The five thousand year old girl of Meiman

Chapter 21: 5 fingers? 4 sticks

At this moment, Mrs. Gao was looking at the invitation sent by her subordinates, and the inviter was none other than Fisk.

"It seems that I can't hold on any longer anymore and is ready to bow to us and sue for peace." Xin on the side looked at Mrs. Gao's still furrowed brows and asked with some confusion, "Is there something wrong with it?"

"Although the results are similar to what we expected, it still makes me a little uneasy." Mrs. Gao's haggard face showed an unknown worry, "We still have too little penetration into New York, otherwise we may still find some clues."

Xin felt ridiculous about Mrs. Gao's inexplicable worries, but he didn't say anything. Who made Mrs. Gao the boss now?

"Bring more people to the meeting with Fisch tonight." Madam Gao simply adopted the stupidest method, bringing more people. This was the only way she could think of to alleviate this uneasiness at the moment.

Xin had no choice but to nod and go prepare the manpower for tonight.

Although I was puzzled by Mrs. Gao's uneasiness, there was nothing wrong with being cautious.It's quite a headache to die once.

"Then, let's see what backup plan you have prepared, Fisk." Mrs. Gao stared at the invitation with heavy eyes.

Time is like sand in your hands, it always escapes from your hands inadvertently.

Soon the appointed time came.

Fisk set the location of this trial at a manor in the suburbs of New York so that Mrs. Gao could come with peace of mind.After all, this is not your own territory.

"Welcome, Mrs. Gao." Fisk, standing at the door of the hall, smiled and extended his hand to Mrs. Gao.

"Negotiation is a very wise choice, Mr. Fisk." Mrs. Gao also smiled and held Fisk's hand.

"Please." Fisk's expression did not change at all, and he still welcomed Mrs. Gao and the letter who had been following her with a smile on his face.

Just after the three of them entered the hall, a woman wearing a classic Greek red armor walked down from the second floor.

Madam Gao's pupils shrank when she saw the woman. With 400 years of life, she could clearly feel the aura of the same kind.

That smell of eternity.

But Mrs. Gao did not feel the power of the dragon bone from that woman, nor did she feel the aura of those disgusting vampires in Europe.

Mrs. Gao, who was just about to ask Fisk for questioning, found that the guy was already standing at the foot of the stairs, as if he was just the woman's pawn.

"Xin, if something goes wrong soon, let the ninjas in." Mrs. Gao said to Xin.

Xin also nodded.

Even if he showed disdain for Mrs. Gao's concerns, he strictly followed Mrs. Gao's orders, not to mention the current situation.

It was clear that Fisker wasn't the one taking charge.

Diana walked down the stairs and came to Fisk's side: "Make sure it's them."

Fisk nodded.

"It seems like you don't want to talk to us, Fisk." Mrs. Gao said in a deep voice, leaning on a cane.

"No, this young lady will talk to you first before me." Fisk said to Mrs. Gao with a smile still on his face, and at the same time motioned to Diana beside him.

"Oh? I don't think we have anything to talk about with a little girl." Before Mrs. Gao could say anything, she was overtaken by a letter on the side.

Diana wanted to laugh a little. After all, no one had ever called her a little girl, and only Darkseid was qualified to call her that.

How old is he now?Or do children who are hundreds of years old call themselves little girls?

"Little girl, are you calling me?" Diana looked at the letter calmly.

"Otherwise? How old are you? 20 or 25?" Xin said with a smile, "Don't think that just because you are wearing pretentious clothes, you can talk to us."

As he said this, no one expected that Xin would suddenly take action.

He quickly flew towards Diana and punched Diana directly in the face.

I don't believe that an ordinary person who thinks he has some strength can survive his punch.

But the fact is that the punch that hit Diana directly on the cheek could not even make her turn her head.

"Kid, you have to hit people hard." Diana said, raising her hand, clenching it into a fist, and hitting Xin's abdomen head-on.

With one punch, the letter was embedded in the ground.

Xin looked at Diana, whose cheeks were not even red, with an expression of disbelief, but he could only die like this.

When the letter was embedded in the ground by Diana, Mrs. Gao understood that this meeting was a trap set by Fisk, a trap to trap them all here.

"Is this what you mean? Fisk." Madam Gao shouted sharply, "You want to start a war again, don't you?"

As she spoke, she turned to look at Diana. When she saw Diana's young and beautiful face, Mrs. Gao said, "I don't know what Fisk promised you, but I can give you whatever he can give you."

While saying these words, Mrs. Gao was also contacting the ninjas outside through the communication device in her cane.

But Diana obviously had no intention of paying attention to Mrs. Gao, so she took the mantra lasso from her waist and threw it out.

Madam Gao deliberately avoided the unknown object thrown by the woman, but the speed of the mantra lasso thrown by Diana was too fast. Even though Madam Gao was once a disciple of Kunlun, she could only observe it but could not avoid it.

"The Lasso of Truth. Anyone caught by the Lasso of Truth can only tell the truth." Diana pulled the Lasso of Truth and pulled Mrs. Gao in front of her.

Mrs. Gao's haggard face was full of shock. She had never heard of such a thing in her entire life.

"What do you want to do in New York?"

"For the keel." After hearing the truth that she didn't want to say, Mrs. Gao could only use a complicated expression to persuade Diana.

"Dragon bone?" Diana knew very well that there was no description of this kind of thing in her memory.

"It is used to extend our lifespan and stay healthy. It can be used to resurrect the dead among us when necessary."

"You? Are you not the leader of the Hand?" Diana noticed the "we" in Mrs. Gao's mouth.

Madam Gao's eyes showed blazing hatred, but it was all in vain. She was still describing the reality of the Hand: "There are five people in total, including me, and we are the five fingers of the Hand. "

"Where is the keel?"

"I don't know. We only know that the keel is within the Central City Circle, including Hell's Kitchen, which is the target of our investigation."

Diana said nothing more and simply retracted the Lasso of Truth.

Mrs. Gao looked at Diana with hatred, wishing she could eat it before eating it.But the most important thing now is to save his own life, or to ensure that his body will not fall into the hands of the two people in front of him.

At this moment, a large number of Hand ninjas appeared in front of the painting of Diana and Fisk.

"I don't believe you can deal with so many people. No matter how strong you are, you can't help but feel tired! If I kill you and Fisk, nothing about the Hand will be leaked." Madam Gao drew out the sword from her cane. After a false thrust with the sword, he retreated violently.

When those ninjas drew out their samurai swords and attacked Diana, and Mrs. Gao, who ran away without stopping at all, all fell into Diana's eyes.

Diana raised her arms and smashed the protective silver bracelets together.

The violent impact of divine power swept through the entire hall, lifting everything in front of Diana.

The divine impact created a huge light and sound like an explosion.

Even Mrs. Gao, who had been escaping from the beginning, had her legs cut off by the divine impact, and her internal organs were severely damaged.

Mrs. Gao looked at the starry sky above her head with dull eyes.

Diana walked over slowly and looked at Mrs. Gao in front of her, who had taken in less air and was outgoing more air without saying a word.

"I want to know why you helped Fisk?" Blood continued to flow from the corners of Mrs. Gao's mouth, and her occasional cough would bring out a few pieces of broken internal organs.

"Fisk will not involve ordinary citizens in the struggle of black forces." Diana looked down at Mrs. Gao.

"It's so simple." Mrs. Gao smiled miserably, "Why don't you come to the Hand Club? Why don't you come..."

Mrs. Gao had already breathed her last before she finished speaking.

Diana didn't want to answer Mrs. Gao's question, after all, she didn't even know there was such an organization.

Electric light flashed on the protective silver bracelet, and a bolt of lightning turned Mrs. Gao's body into ashes.

Whoever gave them the means of resurrection would have suffered too many losses like this in the previous world.

Fisk also walked out at this moment and saw the scene where Mrs. Gao turned into ashes.He also knew in his heart that if he failed to fulfill his promise, his fate would probably be similar to Mrs. Gao's.

"Remember our agreement." After saying that, Diana flew high into the sky.

As for the five fingers of the Hand, only four are left now.As long as they still need that keel, they will jump out themselves.

After Diana left, Fisk turned his head and looked at the first floor of the main building, which was basically destroyed due to Diana's divine impact, and sighed. It could still be repaired.

But then his fantasy was shattered. Perhaps due to the structural changes in the main building caused by the divine impact, it was completely reduced to ruins.

"Okay, it's time to rebuild."

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