Harry Potter: Badger's Flathead

Chapter 51 Roll them all up for me!

"Professor Flitwick, I have something to ask you for help. I wonder if you have enough time."

After the injury healed, Ivan went to see Professor Flitwick after class. It was said that Quirrell suddenly took a week off, probably to recuperate from his injury.

He didn't know if he would secretly retaliate against him when he came back, so he wanted to improve his strength as much as possible.

"Of course, kid, are you feeling better? I've heard all about you." The kind little old man looked at Alvin with concern and said.

He somewhat sympathized with this Hufflepuff child. He had a conflict with his seniors not long after school started, and was punished by patrolling the Forbidden Forest. Then he was almost bitten to death by a troll on Halloween, and he was recently hit by the Cruciatus Curse. It was really enough. Tough luck.

(Evan: I think it’s all Harry’s fault!)

"I would like you to be able to guide me in my magic spell. Just spare an hour from time to time. You can guide me until the end of my second year, because this is the time when I have the most time. I wonder if you can agree."

"Of course it's no problem. I have enough time. Well~ In this way, if you can come every weekend, come to the classroom at the end of the right side of the seventh floor to find me. Students have also come to me for advice in the past. That classroom taught them.”

"Thank you Professor Flitwick, thank you so much!" Ivan happily bowed deeply to Professor Flitwick to show his respect.

Professor Flitwick happily asked Alvin to stand up, and he was also happy to teach Alvin. He was also very impressed with this Hufflepuff child. During the spell class, Alvin could always master and cast it quickly. come out.

Although some of the spells were not very flexible, he was still ahead of most of the students, so Flitwick also liked this talented little wizard very much.

After finally deciding to train with Professor Flitwick at seven o'clock in the evening, Ivan went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Since Quilona asked for leave, Old Bee authorized Snape to teach for a week, which made Professor Snape happy. broken.

That's it~ Ivan was a little hesitant, because in the Potions class some time ago, he saw that Professor Snape was still a big oily guy, so he asked awkwardly, "Professor, don't you like the shampoo I gave you?" And was targeted by Snape!

That day ~ he was deducted fifteen points...

That day~ Gryffindor, who was in class with Hufflepuff, received a total of thirty points...

(Little lions: We won’t say a word until the Hogwarts lawyers come!)

Perhaps because he became the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher he longed for, Professor Si was in a good mood, so he didn't deduct a single point during the entire class.

I just keep cursing under my breath when I see students being stupid~

Ivan heard it, and he was scolding Quirrell because he was called up to be a teaching material! Who made him experience the devastation of a curse just now~

This class taught by Si teaches how to quickly block or avoid curses. He said that this is the most basic knowledge, and even trolls can learn it...

Oh~ Merlin’s lace thong, Sect still loves the troll so much~

Teacher Si knew that he only had one week, and it would be a waste of time to talk about any theory. He might as well just teach some practical skills for combat, which would also give these little giant monsters some life-saving skills.


Professor Si still had unfinished thoughts in one of his classes, but there was nothing he could do about it. He just gave Aiwen a meaningful look when he passed by him after class.

Alvin looked confused.

If you can't figure it out, stop thinking about it and go to the library to review. You have to go find Professor Flitwick in the evening.

"Ah!!! Alvin! Come and save us! Hermione, she..." As soon as Alvin entered the library to find a seat, he heard Ron calling for help, but before he could finish his words, Hermione slapped him in the eye. Too scared to say a word.

At this time, Ivan discovered that in addition to Hermione and the three of them, Neville and Draco were also there, and even Gore Crabbe and Pansy were also there, but all of them had grimaces.

"what happen?"

Alvin asked as he sat down next to Neville.

Ron, Harry and Pansy began to accuse Hermione of atrocities! It turned out that while he was resting in the infirmary yesterday, Hermione started to study with a few people.

They say they are so useless and can't help with anything when things happen. They must be too playful. Now it's almost the end of the term, so they all have to study hard!

"But that's right. There really isn't much time until the end of the semester." Ivan agreed with Hermione's approach.

"Are you okay, Alvin! There are still three months before the end of the semester, why don't we have much time!" Ron's eyes widened, and his voice became louder than he could control.

But what was waiting for him was Ms. Pince's feather duster, and Ron had two big red envelopes on his head.

"Also! They are both Gryffindors, why did they drag Draco along?" Pansy also looked at Alvin in confusion.


"Okay Pansy, I volunteered! Stop talking." Hermione wanted to explain, but was interrupted by Draco. In the current version, there are only Alvin's heroic deeds, and he and Harry's hindrance gang. Not a busy story.

One of them fell unconscious, and the other was so frightened that his mind went blank and he couldn't even run. No one knows yet.

Hermione said, "You don't want something to happen next time and hold you back! You don't want such an embarrassing thing to spread~" She was so sure of it for him!

Harry and Draco looked at each other, and their eyes revealed one meaning: "This matter must not be spread!"

Laughing to death! Is it possible to say such embarrassing things? Master, I want to face you!

Just looking at the long list of review plans that Hermione had made, Draco froze in place...

It seems that before the final exam...he can't go out to have fun...

But for the sake of face, the young master endured it!

"That's it~ It's not even close. You can also preview some knowledge points that are not important but very practical. I will write them to you right now."

Σ(っ °Д °;)っ

Originally, these naughty kids wanted Alvin to plead for them after seeing this crazy study plan, but they didn't expect Alvin to make up for it again!

"Evan! You are joking, right?" Harry and others said in unison.

"I'm not kidding you. This is a good thing. You should be happy. Just wait~"

"But Alvin! This is already very tiring. Are you sure this is something that normal people can learn?"

"I'm sure, because I have fully mastered half of the content required, and I also have my study plan, such as..."

Listening to the long list of words that Alvin said, Harry and the others were suspicious. If they heard correctly, are there some books that only third graders need to read? Alvin...should go to Ravenclaw...

"Evan, you're crazy. Isn't "Advanced Use of Transfiguration" something only third graders need to read? And it may not be useful. How did you know that?"

Even Hermione was a little unbelievable. She had only had a little exposure to the second-year courses, mainly the first-year courses, but Alvin actually went to watch the third-year courses! This is absolutely crazy!

"Cedric told me, he is a very good senior." Ivan added a lot to Hermione's schedule without raising his head.

After returning the schedule to Hermione, Alvin completely ignored Harry and the others' expressions of despair, took out his homework and started writing furiously!

Seeing that Alvin is so diligent, Hermione is not far behind. She didn't expect that Alvin is already so far ahead! She must take Harry and the others to catch up with Alvin! Even beyond~

Alvin: I can’t work hard alone. Since we are friends, then roll up together!

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