Harry Potter: Badger's Flathead

Chapter 10 Sorting Hat: Albus, this kid threatens me

Under the leadership of Professor McGonagall, the freshmen walked into the auditorium with uneasy hearts.

The auditorium is a spacious hall that can accommodate all teachers, students and guests of the school. There are four long tables here, and students from various colleges have already taken their seats, preparing to welcome this new group of children.

High walls lead to the ceiling, candles float in mid-air, and the enchanted ceiling looks like the sky outside. Directly in the front of the auditorium is a long table, the guest of honor's seat, for the school's staff.

There is a big golden chair in the center of the guest seat, which is the seat of the current principal. There is a door to the left of the staff desk, which leads to a room filled with portraits.

No werewolves, no trolls, just a chair and a dirty old wizard's hat.

Professor McGonagall led them to the old hat and said: "Whoever I call by name will come forward. I will put the sorting hat on you, and then you will be assigned to your respective categories." Academy.”

After Professor McGonagall finished speaking, the entire auditorium was silent. The freshmen, except for Alvin, all stared at the dirty hat in front of them in shock, looking shocked.

Seeing this scene, the old students, no matter which college they were from, all raised the corners of their mouths at a uniform 45-degree angle.

It seems that this year's branch intimidation is still very successful.

The freshmen also realized that they had been cheated, but they didn't know what to say. They could only look at the sorting hat stupidly, at a loss.

Under the gaze of the little wizard, the wrinkles on the dirty hat suddenly changed into facial features, and then a strange song sang from the hat's mouth.

"You may not think I'm pretty, but don't judge a book by its appearance. If you can find a hat that's prettier than mine, I can eat myself... Any thought hidden in your mind cannot escape the magic hat's golden eyes." Fire Eye, put it on and try it, I will tell you which college you should be assigned to.

You may belong to Gryffindor, where there is bravery buried deep in the heart. Their courage, courage and boldness make Gryffindor outstanding;

You may belong to Hufflepuff, where the people are upright and loyal, and Hufflepuff students are stoic and honest, and are not afraid of hard work;

If you have a shrewd mind, you may enter the wise Ravenclaws, those wise and knowledgeable people,

There they will always meet their comrades;

Maybe you will enter Slytherin, maybe you will make sincere friends here, but those cunning and insidious people will use any means to achieve their goals.

Come wear me! Don't be afraid! Don't panic! In my hands (although I don't even have a hand) you are absolutely safe. "

After the song ended, Dumbledore took the lead in applauding in the auditorium, and then fell silent again after a moment.

"Ahem~" Professor McGonagall cleared her throat.

"Hannah Abbott"

This book has pure blood!

A little girl with a round face walked up timidly.

"Hufflepuff!" Soon, the Sorting Hat gave the answer, and there was warm applause from the Hufflepuff table.


As the names were read out one after another, the little wizards also sat down accordingly, while Alvin was thoughtful behind the team.

Alvin was thinking in his heart:

"If I hadn't traveled through time, I would have been just an inconspicuous sidekick, maybe a passerby whose name was not even mentioned in the original plot! But after I come, how will all this change... …”

Ivan's mind was a little confused. At this moment, he felt as if he shouldn't be in this world. All of this was an accident! Or...error...

"Evan Margrave!"

Hearing Professor McGonagall read his name, Alvin put aside these irrelevant thoughts, what a bullshit mistake! Since God asked me to come, then there is a reason for it! Only by living a decent life can you be worthy of this rare life!

"What have I been thinking about this day?" Ai Wen gave himself a hard time to remember.

As for whether the Sorting Hat will read his origin and the existence of the magic book~

Ivan is not worried at all. Although he has not learned Occlumency yet, he has put the spell collection in his suitcase and is not in his mind.

As for his experience~he has a way to change the subject! As long as the Sorting Hat has random thoughts in his mind and has no time to look at his past experiences, the Sorting Hat can't start looking at him when he was breastfeeding.

(* ̄ro ̄)

"Ah~ interesting kid, do you want to go to Hufflepuff? Oh, indeed, Hufflepuff is very suitable for you, but Gryffindor may be more suitable for you! And Slytherin is also..." Sorting Hat muttered in Alvin's head.

"Wait, what are you thinking!" (°ー°〃)

(Evan thought silently in his mind: Hufflepuff, I want to go to Hufflepuff! Hufflepuff’s lounge is the most comfortable!)

The Sorting Hat heard Alvin's thoughts. He had just seen what happened on the train today and felt that Alvin was very suitable for the Lion Court or the Snake Court. But then he saw the scene that Alvin had imagined in his mind.

(Evan’s inner world: If you dare not let me into the badger yard, I will steal you out, throw you into the Little Swan washing machine, and spin you at maximum power for seven days and seven nights! I will also fill you with unpleasant-smelling heather juice!) (▼ヘ▼#)

"No~ Oh my god, what a nightmare! How could you have such an idea? I only took a look and haven't decided where you are going!" ≡(▔﹏▔)≡

"Oh! Merlin's beard! How could you do this to me! Okay, okay, in a sense, you are indeed suitable for Hufflepuff~"

The Sorting Hat saw more than 30 kinds of torture in Alvin's mind, including: crusher, train track, dousing with gasoline and setting it on fire, stuffing it into the toilet and flushing it into the septic tank, etc. as a way to prevent Alvin from being sorted into Hufflepuff.

"No! You give up that idea! Okay, then it's decided!" After he saw that Alvin was about to steal him away, throw him into the troll's mouth, and let him be tortured in the troll's intestines for a day, Sorted Hospital The hat finally couldn't hold it any longer.

"Az... Hufflepuff!" the Sorting Hat shouted!

Alvin stood up contentedly and headed to Hufflepuff's long table.

The Sorting Hat looked at Alvin's back with a complicated look on his face, which finally turned into a sigh.

Professor McGonagall was still surprised, why did the hat sigh when it was so good? Have you done enough for so many years?

[Sorting Hat: At that moment, I really wanted to shout out, Azkaban! 】

(? A ?)

"Harry Potter!"

The appearance of Harry's name attracted considerable attention, and even Dumbledore, who was sitting in the main seat, leaned slightly to look at Harry.

When Harry walked to the chair, Professor McGonagall had time to take a closer look at the child who worried them all.

When Professor McGonagall saw this shy and thin child with a face like his father and eyes like his mother, he couldn't help but feel distressed.

"This child will definitely look like Lily's, their eyes are so pure."

Professor McGonagall thought silently in her heart.


"I thought he would go to Slytherin, after all, he is so close to Malfoy." Ron pulled Harry and whispered on the Gryffindor long table.

"You can't say that. Alvin is also from a Muggle family. Maybe he doesn't know." Harry disagreed with Ron's statement.

"Who knows, the dark wizard's family is definitely not a good person anyway." Ron curled his lips and muttered.

Harry stared at the teacher's seat, thoughtfully.

After the sorting was completed, Dumbledore stood up to speak.

"The new school year has begun, but it seems that everyone is a little hungry, so I have something to say to everyone before the banquet begins!

It is strictly forbidden for any students to enter the Forbidden Forest. Also, the administrator Mr. Filch also asked me to remind everyone... Anyone who does not want to be tortured to death, please do not enter the corridor on the right side of the fourth floor. "

"Finally~ Idiot! Cry! Residue! Screw it!"

"Now, the party begins!"

As Dumbledore finished speaking, the originally empty plate was instantly filled with food.

Roast beef, roasted whole chicken, pork chops, roasted chicken legs, lamb chops, sausages, steaks, boiled potatoes, baked potatoes, French fries, Yorkshire pudding, pea shoots, carrots, gravy, tomato sauce...

There were even peppermint candies, but fortunately Alvin didn't see him looking up at the stars with his eyes fixed on his face, and the evil and terrifying blue cheese.

The little wizards, who had been hungry for a long time, immediately started to feast.

Ivan was no exception. He broke off the cage that wrapped the iron egg so that its front paws could come out and its body was in the cage, like a little hermit crab. It was convenient for it to lie on the table to eat, and took a dollar and a half. After giving him the cooked steak, Alvin grabbed a whole chicken and gnawed it until his mouth was full of oil.

He was also hungry after a day of hard work. The snacks he ate on the train were not considered food at all to the soul of a flower grower, they were more like meat.

"Dumbledore really emphasized the rules so much. Didn't he clearly tell the little lion next door, 'Go, go on an adventure~' and seek death~"

Even though Alvin's mouth was stuffed full of roast chicken, it didn't stop him from complaining about Dumbledore in his heart.

"Evan, is this your pet? Why are you keeping it closed? Or give him to the house elves."

Alvin looked up and saw the little girl named Susan Burns next to her. She was looking at the demonstration of Iron Hermit Crab and Egg eating with her big eyes, and curiously asked Alvin why he treated Iron Egg like this.

Alvin swallowed hard the meat in his mouth, picked up the pumpkin juice on the table and took a sip. He showed a confused expression, smacked his lips twice more, and finally put down the cup and silently pushed it away.

"Don't look at how cute this little guy is, but it's actually quite ferocious. If someone steps on it without paying attention, it can bite that person without letting go for a month! I haven't trained it yet, so I can only give it a hard time first. Once I train him well, I can set him free."

"Then come on, it looks really pathetic now."

Ivan silently glanced at Tiedan, who was happily chewing on the steak, and nodded.

"I will, after all, this is my baby."

After dinner, under the sad expressions of the professors, Dumbledore suggested singing the school song.

There was a flurry of dancing demons, Dumbledore was enjoying it, and the Weasley twins were also enjoying themselves in a mournful tone.

Ivan plugged his ears and lay down on the table. Tiedan also plugged his ears with his little paws and lay down on the table, and gave Ivan a resentful look.

It seems to be saying, "Look at the place you brought me, why didn't you tell me earlier about this program! I don't even need these two bites of meat~" (# ̄~ ̄#)

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