannot be eaten by everyone, nor can he raise a son for him. Doing business with Muggles can make money, so who cares about that crappy slogan!

Only benefits that can be truly encountered are truly worth paying attention to!


Compared with the good life here, our savior Harry's life is not so good.

An elf appeared out of nowhere, intercepted the letter sent to him by his friend, and kept saying that he would not be allowed to go to Hogwarts!

I still think the Dursleys are safe! Just kidding, if he doesn't go to Hogwarts, where can he learn magic?

What he didn't expect was that when Dursley was entertaining guests today, this little bastard would actually hold a cake on someone's head! Then he walked away and left himself here to pay for his actions.

Harry was going crazy with anger!

Dursley was also so angry that he was going crazy. Today's business was related to whether he could be promoted. Originally, he had an order from Alvin, and with today's business, he could go further, but in the end, everything was ruined!

At this time, Dursley was too angry to care about anything else, especially after seeing the warning letter from the Ministry of Magic and knowing that Harry could not use magic outside of school, he felt even more fooled!

So he locked Harry up again in anger.

But the windows were not sealed. After all, Brian's men moved not far away, so he was still somewhat rational.

But just when he was planning not to let Harry go to school this year, a flying car picked him up in half a day.

The family of three stared at this "abnormal" scene with their mouths open.

At the same time, there are gang members sent by Brian to keep an eye on this place.

At this time, the two gang members are more concerned about what will happen to their mission if the child is gone?

They immediately decided to find Mr. Dursley and have a good talk!

Why would someone secretly pick up this child in the middle of the night? Even if I go to school, why can't I just go out in the daytime openly?

As Brian's most talkative man, Kent decided to let Dursley have a taste of his methods in a civilized way.

For this reason, in the middle of the night, Kent took two bottles of water and a box of lozenges and decided to talk to Mr. Dursley.

PS: The Malfoy family is a big dog family, but I don’t know if they have eaten the national dish, and I don’t know if they have heard of it, but these are not important!

What we want to achieve is the effect in the book, so even if he has eaten it, he has to change it to me as if he has never eaten it! I said!

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