The Hero System of Meiman

Chapter 4 Request from Thea

Soon at night, Bob brought Yu Hua a dinner.

Dinner is simple.

Just a burger and a glass of milk.

He said to Yu Hua, "Boy, please stay here for now!" He said goodbye to Yu Hua and said, "We'll see you tomorrow."

Yu Hua said in surprise: "You just left like this?"

"Why, what else do you have? Just tell Officer Brenda if you have anything to do." Bob said, "She is in charge of night duty tonight!"

Only then did Yu Hua notice that there was an ordinary-looking female police officer about 26 years old in the police station in the evening. He greeted Brenda awkwardly: "Hello, sister."

Brenda smiled slightly and said, "You have a sweet mouth." She said, "But you have to calm down and stop saying that you are a time traveler."

Yu Hua said: "Oh."

Brenda said goodbye to Bob and said, "Officer Bob, please feel free to go, I will leave this place to you!"

Bob was standing in front of him and specifically warned him: "If he says he is a time traveler again, call Director Lance and tell him."

After Bob left, Yu Hua could only sit on the small bench alone and watch Police Officer Brenda work.

Brenda was busy for a while, then suddenly raised her head and asked: "Boy, how did you come up with the idea of ​​telling Director Lance that you are a time traveler?" She smiled playfully, "I dare say that you are the first to tell Director Lance that you are a time traveler?" People who talk like that.”

"Haha..." Yu Hua smiled awkwardly.

In this era full of lies, telling the truth will be doubted by so many people.

It's really hard to tell the truth.

Yu Hua scratched his head and said, "I don't know what happened, so I just said that."

Brenda said: "I can imagine Chief Lance's expression at that time." Just as she was trying to imitate Chief Lance, a casual man wearing a black top and a dark green hood appeared in front of the glass window of the police station. .

Just hear a clatter.

The man took out a car repair wrench and smashed the glass window behind Brenda.

"Who is it?" Brenda immediately pulled out her pistol after experiencing a brief period of confusion. She turned around alertly and saw the hooded man waving his hand to her and then running away.

"Oh my god!" Brenda's face changed. "This is an attack on the police!" She said to Yu Hua, "You stay here first, I'll go out and take a look."

Although Brenda is a civilian employee of the police station, she is also a well-trained Star City police officer. She does not allow anyone to challenge the majesty of the police station.

As soon as she started chasing him, a girl rushed in.

It was Thea, the beautiful girl that Yu Hua had been away from that night.

Thea pulled Yu Hua up and said, "Follow me!"

Yu Hua was a little surprised, "What's wrong?"

Thea kept dragging Yu Hua into the car without saying a word, "It's fun to fool me with a fake map, right?"

As soon as Thea closed the car door, she said angrily.

Yu Hua said: "Fake map, what kind of fake map?"

Thea glared at Yu Hua angrily, "What kind of fake map can there be? A map about the address of Oliver's whereabouts!" She bit her lip, "It's rare that I believe you so much, and I went to find someone to compare it with for the whole afternoon!"

"How is this possible?!" Yu Hua said in surprise: "The map I gave you is absolutely true!"

"Really?!" Thea said angrily: "What you gave me was a map drawn on September 1689, 9, regarding the Treaty of Nerchinsk at the war between China and Russia!"

Thea took out the map and put it in front of Yu Hua's eyes, "Take a good look at it, what's written on it?! Liuwei Sea, Andong Peninsula, North China Sea, Kuye Strait, Zekun Strait, The Sea of ​​Whales! Who knows what kind of sea the Sea of ​​Whales is?! What is the use of this ancient map!!"

Yu Hua heard Thea's bluster and couldn't help but feel

big head.

However, he seemed to feel that he heard some key information.



It's the North China Sea.

In the first episode of Arrow Season [-], Oliver escaped from the purgatory island located in the North China Sea.

At that time, he was rescued by two fishermen from China.

He said: "Thea, calm down."

Thea said angrily: "How can I calm down!" She seemed to be venting the anger in her heart, and she seemed to be accusing Yu Hua, the person who gave her hope but then dashed her hope. "You keep saying that this is a photo about Austria. A map of the address where Oliver died, but where is there any information about Oliver on this map?!"

Two lines of clear tears fell from her beautiful big eyes. She wiped them with her hands, and then showed a sad smile, "Haha, maybe I should no longer have illusions."

"Maybe Oliver is really as dead as people say."

Thea's heartbreaking words made Yu Hua feel heartbroken, "Hey, this playboy Oliver has offended so many people before he received the 'death curse' from everyone. His sister must also have suffered a lot. Criticism and grievance.”

he thought to himself.

Yu Hua saw Thea shaky and quickly held her shoulders and said: "Thea, please believe me. Oliver is indeed still alive!"

"No, he's dead."

Thea shook her head and said: "He is already dead."

Yu Hua said: "Maybe you don't know that Oliver is trapped on a small island near the North China Sea!" Yu Hua said loudly: "He is still waiting for you to rescue him!"

"An island in the North China Sea?"

Thea said listlessly: "What's the name of that island?"

"Purgatory Island."

Yu Hua replied.

Thea said mockingly to herself: "Oh, everyone is dead, and they are still trapped on Purgatory Island by your curse!" She looked at Yu Hua and said: "You are so cruel!"

Yu Hua slapped Thea on the face, and with a snap, five red marks appeared on Thea's face.

Her big eyes were full of shock, as if she didn't believe that the powerless commoner in front of her dared to hit her.

"Wake me up!"

Yu Hua said loudly: "Don't you believe that Oliver is still alive? Then you must firmly believe that he is still alive! He is indeed alive on Purgatory Island now. Like a hero, he is struggling, surviving and working hard on the desert island. Fighting and trying your best to survive, just to wait for a chance to reunite with your family! But you wavered in your belief halfway, are you doing this worthy of Oliver?!"

Yu Hua's words shook Thea's heart like thunder.

She had no idea that a person who had never met Oliver could say such a thing.

It might as well be to deceive her.

Just to encourage her.

When she saw the confident look in Yu Hua's eyes, she felt as if she had gained some kind of support.

It was too difficult to believe that Oliver was still alive, but now I met someone who believed in the same.

She didn't know whether to be happy or sad.

In short, she felt a touch of warmth. She had grown up in the upper class of Star City since she was a child. Her family relationship was tense and cold. Her mother, Moira Quinn, and her father, Robert Quinn, had conflicts from time to time. She is not at home all year round, so she doesn't feel the warmth of family at all.And her brother Oliver suddenly disappeared a few years ago, leaving her alone in this cold society. Perhaps only this moment can warm her long-frozen heart.

"Please take me to find Oliver!"

Thea pleaded.
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