Harry Potter: Badger's Flathead

Chapter 35 Introduction to Alchemy

Alvin came to the Room of Requirement and looked at the book "Equal Forms of Alchemy" in his hand, as well as a row of gilded words in the lower right corner of the book cover.

——Nicholas Flamel

He lifted it up, but was pulled down~

So~ you can't blame him, he has already reminded them.

Ivan unfolded four alchemy books in one breath and arranged them in a circle, as well as an "Ancient Runes" with a spell collection in the middle, which happened to be the method for making a magic prop he found.

Dragon Breath Jar!

This is a method of storing dragon breath in a special magic jar. It is said that it was obtained by the Holy Lord after he destroyed a group of mages who resisted him. The group of mages captured one of his dragons, and then Make this kind of prop as a weapon to equip your soldiers.

It's a pity that the Holy Lord's rule was still not overthrown in the end.

The principle is the same as cupping. Runes are engraved on the container, and the energy is stored in it with the special enchantment method of the Shangqi Charm, and then triggered when used.

It is a very common form of magic tool, and it exists in countless magic systems.

It's just like Qi magic. The potion or powder is first refined, and the method of using it with the container and chanting the spell is a bit different.

Runes are an indispensable item for alchemy in this world. You can use words to piece together and communicate magic to achieve the desired effect.

It is equivalent to the existence of runes, but it is much simpler. For example, when you forge a sword, you can engrave rune words such as sharp, tough, and armor-breaking on the sword to get the corresponding enchantment.

It's just that this ancient rune is not at all easier to learn than Xiaozhuan!

Runes are divided into three groups, each group has eight letters. Each letter has its own meaning and the myth it represents. In addition to these, it can also play a role in divination.

This thing is almost equivalent to the ancestor of modern letters, and it is also a very powerful thing if you learn it.

Alchemy in today's world, generally speaking, means making certain materials into utensils, engraving or branding runes on the utensils, or applying magic spells or curses to them, or combining the two into one or two. Choose one.

But now most of them are two-in-one. The two-in-one is more complicated and tests the level of the alchemist.

Then it is activated with magic power. The depth of its technology determines whether the prop is a one-time use or multiple use.

However, most cursed items are permanent. If there is no corresponding counter-curse contact, or if it is destroyed by powerful force, then this item will be effective forever.

Most of the time when carving or branding runes, magic or specially prepared materials are used as a medium. Otherwise, if you write a piece of text casually, it will not work even if you use magic to activate it.

It can only be considered successful if you directly use magic as ink to write text, or use the configured material ink to write runes, and then use magic to activate it.

The former is called branding, and the latter is called engraving. Engraving is the same as seal engraving. The runes carved on the instrument also need to be accompanied by magic power. Otherwise, just digging a hole directly will have no effect.

Then we can assume! Using air magic to refine magic potion as ink, used to carve runes, then the effect is one plus one greater than two?

Of course, everything is too early for him as a beginner. He has not yet understood either of these two things. Everything is too early.

After blowing up more than a dozen defective products, Alvin finally made a finished product!

But it's not a dragon's breath can, it's a disposable prop.

A flat, smooth pebble with a fire spell cast on it using unicorn hair ink.

When used, it can be used as a Molotov cocktail by activating it with magic power and throwing it away. Unfortunately, he hasn't learned the explosion spell (Thunderbolt Explosion) yet, otherwise he would be able to make a magic bomb.

But if we talk about this alone, Seamus may be more talented! Since the founding of Hogwarts, there has been only one explosion genius who is absolutely outstanding in explosions.

But this is also a good start, at least he has taken the first step!

When he understands the runes thoroughly and can read the spell book accurately without relying on a dictionary, then he will truly stand up.


After today's practice, Alvin also successfully missed dinner again. He had to hurry up, he still had to go on patrol today.

Returning to the Hufflepuff lounge, Alvin scratched the pear on the painting and entered the kitchen, where he also saw an acquaintance.

"Good evening, Senior Cedric."

"Good evening, Alvin, did you miss dinner too?"

"Yes, I was so engrossed in studying that I forgot to eat. You, senior. Bubu, I have to patrol the Forbidden Forest. Is there any ready-made food for me?"

"Okay Alvin, here are some pies and blueberry pie. I will bring it to you right away." The elf Bubu said respectfully.

"Bubu, please give me some trouble. I, too, forgot the time when I was looking up information in the library."

Bubu quickly served carrot and ham pie, blueberry pie and caramel pudding to the two of them, and also gave Alvin a separate pot of black tea.

Because Alvin was not used to drinking pumpkin juice, after Bubu found out, he would prepare other drinks for Alvin alone every time.

"Bubu, how are you preparing?" Ivan suddenly asked with a mysterious look on his face.

After hearing this, Bubu puffed up his little chest and said with a completely fine attitude: "Don't worry, we have almost found all the ingredients. Now we will practice every day to ensure that we can make the same thing as you!"

Cedric's interest was piqued and he quickly asked curiously, "What ingredients are you going to make?"

"Hehe~ Just wait, I'm going to let you have a different Christmas holiday dinner this year!"

Every year on the night before Christmas Eve, Hogwarts holds a dinner party, which is used as a way for the children to get together in advance and have some fun. Then, after some students go home for Christmas, the professors and students who are staying at the school will hold a dinner party. A Christmas dinner.

Make sure to take care of every student's holiday mood.

"Really, you started looking forward to it after you told me that!"

I chatted with Cedric, a sunny boy, for a while while eating. If there was anything he didn't understand, Cedric patiently told him that he was a very good senior.

After he finished eating, he hurriedly said goodbye to Cedric and started preparing for tonight's patrol.


Christmas is coming, Hogwarts is also covered in thick snow, and the Black Lake is frozen solid, which makes Alvin very curious. The lake is so frozen! How do the creatures inside breathe?

Won't he suffocate to death due to lack of oxygen due to the sealed lake surface? In other words, there is water flowing outside under the Black Lake. It is living water, so it will not be deprived of oxygen!

I don’t understand~

In the courtyard of Hogwarts, many students were having a snowball fight. Hagrid dragged a huge spruce tree past, which seemed to be prepared for a Christmas tree.

The Weasley twins started causing trouble again. They enchanted a few snowballs and chased them and smashed them on the back of Quirrell's head. Quirrell couldn't find it easy to have a seizure in full view of the public, so he could only hug his turban tightly in panic. escape.

But don't look at how pitiful Quirrell's cowardly death was. He probably had already cut the twins into several pieces in his mind, and then thought about where to bury them.

Alvin was wearing a large cotton-padded jacket and two cotton trousers, and was leaning against the courtyard door with a thermos cup in his arms, drinking the hot honey grapefruit tea that the elf in the cup made for him.

Seeing Quirrell's tragic situation, Ivan narrowed his eyes calmly, but he didn't know if Voldemort felt this presumptuous chill.

Anyway, Quirrell didn't look for him after the last time, and he didn't look at him during class, as if nothing had happened. Unfortunately, the passes to the restricted book area were used up, and no one gave him one unconditionally.

Although Professor Sprout is very kind, he will not let Alvin go to the restricted book area to browse casually, especially other professors.

No professor would let a first-year wizard browse in the restricted book section, even if he had good grades, and even Hermione had never entered it.

The Christmas holiday is coming soon, but things are not going well for the owls. They need to transport the little wizard's gifts back and forth from all over the world. If it were not for Hagrid's careful care, they would all be lying down together.

Even little Daidai was requisitioned. After delivering the gifts that Aiwen sent to his family, he was also dragged into working as a cow and horse.

Aguru also followed, not because he was also recruited, but because Ivan let him take the opportunity to familiarize himself with the route, otherwise Uncle Aguru would not care about you.

During this time, his alchemy skills were on track, and it was no problem to make some gadgets that could be used as gifts.

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