Superman in a certain Marvel movie

Chapter 101 If I don’t want anyone to die, keep them away from me

Chapter 101 If I don’t want anyone to die, keep them away from me

Clark lay in the big pit on the ground. He looked at the boy in the sky, then stood up slowly, and the dust gradually fell from his body.

"The law will punish them, you shouldn't kill them..." Clark said, and he looked at the boy intently.

"Is that so? What a pity. I have already killed them, so the judges should be a little more relaxed. In other words, I have also reduced their workload." Joshua touched his chin and said seriously.

Joshua's words made Clark feel angry. Everyone has the right to live. Even if they occasionally do something wrong, as long as they can correct it, they just need to take responsibility for their mistakes. , and in his opinion, Joshua's behavior is like trampling on life, and must be stopped... Joshua cannot be allowed to trample on life like this, after all, every life is precious.

Joshua had been paying attention to Clark, and smiled when he saw that Clark seemed ready to fight.

Joshua said: "You want to take action against me? Then it is very likely that everyone in this city will die, and it will be because of you. Are you sure you want to fight me?"

As he spoke, he came to a girl. Joshua frivolously slid his fingers across the girl's face, which was still a little slippery.

He looked at Clark and then said: "If you choose to take action, then I will break her neck."

Clark's eyes widened and his fists were clenched tightly.

Joshua brought the girl to Clark, and then he suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched Clark's neck.

Clark immediately broke it off with his hands, but found that Joshua's hands were like iron pliers and couldn't move them at all.

Joshua slowly flew up, he pinched Clark's neck and said: "Actually, I don't like killing people either. Of course, the premise is that no one provokes me. If you don't want anyone to die, then don't let these bastards get close to me, otherwise I will really kill them, and I am not in a good mood right now. If you continue to annoy me, I will probably kill everyone in this city, and you are the culprit of their deaths, because it is you Provoke me and I will kill them."

Joshua lifted Clark and then slammed it to the ground. He said, "Mark my words."

Clark hit the ground in an instant, and the hard concrete floor shattered into a big crater. Clark could feel that Joshua was very powerful, maybe even much stronger than him.

Clark stood up slowly. He felt that Joshua was not lying and that he could really do such a thing.

Joshua landed, his fingers slid across the girl's face again, and he said, "Hmm~, it feels good."

Joshua left here.

at the same time.

In the Batcave, Batman is watching Joshua smash Superman to the ground. It can be seen that this boy who looks like Superman has the power to suppress Superman, and this boy is not a good old guy like Clark.

In terms of threatening Clark, this boy clearly knows how to deal with Clark. Compared to a person like Clark who is as kind as a freak, this boy is undoubtedly more human.

That is because they are like humans, so they are more dangerous.

However, from the conversation between the boy and Clark, it can be found that the boy is probably not a person who likes killing too much. Of course, if someone provokes him, he will kill without hesitation.

There is almost nothing that can restrict this boy, you mean the law? It is clear that this is a man who will put the law under his feet.

Are there really many monsters?

Batman plans to continue to study and observe this boy, and then communicate with him when he is absolutely sure.

Clark returned home a little lost, and Joshua's words made him a little confused.

"Clark?" Martha Kent walked up to Clark. She hugged Clark and then said, "What happened?"

Clark said: "Mom, I met someone who is very similar to me..."

Clark tells Joshua story

Martha touched Clark and then said: "Everyone is different. We don't have to care about other people, just be ourselves."

Clark's confused heart gradually became clear. He hugged his mother and said, "Well, I love you."

"I love you too. I'll prepare something delicious for you, something you like."

While Martha prepared the food, Clark began chopping wood. Working here would keep him from getting lost.

At this moment, he suddenly felt something. He turned around and saw a black-haired boy.

The black-haired boy is Joshua, and he is just here to help.

Clark's muscles tensed, and his eyes were very fierce at this time. If he was a sheep before, now he is a wolf.

"Don't be so nervous. I'm not a murderer. I'm just here to make a living. By the way, I need help~, I'll help you."

Joshua snapped his fingers and all the wood was separated.

"Is this okay?" Joshua said.

Clark's voice was a little low, and he said, "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? I want to eat and meet your family. I also have some family members who love me very much, so I am a little curious about your family." Joshua said.

Martha heard the conversation and walked out, and then she saw a black-haired and extremely handsome boy.

Joshua noticed that Martha then said: "Hello ma'am, my name is Joshua Parker, I am a friend of Clark's."

Martha immediately began to entertain Joshua warmly, and Joshua looked back at Clark and winked.

Clark looked very unhappy, and he was very worried about Joshua so he kept following him.

But he found that Joshua was very quiet, and too quiet, so he sat on the sofa and read the newspaper quietly.

"Hi~, Clark, can you lend me your phone if I want to check the news?" Joshua said, he wanted to know some news from the past.

Clark looked at Joshua and didn't take out his phone immediately.

Joshua continued: "Don't you want to give it? Then I'll go out and meet a bad guy, so I can rob him directly..."

Clark was afraid that Joshua would kill someone, so he handed the phone to Joshua and then said: "What are you going to do?"

"Don't worry, I won't look at your browser history. I just want to take a look at the previous news." Joshua said and then started to read the news.

Clark was watching, and then he realized that Joshua was really just watching the news.

Joshua spoke up, "You're too close."

Clark pulled away a little.

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