Meiman: I became Tony's younger brother

Chapter 63 Silence both men and women


Thunder flashed across the sky, leaving several shadows on the top of the container.

The propeller rotated at a high speed, the small drone adjusted its posture, and a small black dot flew out, sticking to the collar of the transport man without a trace.

"Oh, Mr. Luther, long time no see. Did you miss us?"

"Think, I miss you guys so much, come on quickly."

"Crackling... umm... ah..."

The sound of the keyboard in the command room suddenly stopped, the male staff stared at the screen and fell into thought, and the female staff also stared at the screen, lost in thought.

This really big.

It happened that iceberg beauty Hill went to the bathroom, but no one present turned down the volume.

After two minutes, the sound stopped suddenly.

The male staff breathed a sigh of relief, while the female staff showed disdain.


Satisfied, the transport man put on his clothes and walked down the corridor to the last room.


A charming voice came from inside: "Come in!"

The transport man pushed open the door.

In a room with light blue decoration style, a beautiful woman with a graceful figure and a black suit is sitting on an office chair.

Smelling the smell of the transport man, she frowned slightly: "How many times have I told you not to go to them? Why don't you focus this energy on your girlfriend?"

After being scolded, the transport man was not angry, but acted like a good boy. He walked behind the beautiful woman and squeezed her shoulders diligently:

"Sister, I know I was wrong, and I will never dare again."


The beautiful woman sighed, he had said this sentence countless times, each time it was nonsense, and he would forget it after a while.

She rubbed her head, took out a document and threw it on the table: "A group of people raided Wilson's residence this afternoon, sent by Stark."

"He was caught?" the transport man exclaimed.

"Dead." The beautiful woman said calmly, without any wavering in her tone, as if she had already predicted the outcome.

"Even if you're dead, it's really a dream to still want to take Angina away."

The transport man sneered, picked up the file and collapsed on the sofa, extremely lazy.

The case was solved, it turned out that he was trapped by love and wanted to redeem himself... Tony looked strange in the command room.

With this little money, you can be blessed with many "oirans", why hang yourself on a tree?

You can't even do this math problem, you scumbag.

Oh, I'm too old to lift a knife.

Tony continued to monitor, with great interest in what was coming next.

After reading for a while, the transportation man suddenly said: "Sister, you said that Stark lives in the hotel owned by the boss, why did you ask us to make such a big detour to set him up; it would be better if we just planted bombs in the hotel."

The beautiful woman was furious, picked up the glass and threw it on him, stood up and opened the door, saw that no one outside was relieved, and angrily scolded: "How many times have I told you, don't mention the word boss outside, be careful to get into trouble."

The transport man took the cup in a panic, seeing that the beautiful woman was really angry, he shut up obediently, and curled up on the sofa:

"OK, OK, OK."

The room fell into silence, and the pattering raindrops hit the container, making people irritable.

Know who is behind the scenes, everything is simple.

Lark directly asked Jarvis to search for the green man's location. When he looked at his location, he found that the good guy was also on his way to the port.

So what are you waiting for? Everyone goes out.

Lark also got on a plane to meet the boss behind the scenes.

No injustice, no enmity, why do you want to kill me?


Two cars protected the Rolls-Royce as they sped through the rainy night. It was dark outside the window, and no light could be seen.

The green man sat in the back seat, feeling the delicate and soft touch of the leather seat with his fingers.

arrived at the port,

Ten security guards got out of the car first and guarded the surroundings.

The driver opened the umbrella and the green man got out of the car. He looked around and walked into the container.

The siblings who just received the news hurried out to greet them:

"Boss, why are you here?"

The two were puzzled, the green boy hated this kind of place the most, why did he come here in person today.

The green man ignored them, because the snow-white lights had lit up the entire night sky, and the roar of the engine covered the sound of rain and filled his ears.



A large number of vehicles surrounded the container and blocked the gap. Heavily armed combatants stepped on the cars and climbed onto the boxes to occupy the commanding heights.

The infrared collimator dyed the crowd below red.

The faces of the security guards changed drastically, and they ran to hide behind the car in a panic, their hands holding the guns trembling uncontrollably.

Which special force is this? It's so fast.

The whole process took less than 30 seconds. By the time the siblings reacted, their way out was completely blocked.

The two tremblingly huddled behind the green man, and asked in a low voice: "Boss, what should we do now?"

They knew who these people were without having to guess.

The sufferer is at the door.

Whether the plan is successful or not, it all depends on the present... Lu Tongnan cleared his throat: "Bring me a chair."

The two were stunned for a moment, and finally the beautiful woman reacted first. She trotted to the next door and dragged over a chair.

The green man sat down with Dama Jindao, and directly in front of him was the continuous rain and more than a dozen muzzles.

He unhurriedly unbuttoned his chest, and said to himself to the night:

“Twenty years ago, I was just an ordinary gangster wandering the streets of Monaco, living a life of precarity and hatred.

"One day, I was ordered by my boss to go to the port to deliver goods, and everything started to be normal until there was a strange noise from the trunk.

"After opening it, there was a little boy with blond hair and blue eyes lying inside, his big eyes contained the most pure light in the world, he reminded me of my young brother.

"So I let him go and gave him $10."

The green man took off his coat, revealing his muscular upper body. He rolled up his sleeves, looked around, and asked with a smile:

"Guess what happened in the end?"

His tone was very flat, as if he didn't take death into consideration at all.

His calm demeanor was in sharp contrast to the panic of the two people behind him. He was worthy of being the boss.

Your life is hanging by a thread and you are still appetizing... The siblings shook their heads, indicating that they were unclear.

Naturally, the fighters would not answer him, and remained silent, holding their guns tightly.

Just when everyone thought it was a one-man show, heavy footsteps came from the rainy night.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A pair of pure black armor walked out of the dark night, and just standing there gave people a soul-stirring power.

Lak's cold voice came from the armor:

"That little boy's name was Daniel Rand. Afterwards, your gang was liquidated, and you were the only one who survived."

The green man continued: "Yes, his father gave me a million dollars, and that's how I became what I am now."

He walked out of the container, opened his arms, and let the cold raindrops hit him. The expression on his face gradually distorted, and a trace of madness appeared in his eyes. He roared:

"Tell me, should I kill you?"

The Rand Group had caused such a big disturbance in New York before. With Green Boy's current financial resources, it would not be difficult to find out that Daniel had miraculously survived.

Although he didn't know why Daniel disappeared, Stark Group became the final winner, and it was right to target it.

He is still a guy who knows how to reciprocate... Lak continued: "This reason is barely acceptable. What's the situation with your mysterious item?"

PS: Thank you for your recommendation tickets and monthly tickets


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