Rebirth, this is Meiman

Chapter 418 Chapter 418 Monitoring the Avengers

After coming out of the Sanctuary of New York, Wang Ming looked at the people passing by on the street, and a smile appeared on his face.

Sure enough, it would be more comfortable to look at the earth if it was livelier.

So he looked at the crowd on the street and said at the same time.

"If you want to ask anything, just ask it. Don't peek. Although your gaze is relatively hidden to ordinary people, to me, it is no different from looking openly."

Natasha actually knew that it was impossible to peek at Wang Ming, because strong people were very keen on spying on themselves.

Just like her, after many years of being an agent, she can detect anyone peeking at her within a hundred meters, let alone a strong man like Wang Ming.

"I know I shouldn't be curious, but what was that just now, magic? I have been living in this world for decades after all. How come I didn't know that magic exists in this world."

In the end, Natasha couldn't hold back and began to ask Wang Ming this question that made her extremely curious.

Wang Ming glanced sideways at Natasha, and then spoke.

"Although you are curious about magic, I'm afraid you are more curious about why I went to find Master Ancient One, right?"

Seeing that her thoughts were seen through, Natasha had nothing to be embarrassed about.

She put away the curious expression on her face. Just like Wang Ming said, she was curious about magic.But she wasn't so curious that she couldn't help it.

Her real purpose was to know why Wang Ming went to find the man named Gu Yi.

You must know that when traveling through time and space, Wang Ming told her to try not to have too many interactions with people in the past.

For this reason, he also specially cleaned up all the trackers on his body and all the radiation on her body.

But he took the initiative to find someone in the past, and she could tell from the last conversation she heard between Wang Ming and Gu Yi.

Wang Ming not only took the initiative to find Ancient Yi, but he also told Ancient Yi that he had traveled from the future to save the world.

This made Natasha very confused. Shouldn't the fewer people involved in changing the past, the better?

Why did Wang Ming take the initiative to tell others? And looking at that place, the man named Gu Yi should be the leader of a big force.

Wang Ming told Gu Yi their origins, so wouldn't there be more variables?

"Yes, I really can't figure out why you want to find that person named Ancient One."

Natasha did not deny it, but openly expressed her doubts.

Seeing Natasha's generous admission, Wang Ming couldn't help but shook his head, and then he began to explain to Natasha why he went to find Gu Yi.

"In fact, it is not difficult to change the past. Anyone who has the ability to travel through time can do this."

"The really difficult thing is, after changing the past, how to prevent the changed past from being corrected by the inertia of history. This is the most difficult thing."

Natasha reacted quickly after hearing this. She looked at Wang Ming in surprise and asked in a somewhat unbelievable tone.

"Could that person named Ancient One be able to prevent the world from being corrected by inertia after you change the timeline?!!"

Hearing Natasha's somewhat surprised tone, Wang Ming smiled and then said in a positive tone.

"Yeah, she can actually do that."

"Who is she and why do you trust her so much?"

When Natasha saw Wang Ming's firm tone, she immediately became curious about Gu Yi's identity.

Although she doesn't know how difficult it is to change the past, she still has some understanding of interfering with the timeline.

Because the education she received told her that people cannot interfere with the established timeline. This is an indisputable fact.

And how could she not be surprised that the man named Gu Yi was able to interfere with the development of the timeline.

"Is this person named Gu Yi a god?"

Natasha couldn't help but express her guess, because in her impression, only gods could do this.

"She is not a god, she is just a magician who has protected the earth for hundreds of years."

After saying this, Wang Ming stopped mentioning the matter of Gu Yi and turned to Natasha to ask.

"The point in time we are at now is two days before Ultron took the vibranium body, but because of your coma, we have been delayed for half a day. Do you know where the Avengers are now?"

Seeing that Wang Ming was not going to continue talking about Gu Yi, Natasha also knew that now was not the time to delve into the matter.

So she suppressed her curiosity deep in her heart and told Wang Ming where the Avengers were at this time.

"At this time, we have snatched the vibranium body made by Ultron. We should be in Stark Tower now, discussing how to deal with this body."

Natasha can't forget what happened during this period, because this is the cause of everything

Wang Ming frowned when he heard Natasha say that they had snatched Ultron's vibranium body.

Now that they have snatched the vibranium body made by Ultron, how did Ultron snatch this body away?

So Wang Ming expressed his doubts.

Hearing Wang Ming's question, Natasha smiled bitterly, and then she said.

"We did snatch Ultron's body, but we didn't expect that Ultron had installed a tracker on the Cradle of Life."

"He used the tracker to find where we stored the cradle of life, and then snatched the cradle away while we were away."

Hearing this, Wang Ming was speechless. Didn't Tony Stark in this world check it when he snatched the cradle of life? Why didn't he know there was a tracker on it?

Natasha looked at the strange look on Wang Ming's face, and she knew what Wang Ming was thinking, so she quickly explained.

"Tony actually checked it, but he didn't find out that there was a tracker. After Ultron came to find it, we guessed that there was a tracker on the Cradle of Life."

"Okay, you don't need to explain to me. We are here to change everything. I just need to know where you are now."

Wang Ming had no intention of listening to Natasha's defense for Tony. Anyway, they were here to change everything.

Natasha also knew that discussing Tony's matter now would be of no use, so she turned to look at Wang Ming and asked.

"What are you going to do to prevent our universe from being destroyed?"

"Did you know that in other universes, after you snatched Ultron's cradle of life, Tony and Banner put Jarvis into the vibranium body made by Ultron, thus giving birth to a new superhero? Vision.”

"What we have to do is to synchronize the development of this universe with other universes, so that we can change the past operations at the minimum cost."

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