As expected, after receiving the coordinates provided by Yu Hua, Dr. Iwo's eyes immediately became fanatical.

However, he still felt uneasy about Yu Hua, so he said to his subordinates: "You guys, take him to the crash site!"

"Sarah, go get the nigger, and we'll go look for Mirakuru!"

As he spoke, Yu Hua was escorted out of the Anthony's interrogation room.

Yu Hua was a little surprised. In his original thought, Dr. Iwo would send Sarah to escort him.

"But this is fine." Yu Hua muttered in his heart: "Sarah is the first Black Canary in the Arrow plot. She is a character destined to have great adventures. She will definitely not die in the current plot! "

Yu Hua made a plan in his mind. When he was halfway there, he would find an opportunity to kill the people escorting him.

Then they waited for Dr. Ivo and his team to find Mirakuru. With someone as cunning as Dr. Ivo, he would definitely do human experiments after he succeeded.

If any lucky person is favored by the God of Destiny, he will definitely blow Dr. Ivo's head off.

Then again, if no one can survive Mirakuru's human experiments, then there is no point in Dr. Ivo getting Mirakuru!

No matter how you look at it, it is a sure-profit choice.

Yu Hua silently praised himself, "This is not a loss!"

As soon as Yu Hua was escorted to the deck, he felt refreshed. In front of him, there was a gurgling trickle. It turned out that without him knowing it, the ship Anthony had arrived at the edge of Purgatory Island and was temporarily anchored on the coast. .

He looked back at the confinement cage of the Anthony and then at the dense woods of Purgatory Island.

He now feels that he would rather stay in the woods of Purgatory Island than stay in the confinement cage of the Anthony ship!

"What are you looking at? Why don't you leave quickly?!"

The escort saw Yu Hua pause and immediately hit him with the butt of the machine gun.

"Ouch!" Yu Hua touched his side, glared at the man fiercely, and thought to himself: "I'll kill you all when we get to Purgatory Island!"

After Yu Hua experienced the cage incident, he knew that the people on this ship were not good people.

He had already been prepared to kill.

Our Lady?


The people on this ship locked people into four-foot-square iron cages, and frequently picked up one person for human experimentation. This kind of cruel behavior, if placed in any place, is it a crime worthy of the death penalty?

Where can I forgive again?

After half an hour.

Yu Hua dealt with the two of them and hurried to the crash site.

All I saw was a messy scene.

"Oh my god!" Yu Hua said in shock: "There are burn marks everywhere, bullet holes and scratches everywhere, even the casing is blackened by fuel!"

As soon as he walked into the casing, he heard Thea's scream.

"Yu Hua, you escaped?!" Thea was holding a wooden barrel in her hand, which contained a lot of remaining debris.


Yu Hua nodded and asked: "Why are you the only one here? Where is Sha Duo? And where is brother Oliver?"

"Shado and Ollie are accompanying Uncle Slade."

Thea looked a little sad: "Uncle Slade has burns all over his body, I'm afraid he won't live long!"

As she spoke, she shed tears.

After she witnessed Slade's tragic situation, she felt extremely depressed.

"Where are they?"

Yu Hua asked.

Thea wiped her eyes and said, "I'll take you there."

It turned out that after Oliver returned, they were afraid of being chased by people on the Anthony ship, so they fled to a small slope near the crash site.

There is a mountain col over there, just right for hiding.

Yu Hua rushed to the hiding place and saw Slade struggling to stand up with Sha Duo's support.

"Uncle Slade!"

Although Yu Hua and Slade didn't get along for a long time, and Slade was reluctant to accept Yu Hua into the team at first, Yu Hua still felt sad for Slade's tragic situation.

Half of his face was covered with the ointment planted by Yao Fei, which was barely able to cover the scars.

And on his neck, there were large and bloody burn wounds that even the ointment could not cover!

Yu Hua's voice was choked with sobs, "Uncle Slade...wuwuwu..."

"Hey, kid, why are you crying!" Slade forced out a smile and acted like a tough guy, "I'm not good at this!"

Yu Hua glanced at Oliver, motioned for him to come over, and said, "Brother Oliver, go get a medicine bowl. Remember to get some herbs."

Oliver was surprised: "Do you want to..."

Yu Hua nodded solemnly, "Yes, let's mix a little bit of my blood into the ointment."

Oliver hesitated for a while, then went to Thea's place to get the herbs.

Slade saw Yu Hua and Oliver whispering and said, "Boy, as soon as you came back, you and Oliver were flirting with each other. Is there something gay?"

His voice was a little louder, and he pulled at the wound and kept coughing.

Sha Duo was beside him and rubbed it for him, which made him smile happily.

He finally got the Oliver treatment, just too late.

After Oliver arrived, the two of them crushed the herbs in the medicine bowl into paste, and then Yu Hua cut his palm and added a certain amount of blood into it.

From the outside, it's just a mushy ointment, as usual.

"Shaduo, give Slade a wipe."

Oliver handed over the "new ointment."

Shaduo nodded and wiped Slade carefully.

However, something surprised Yu Hua. The new ointment did not work on Slade!

But under Oliver's gaze, the wound on his hand was healing visibly.

The two of them looked at each other, their moods sinking into a low point, "It's broken!"

Yu Hua asked Sha Duo: "Sister Sha Duo, tell me truthfully, how is Uncle Slade's situation?"

"Slade's skin burns have stabilized, but the inside of his body keeps heating up. It's probably an internal infection." Sha Duo looked solemn and said, "We don't have antibiotics on hand, so there's no way to stabilize him temporarily. His condition. It has been delayed for so long now, and even if he is sent to the most advanced hospital, he will not be able to save his life!"

Yu Hua just wanted to exchange antibiotics from the system to help Slade's illness, but he found a line of red words marked on the system.

"The host cannot violate system regulations. Any attempt to exploit system vulnerabilities will be deemed invalid by the system."

Yu Hua cursed secretly as a bastard, feeling that all his plans had come to nothing.

He originally thought about using his super healing ability to help Slade stabilize his injuries. The rest of the time was to wait for everyone on the Anthony ship to bite them, and then he, Oliver and his group would step forward. Last hit.

And now, he was cornered.

Could he watch Slade die?

No, can't!

Then, he only has one choice left!

That is to take Slade to find Mirakuru!

What's more serious is that he needs to get into the Japanese Royal Navy submarine before Dr. Ivo!
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