Superman in a certain Marvel movie

Chapter 60 Before crossing the world

Chapter 60 Before crossing the world


Joshua yawned and got up in the early morning. He had just put on his clothes when he heard Gwen's voice.

"Joshua, are you up yet?"

Gwen's voice penetrated the wood.

"Yeah." Joshua responded to Gwen, and then walked to the door. He opened the door and saw Gwen and a little Penny who looked a little sleepy.

Little Penny rubbed her fluffy and messy black hair, then opened her mouth and yawned.


After the yawn ended, Penny looked at Joshua and said, "Good morning, Joshua."

"Good morning, Penny." Joshua said. Penny still looked a little sleepy.

Gwen opened the door and then said they had to go down.

Joshua and Penny walked over together, and Penny walked behind with her head on Joshua's back.

"I still want to sleep."

"You will feel much more energetic after washing up." Gwen couldn't help but say.

"Haa~." Penny opened her mouth again and let out a long yawn.

When it comes to washing up, Penny and the Spider Mecha wash up first today. Of course, as always, the Spider Mecha helps Penny wash up.

Little Penny only had to stand, and the Spider Mecha and Penny occupied almost all the positions, so there was no extra space for Joshua and Gwen to wash together.

Joshua and Gwen were sitting in the living room.

Peter ate and kept chattering, many of which were about fighting criminals yesterday. Peter talked about it with gusto.

Peter also emphasized Anna's rapid progress and praised her without hesitation, which made Anna a little embarrassed. To be honest, she would rather Peter didn't talk about what happened yesterday. She looked at Joshua cautiously and saw that Joshua had no expression. She was relieved that he didn't make fun of himself, but he wasn't that kind of person either.

Anna began to eat silently.

"Joshua, Gwen, you can go wash up." Suddenly Penny came out, and the spider mecha shrank in size and stood on her shoulders. She seemed much more energetic, and she no longer felt as sleepy as before.

"Let's go," Gwen said.


The two stood up and went to wash up.

Coming to the mirror, Gwen touched her short hair and recalled what happened yesterday.

Yesterday, the long-haired Gwen suddenly told her that she wanted to switch identities with her and let Joshua guess who was who.

Then they wore wigs and switched identities.

After Joshua came back, she got close to Joshua as "Long-Haired Gwen".

Joshua did not resist. On the contrary, he interacted very closely with him. To be honest, it felt pretty good. Unfortunately, the long-haired Gwen quickly broke through the defense and then revealed her identity.

Looking at herself with short hair in the mirror, she suddenly felt envious of Gwen with long hair. It was so good~ that she could act coquettishly in front of Joshua.

After washing up, the two walked out.

At this time, Peter and Anna had already finished breakfast, while Penny was still eating slowly.

Joshua sat down and started eating breakfast.

The taste of the food blooms on the taste buds, and it tastes as good as ever.

Joshua finished eating soon. He took out his mobile phone to play with it, and took a look at the second work about Anna.

Click in and take a look, there are still many comments.

There are good reviews in it, and of course there are good reviews and bad reviews.

"She looks like a slut at first glance. She must have been fucked many times. Otherwise, how could her body be so well developed?"

It’s really not easy to be a superhero. Joshua reported this comment.

I just reported this comment, and then the account that commented on it was blocked.

The work efficiency is pretty good.

If Joshua sees some stench, he will report it directly. What's wrong with it?

Gwen finished her breakfast a few minutes later.

After a few people went out, Gwen and the others soon left. After all, someone committed a crime again, and they had to help.

Joshua took out his hoverboard and threw it towards the ground. The hoverboard quickly grew in size.

Tomorrow was Saturday, and Joshua planned to use Saturday and the weekend to visit other universes. To be honest, he was looking forward to it, and he didn't know if he would encounter anything interesting.

Joshua stepped on the hoverboard and started moving forward.

"Hi~, Joshua." A black girl saw Joshua. It was Jenny. She trotted up to Joshua holding a book.

"Hi, Jenny." Joshua responded to Jenny.

The two began to communicate while walking.

"Joshua, my friend is going to invite me to a party. Are you willing to accompany me?" Jenny looked at Joshua. She wanted Joshua to go to the party with her.

"Sorry, I don't like parties," Joshua started.

Jenny sighed and sure enough, Joshua would not participate, and she did not force it.

Her eyes fell on Joshua's hoverboard and she said, "This is so cool."

"Well, he is indeed handsome." Joshua was very sure of Jenny's point of view.

Jenny smiled, then she touched her hair with one hand before saying, "Where's Peter?"

"Well, Peter is helping people," Joshua began.

Jenny started talking about Peter, something that happened as a child.

"By the way, Joshua, you have always looked very mature. You have been like this since you were a child." Jenny recalled the previous Joshua, who was so cute but liked to be expressionless.

"Oh~, really." Joshua said.


Anna flew up and caught a person falling from the sky.

This is a girl who was thrown down.

Peter, Gwen and Penny had already rushed to the roof.

Peter looked at the man in front of him and said, "Hey, sir, this is not a place for bungee jumping."

The man turned around to reveal a bloody face. You could even see the bones and flesh under the skin.

The man murmured to himself: "I sacrificed my face, my family, everything for my strength..."

The man gained strength after going through hellish experiments. The strength expanded him and made him feel that the so-called law was just a protective umbrella for the weak. He did not need this umbrella. He felt that he could make new rules.

He arched his body and suddenly rushed out like a wild beast.

Penny drove her mecha and crashed directly into it.

"Bang!!!" The man collided with the mecha. It was obvious that the mecha was stronger. The man was knocked away and his body rolled several times before stopping.

He stood up slowly and said: "Since you have such powerful power, why don't you work with me to make new rules."

Peter said, "Why don't you design a game, sir? Then you can make the rules, and if it's good, I might buy it."

The man grinned and said, "Life is a game."

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