Marvel: Spider-Man?No, I'm Superman!

Chapter 99 The ambition to build a Phoenix Force detector

Chapter 99 The ambition to build a Phoenix Force detector

"Look! What is that? It seems to have turned into a strange bird."

In the space station, many people also discovered the phantom of the Phoenix in the cosmic storm, and couldn't help but feel extremely shocked.

"This is definitely not a simple cosmic storm...there is definitely some kind of cosmic secret hidden in it..."

At this moment, the expression on Reed's face became extremely solemn. He had been studying cosmic storms and instantly saw that this was not a simple cosmic storm.

There must be something unknown hidden in it.

Outside the space station, I looked at the cosmic storm that transformed into the shape of a phoenix, and seemed to have a weak consciousness in it.

Even as Superman, Peter can't keep calm.

At this moment, although it is impossible to be completely sure.

But Peter guessed that this cosmic storm has a high probability of being one of the three mysterious special energies in the Marvel Universe - the Phoenix Force.

How powerful is the Phoenix Force?

In the comics, it was born at the beginning of all things, a chaotic and immortal existence, eternal but impermanent, and the son of the universe.

It is the embodiment of life and spiritual power in the original universe, symbolizing life and emotion.

The most formidable being in the multiverse, its passion can be transformed into the Phoenix's judgment and used to regenerate or destroy everything in the universe, even the universe itself.

In short, the complete Phoenix Force is extremely powerful, so powerful that it can even destroy the multiverse.

Even though it is difficult for the Phoenix Power to appear in a complete form, generally in each single universe, only a small fragment of the Phoenix Power exists.

But it was enough to make Peter extremely excited.

"Mutants originally didn't exist in this universe, so it seems like the Phoenix Force hasn't found its host yet, right?"

Considering that the universe he traveled through does not have the special characteristics of mutants, the Phoenix Force at this time should still be ownerless.

In other words, Peter has the possibility of merging with this Phoenix force and becoming its host.

"In this case, we can't let it escape."

Looking at the phoenix that transformed into a phantom, bursting out with dazzling golden energy like flames, it was struggling hard to break away from the cosmic storm that bound itself.

Peter's expression gradually became serious. Under the explosion of the powerful biological force field, his transformed palm gradually tightened, constantly compressing the volume of this ball of energy.

Although as the most powerful Phoenix Force in the universe.

But after all, because there is no host control, it is impossible to exert its own powerful power only by relying on its own weak consciousness.

Finally, under the compression of Peter's powerful biological force field.

The phoenix shadow transformed by the cosmic storm shattered with a sharp cry.

And the cosmic storm finally stopped resisting and struggling fiercely. Under the compression of its powerful stance, it turned into an energy group that exuded a richer golden light.

"Get ready for a cosmic storm."

Suddenly, in the space station, Reed, who was looking at the scene in front of him with shock on his face, heard Peter's voice ringing in his ears.

Then he shouted without hesitation: "Quickly, put away the protective shield, open the special container, and start containing the cosmic storm."

Under Reed's instructions, the bubble-like protective shield surrounding the entire space station gradually dissipated.

And a special door was successfully opened on a module of the space station.

Peter controlled the giant hand transformed from the biological force field and directly put the captured cosmic storm into the open door.

"Great, we made it!"

As the capture plan was successfully completed, everyone present cheered instantly.

Successfully capturing the cosmic storm is a feat that no human has ever been able to accomplish so far.

The study of mysterious cosmic storms is bound to make huge progress in some of the earth's technologies, and even in the origins of human beings and the universe.

"Is this the captured cosmic storm?"

Amid everyone's excited cheers, Reed was also fascinated by the golden cosmic storm that was constantly twisting and changing in the special container made of a magnetic shield.

"Quickly, conduct a detailed analysis of the structure of this cosmic storm. We must figure out what it contains as quickly as possible!"

The next moment, Reed couldn't wait to issue an order to analyze the energy composition of the cosmic storm.

Everything he did was for this glorious moment.


"How's it going? Is everything normal with that cosmic storm?"

Soon, Peter outside the space station returned to the space station.

Looking at Reid who was full of expectation, he slowly asked.

"Mr. Superman, it's incredible, you actually did it..."

Reed's face was filled with excitement.

"Stop talking nonsense, how is the situation now?"

At this time, Peter was still a little worried. It would be fine if it was just an ordinary cosmic storm. He believed that the special container that could withstand his light punch could trap the cosmic storm.

But now that he knows that the cosmic storm is likely to be the Phoenix Force, Peter can't help but feel a little worried about it.

"Mr. Superman, everything is normal. The cosmic storm seems to be very docile at this time, and there is no special situation like the intense struggle just now."

"I'm asking artificial intelligence to conduct a detailed composition analysis on it, and I expect to draw a conclusion in about ten hours."

Reed also saw what Peter was worried about.

After all, he had completely seen the process when the cosmic storm transformed into a phoenix shadow and exploded with powerful energy.

"In that case, let's continue with the component analysis."

"However, no matter what, we must try to ensure the safety of everyone here."

"Also, isolate the container that binds the cosmic storm separately and close the hatch. No one can get close to it without my instructions."

<divclass="contentadv">In fact, Peter also wanted to try whether Reed could successfully analyze the special characteristics of this cosmic storm.

After all, with Reed's genius and wisdom, Peter believed that he would definitely be able to gain something from his research.

As for whether the secret that can make human beings immortal can be discovered in it, Peter does not value it.

What Peter values ​​more is actually if Reed can analyze the structure of the Phoenix Force.

So can other fragments of the Phoenix Force be found based on this?

If it is possible, Peter can even travel to other universes in order to find other Phoenix Force fragments...


In the next few hours, all scientific researchers were busy.

With the assistance of artificial intelligence, we strive to conduct a detailed analysis of the composition and structure of this special cosmic storm.

Peter, on the other hand, came to a separate room to take a rest for the time being.

Of course, although he was resting, Peter had been paying attention to the situation inside the space station.

Not to mention that Reed himself is good at causing trouble, and there is a possibility that something big will happen if he doesn't pay attention.

Peter wasn't entirely convinced about the other people on the station either.

Wealth moves people's hearts.

It was difficult for Peter to guarantee that others would not have other ideas when faced with the cosmic storm captured for the first time by humans.

Finally, more than ten hours passed.

"Report, the composition and structure of the cosmic storm has been analyzed."

Just when some people have been working for more than ten hours continuously and are a little sleepy.

A voice instantly made everyone feel excited.

"Great, it's finally done..."

And Reid ran directly to the huge screen and started to check the artificial intelligence analysis results.

"This... is really like this. There seems to be some kind of special energy hidden in this cosmic storm..."

"The result came out? How is it?"

Just when Reed was extremely shocked when he looked at the analysis results, Peter's voice suddenly came.

"Mr. Incredible, this is incredible!"

"After artificial intelligence analysis, this is indeed a real cosmic storm, which contains strong cosmic radiation and various rays. It was probably born tens of billions of years ago."

"In addition to all the elements known to us humans, its composition structure also contains countless special elements unknown to humans."

"And, more importantly, there is a unique energy structure in this ancient cosmic storm."

"And the time when this special energy was born is even older than this cosmic storm."

"As if it, like the entire universe, is the oldest thing that has existed since the birth of the universe..."

"With the technology we have at this time, it is simply impossible to analyze how that energy structure is composed and born."

"What is certain is that that special energy was not integrated with this cosmic storm at the beginning of its birth, but it was merged with each other under a certain opportunity after it existed for countless years. We This special cosmic storm we see now.”

Reed introduced the composition of this cosmic storm with excitement on his face.

"It is this special energy that gives this cosmic storm its extremely powerful ability."

"Not only would it destroy all matter in the universe as we know it."

"It even has the powerful ability to create matter. It can crush or even reconstruct molecular forms from a level smaller than molecules, whether it is an inanimate object or a creature with life and consciousness..."

"To put it simply, if used properly, it can completely crush a human being, then reconstruct the structure and turn it into a piece of gold. It can also turn gold into feces..."

"It can even destroy an entire planet..."

"Perhaps my previous guess was correct. The origin of human beings and the entire universe is related to this mysterious energy..."

"This is really the greatest discovery... It's incredible, it's incredible!"

It can be seen that Reid is even acting a little crazy at this moment.

He kept muttering something incredible.

"It seems that the special energy in the cosmic storm itself should be the famous Phoenix Force..."

Peter was also completely sure of the existence of the Phoenix Force at this moment.

"So, if you are given enough time, can you analyze certain characteristics of that energy, and then rely on its characteristics to create a detector of the same source of energy that can detect other identical characteristics?"

Peter ignored the extremely excited Reed and asked slowly.

"This... I'm afraid..."

The smart Reed instantly understood what Peter was thinking at the moment.

Using detectors, you can find more of the same source energy.

But at this moment, even as the smartest man in the Marvel Universe, Reed can't guarantee that he can do it.

"It doesn't matter. I'll give you some time to try. If it doesn't work..."

Peter's voice stopped abruptly.

If this idea really couldn't be realized, he could only try to fuse the power of the Phoenix himself first.


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