I seem to be an evil god

Chapter 37 I am the Green Arrow

Liu Dao walked quickly through the forest. The decision he made was reckless, a waste of resources, and had no tangible benefits.

It also touches the bottom line of his humanity a little bit.

This rapid running made Liu Dao gasp for breath. After he stopped, he was still familiar with the body of the winged rabbit. He drew the knife, cut, and fed the blood with very skillful movements.

Time passed, and Liu Dao hurriedly ran back and forth in the forest.

Sometimes he would meet a demon hunter. If he could avoid it, Liu Dao would try his best to avoid it. If he couldn't avoid it, the two parties would meet each other, nod, and just miss each other.

Those with a good attitude may say hello to him, while those with a bad attitude may even turn away and not look at him.

The journey of collecting rabbit carcasses was not smooth sailing. Sometimes, although the winged tiger rabbit he controlled killed the winged rabbit, Liu Dao was not able to arrive in time and was discovered by other demon hunters. Then, after ten minutes of running, he found nothing.

When people have faith to support them, they will work very hard to do something.

When you use all your strength to do something, time passes very quickly.

It was dusk again, and Liu Dao dragged his exhausted body back to the Demon Hunter camp. The boots on his feet were badly worn, and even with the support of his strong body, his calves were still a little cramped.

When walking through the forest during the day, I feel nothing. Only when I return to the camp at dusk do I feel the pain and powerlessness.

Today, Liu Dao was a little too focused on the transformation of the winged tiger into the rabbit, and did not collect either food or fresh water.

"Destiny makes its choice."

Liu Dao shook his body and slowly circled the camp.

Liu Dao used a knife to cut open the water bag he used to hold fresh water. He held a dilapidated iron jar that looked like it had just been picked up from the forest, and went to talk from tent to tent.

After entering, he first took out his water bag, indicating that he had accidentally lost the fresh water he collected today on his way back. Then he took out an old iron jar and begged for some fresh water to be given to him.

Liu Dao's begging behavior lasted for a long time. This behavior was very strange. Many demon hunters who had taken a rest opened the tent door and exposed one eye, watching Liu Dao's repeated and monotonous actions.

The process of borrowing water was not very smooth either. Some people laughed at it, some ridiculed it, and some people were indifferent.

But there are also people who are generous and kind.

When Liu Dao left the camp to find a big tree to rest, his back looked lonely and his steps were dragging. He was tremblingly carrying the iron jar filled with water. In the darkness where no one could see, his face was filled with tears. A ferocious smile appeared.

Time flies, day after day.

Liu Dao never repeated the process of borrowing water again. His strange behavior was treated as a joke by people, and Bo Xue ridiculed him mercilessly after hearing it.

"Why are you pretending to be pitiful?"

When he said this, his face was ferocious, his expression was arrogant, and there was a strong sense of disdain in his exaggerated movements.

Liu Dao watched the entire scene.

"Destiny has made his choice.".

Seven days later, Liu Dao's movements in the forest were no longer so hurried. He walked leisurely in the forest. After more than a week of running, the forest formed a map in his mind.

Today he will go to a location that he has been exploring for a long time, where rabbits often disappear mysteriously. The reason Liu Dao dares to go to investigate is because of his completely red eyes under the blindfold.

Crossing a small stream, the gurgling water hindered the spread of the smell.

After climbing over a rock, a low cave prevented people from exploring inside.

Jumping over branches and crossing an abyss, this is the only passage reserved for winged rabbits.

The closer we get to our destination, the hotter the air becomes, as if we have moved from the dry northern forest to the central tropical rainforest.

Wearing a big cloak and walking through it was not very pleasant. Liu Dao's clothes were soaked with sweat. His physical fitness seemed to be beyond that of ordinary people, and it also caused him to sweat more than ordinary people.

The torture of the environment and the fatigue of many days made Liu Dao regretful. He did not plan his behavior in detail, and he had convenient ways to choose difficult things instead of choosing.

His plans tortured the bottom line of his conscience again and again.

Very close to the destination, Liu Dao said to himself, half determined and half regretful: "Everyone has animal nature, but these animal natures are resolved in perfect rules and transformed in rich entertainment. People often say Pursuing wolf nature is a kind of degradation, but the wolf is in everyone's heart."

In the past world with advanced technology and perfect rules, blind recklessness was completely useless, but in this world where individual strength is respected, one person can become an army, and grudges and grudges are no longer a dream.

The destination was right in front of Liu Dao, and the air changed by the heat turned into heat waves, pouring out in waves.

Liu Dao flicked his hair on his head with his five fingers, and slowly opened his blindfold. He opened his closed left eye, and his white-on-black pupil was completely covered by blood.

A stream of blood flowed from it, slowly forming a neat and orderly square array.

When the first rabbit appeared, there was no sound in the cave.

When the 10th one appeared, it seemed like something huge was getting up in the cave.

When the 30th one appeared, there was an urge to hunt in the air.

When the 50th one appeared, a tentative roar came from the cave.

When the 100th one appeared, there was a ferocious aura of risking death to survive.

When the phalanx was completely lined up, the cave was as quiet as if there was nothing.

It turns out that too many ants can indeed kill an elephant. Liu Dao sat on the huge bear carcass and counted the remaining tigers and rabbits with their fingers one by one.

"Disabled 87, intact 49."

The battle just now was fierce and the results were very impressive.

Professional-level peaks piled up to kill elite-level peaks. Although the very valuable fur was damaged, the still valuable blood was shed on the ground, and the slightly valuable flesh and blood was bitten to pieces.

But what Liu Dao wants is not value, but pleasure and revenge.

Send the remaining rabbits back to the left eye. This magical eye has a very powerful function and can quickly restore all damage to the modified body.

This conclusion was drawn when Mrs. Smith returned last time. It was also because of this powerful function that Mrs. Smith was born with unparalleled grace and strength on the second day.

At the peak of the elite level, Liu Dao was very excited. The last elite-level creature transformed by his blood was Mrs. Smith, and that time he created a real monster.

Now, Liu Dao was about to summon the monster for the second time. He drew out his long knife, cut his wrist, and blood poured out as if it was free of money.

"Come on, give me a surprise." Staring at the body of the Elite Bear King, Liu Dao smiled twistedly.

Time entered dusk again, and Liu Dao squatted on a branch, looking at the demon hunter camp from a distance.

At this time, a huge roar came from the distance. President Nazha in the camp simultaneously released his momentum. After feeling it, he leaped forward in surprise.

This time there was no solid roof or masonry, and Master Nazha's advance caused a lot of damage. Here, Liu Dao was willing to honor her as the king of tree felling.

After Master Nazha left, the dim sunlight shone on the rune stone base material in Liu Dao's hand. It was a very flat stone slab with more than a dozen names carved on it with a carving knife. The first one was two fair Chinese characters - Ge sand.

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