The bright golden light reflected on the book, everyone looked up, and a long knife that was even bigger than before fell down.

The crowd exploded in an instant, reacting quickly and dragging the female partner to the side, for fear of being chopped in half if they were too slow;

Those who are old are miserable, their reactions are slow, and they can't run. They can only watch the blade getting closer and closer to them, and swear that if they survive, they must make that black marinated egg look good.


"Fuck, that old guy is crazy..."

Hill and Natasha naturally noticed such a big movement. They stood up suddenly and ran away without caring about the skirts they were wearing. They shouted:

"Nick Fury, put the knife down, you can't kill."

"Director, put down the knife."

Seeing that the director didn't react at all, and the long knife was about to fall, Natasha suddenly thought, swung her body in the air, swung out her right hand, and the modified Stark mobile phone arced in the air, hitting Lu Dan in the back of the head.


The phone "slapped" to the ground, but Fury still didn't respond, his eyes were completely filled with red, bursting out with a bloodthirsty light.

Hill hated this hall so much at this moment, why did it make it so wide?

Mayors, congressmen, and chairman of more than a dozen large companies, once all of these people die at the hands of Fury, tomorrow the Strategy... Bureau will have to be disbanded and subject to review.

But she was so far away, there was nothing she could do. If she had a gun with her, she could give it to him, but now she could only worry and watch the long knife fall little by little.

Suddenly, he saw someone standing on the stage staring at her and saying something.

The amazing thing is that she actually understood:

"Change, or not!"

"Change! Change! Change!" Hill yelled.

She has no choice.

"Haha, deal."

Lark burst out the water bottle with a loud laugh, sprinted, jumped up high, his feet glowed with an imperceptible golden glow, and headed straight for the shiny braised egg.



The marinated egg, whose mind was occupied by power, would not hide at all. He got a solid kick on his left shoulder, two crisp clicks, and his arm deformed.

Then the whole person flew out and overturned several rows of seats.

Before landing, Lak's extraordinary body has already sensed that his heartbeat is weakening.

At the same time, the long knife was hit and flipped in the air, splitting the auction platform in two. Winston and the two waiters ran away when they saw this.



No matter how good the material is, it won't work if it loses its support. The "stage" where the fresh people appeared successfully collapsed and dust was everywhere.

The three of Winston covered their mouths and noses, and shouted as they walked with their chicken coop heads on their heads:

"Puff! Puff!"

"Puff! Is anyone hurt?"

"Everyone is alright!"

In the aftermath of the catastrophe, a group of old men stretched out on the ground and breathed heavily, cursing and greeting the Braised Dan's family.

It's a pity that I suffered from not being able to speak Chinese, so there were only a few sentences back and forth.


Hill and Natasha went straight to the middle of the hall. After climbing over the vertical bench, they saw Fury, who was bent at 90 degrees, with his butt facing down and stuck between the seats, with bubbles bubbling out of his mouth.

How to save this?

The two circled back and forth, unable to make a move.

The bones are broken like this, if you move a little bit, maybe the medical team hasn't arrived yet, so he will belch first.

The most important thing now is to find a way to hang his life.

The eyes of the two people brightened at the same time:

"The essence of life!"

"The essence of life!"

Natasha was immediately responsible for contacting the medical team, and Hill found Laxo and asked for the potion he had just taken.

Lak sighed with emotion, "Life is so great" and asked to give her the potion.

Fury can't die yet.

Although he is very dark, very dark, very dark, does not follow the rules, and likes to take advantage, one thing is that he is not a madman.

Once Fury is dead now, Pierce will take over S.H.I.E.L.D., and the situation will suddenly turn against him.

You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but there is no way to prevent a thief for a thousand days.

To kill snakes, you have to do it all at once.

The long knife was sheathed and placed in Winston's hand, and Lark stepped over to help everyone lying on the ground up one by one.

When it comes to acting, you have to stick to it till the end.

"I'm really sorry, everyone, it was my carelessness that caused such a big mistake.

"Well, to express my apologies, I will pay double the price for the mysterious item you are selling for the first time, how about it?" Lak kindly shook the dust off his body for the mayor.

Everyone has nothing to do, after experiencing it for themselves, the fear of mysterious items has not subsided, but has risen again.

The people present are already at the top of the human pyramid, enjoying everything they should enjoy on the material level.

Now it's the turn of the spirit.

What if, I can control that power?

Everyone laughed, from Lark, after getting the name of the Fury organization, they left one after another.

The booklet was tightly held in my bosom, for fear of dropping it.

When leaving the hotel, by chance, I ran into Fury's medical team who came to rescue Fury.

Natasha waited for a long time without seeing anyone, and hurriedly pressed the elevator, and then saw a white coat lying on the floor inside.

When a billionaire goes out, who doesn't have three or five bodyguards around him?

No way, Natasha could only call the second batch. Fortunately, there was no accident this time, and the black marinated eggs were successfully carried onto the car.

Before leaving, Hill left an exchange time.

At dawn, Howard's relics will be delivered on time.

So far, the fruits of victory have been planted, and the first auction has been "completely" successful.

Hotel rooftop.

Tony, who had been the background board all night, walked over to Lak with a glass of wine and sat down.

He didn't speak, just took a sip from time to time, his expression was sometimes puzzled, sometimes guilty, and sometimes happy, a bit like suffering from early schizophrenia syndrome.

Lark closed his eyes and switched back and forth between several birds.

SUVs and ambulances shuttled through the steel forest, and finally parted in front of a triangular building on the border between Manhattan and the Bronx.

One left and one right.

The SUV stopped, and Hill stepped on high heels and entered the elevator and went straight to the top floor.

The phone rang, and the caller: Secretary Pierce.

Hill took a deep breath to stabilize his emotions, the phone was connected, and Pierce questioned: "Agent Hill, I received a medical report of Fury's serious injury. What's going on?"

According to the security measures of the Bureau of Strategy..., agents above the eighth level will automatically notify their superiors in case of an accident, and Fury's superior is Pierce.

Hill quickly explained that she was still busy asking the following people to sort out Howard's belongings:

"Minister Pierce, what happened is this...Director Fury lost control of the long knife after holding it, and almost killed a dozen group directors...The essence of life stabilized the injury."

The other end of the phone was silent for more than ten seconds, and then said:

"So, that Lark not only knows about mysterious items, he even knows how to make them, right?"


Pierce's voice changed from questioning to soft:

"Very good, you did the right thing. You can use the scraps left by Howard to exchange for Agent Coulson. It's not a loss. As for Fury, let the medical team rescue him at all costs. I have arranged a flight and I expect to arrive at dawn. .”

PS: 18! 18! 18!


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