Marvel: Spider-Man?No, I'm Superman!

Chapter 18 Tony Stark, you were kidnapped!

Chapter 18 Tony Stark, you were kidnapped!

Antarctica is sparsely populated and covered under glaciers all year round.

Suddenly, a figure crossed the horizon, breaking the tranquility here, and fell directly into the cold ice peak.

In the [-]-meter-deep ice cave, Tony Stark, who was forcibly brought here, was thrown to the ground, and Peter slowly said to him.

"Mr. Tony Stark, I regret to inform you that you have been kidnapped..."


However, at this moment, Tony Stark could not respond to Peter at all, he only felt a stirring in his abdomen.

Although Tony had longed for the sky, he hoped that one day he would be able to fly freely under the blue sky with his own abilities.

But at this moment, he is just an ordinary person who "feels faint".


Looking at Tony lying on the ground, vomiting all over the place, Peter did not interrupt him forcibly.

After all, anyone accelerated from a stationary state to more than ten times the speed of sound would probably be no better than at this moment.

After a few minutes, Tony finally vomited out everything in his stomach.

"Wait a minute, this...Mr. Superman, what did you just say?"

Sitting weakly on the ground, Tony looked up at the strange... Superman in front of him, wondering why he had brought him here.


However, what he responded to was eyes that gradually turned scarlet.

"Fake, are you going to kill me?"

Tony rolled on the ground in embarrassment, avoiding the bright red heat vision, and stood up, yelling curses.

He vomited Tony out casually, and burned the vomit that exuded a strong fishy smell to ashes.

The red light in Peter's eyes had not dissipated. He looked directly at Tony, who had an unkind expression, and continued in a low voice: "I am honored to inform you that you have been kidnapped."

"If you don't know your position anymore, then the next laser will not necessarily hit where."

"Okay, okay, I surrender, you are the boss now."

Seeing Peter's red eyes constantly scanning his body, and finally stopping at a certain hidden part, Tony quickly raised his hands to express surrender.

"So, our great Mr. Superman, why did you kidnap me here? Isn't it for money?"

Tony asked cautiously, desperately hoping that Peter would answer yes.

After all, money and other things, although important to him, are not that important.

"Money? Does that mean anything to me?"

Unfortunately, Peter couldn't have kidnapped him for money.

"What's that for? Beauty? Fame? Or power? If it's power, I can help you with money to run for president..."

Suddenly, a gust of cold wind hit, and Tony realized that he "went out" in a hurry and was still wearing pajamas.

Seeing that there was still no expression on the face of the person in front of him, Tony crossed his arms over his chest and continued tremblingly: "Except myself, I can give you anything you want..."

"Ahem, you can't really do it for me..."

As if he thought of something, Tony suddenly felt that his body was no longer so cold, but a certain part suddenly felt a little tight.

"I want the knowledge in your...mind."

Hearing this, Tony finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Help me build my suit and build my own... Fortress of Solitude here!"


It was a night full of joy.

After completing the deployment of the plan, Obadiah Stan fell asleep early with the illusion that he would soon completely control the entire Stark Industries.

"Jingle Bell……"

However, his sweet dream was interrupted by the sudden ringing of the phone.

He stood up slowly, picked up the expensive red wine on the bedside table, took a sip, cleared his uncomfortable throat, and finally answered the phone.

"What did you say? Tony was kidnapped?"

Suppressing his inner excitement to prevent himself from laughing suddenly at such a moment, Obadiah exclaimed to the other end of the phone in great surprise.

<divclass="contentadv">"Okay, I'll be there right away."

"I'm not still dreaming!"

After hanging up the phone, the smile on his face could no longer be controlled. At this moment, he was completely immersed in the happiness of his dream coming true.

"Wait, I just sent my plan this afternoon, and they completed it in the evening?"

Soon, Obadiah sensed something was wrong.

After all, he only sent the cooperation plan to his private buyer in the afternoon, how could it be completed tonight.

If they had that ability, they would have stormed the presidential palace long ago.

Moreover, this is completely inconsistent with their plan.

"No, I have to go see it myself!"

The next moment, Obadiah, who no longer had the slightest smile on his face, got up in a hurry and rushed towards Tony's luxurious villa.


Meanwhile, in a villa in Malibu.

Countless figures in military uniforms and loaded with ammunition surrounded the entire villa.

There are several fighter jets in the sky, searching around here like a carpet.

Inside the villa, there were also countless intelligence officers wearing black suits and white gloves, constantly searching for possible clues.

However, inside the villa, they could not find any clues about outsiders.

Of course, this does not include the two magazine cover models who have been taken away for questioning.

"Peppo, what happened? Why did Tony disappear suddenly?"

A black man wearing an Air Force pilot uniform suddenly broke into the villa and asked Pepper directly.

"Colonel Rhodes, I don't know. I only found out that Mr. Stark was missing after receiving an urgent notification from Jarvis."

At this moment, Little Pepper's face looked a little pale. Things happened so suddenly that she didn't even have time to put on makeup.

"What happened? Why did Tony disappear suddenly?"

Before the two could continue their conversation, a figure appeared in front of the villa again, and started shouting loudly before entering the house, seeming very anxious and worried.

"Mr. Stan, you are here."

"Pepper Potts, what's going on? As the assistant to the president, why don't you take a fancy to Tony?"

As soon as Obadiah came in, he asked Pepper sharply.

"I'm sorry Mr. Stan, you know, Mr. Stark doesn't like me disturbing him at night."

Pepper was also very helpless. Tony's playboy character was well known.

"Okay, now is not the time to pursue responsibility. Finding Tony is the most important thing."

Colonel James Lord spoke to ease the conflict between the two.

"Jarvis, what clues do you have there?"

Afterwards, Rhodes called Jarvis directly to get some special clues.

"I'm sorry, Colonel Rhodes. None of the surveillance facilities I have captured images of anyone breaking into the villa, including the satellite radar above the villa. There is also no trace of anyone breaking in."

"Mr. Stark, just disappeared out of thin air!"

Jarvis' magnetic voice sounded slowly, but it was hard for everyone to accept.

"There are no video images, and even the radar did not detect any signs of intrusion. So was Tony kidnapped by a demon?"

Obadiah suddenly looked ferocious, as if he was going crazy because of Tony's disappearance.

"Wait, could it be..."

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, Little Pepper spoke uncertainly.


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