I picked up attributes in the Ultra World

Chapter 77 Using [big] to bully [little]

Two days have passed since the Knuckles were defeated.

In the past two days, Yuhui defeated another Leonix, and the total number of attribute points reached 96.

Looking at the newly captured combat instrument, Yuhui fell into deep thought.

He felt that it was too slow to kill Leonix one by one and touch the corpses. It would be better to take advantage of them.

So he asked Dayir to help him keep an eye on the Zarab people.

"Planet Zarrab, is it also Leonix?" Dayer wrote down.

"No, that's a more interesting guy than Leonix." Yuhui said.

This Zarrabian is particularly funny. Although he is not Leonix, he managed to get a whole box of combat equipment by deceiving him.

And it is extremely resistant to beatings. After being hit by Gomora's super vibration wave in the original drama, it was able to escape in full view of the public.

After listening to Yuhui's description, Dayir felt that the Zarrab man was a "beneficial insect".

He is not Leonix, but he is actively causing trouble for those guys. This is simply a natural ally.

Yu Hui was touched by these words and started to think.

The Zarrab people and the Pedan people... are very similar.

Could it be that the Reblondos were deliberately conniving and allowing them to clean up those weak Leonixes?

After all, for the people of the Reblondo Planet, the more miscellaneous fish that die, the stronger the surviving Leonix will be, and the higher the quality of the body that will be resurrected.

Then if the [Resident Body of Root Destruction] also comes to disrupt the situation as an external force, will it turn a blind eye in the same way?

It's really worrying.

It's hard to survive alone. Ultraman Seven must be rescued as soon as possible.

As long as the power of two Ultra Warriors is gathered, there is nothing to be afraid of.

But having said that, we still have to take it step by step. It is best to deal with the Zarrab people first.

"Friendly forces? Don't think so, that Zarrab man may harm the entire universe." Yu Hui said.

Since "Super Galaxy Legend" is the theatrical version of "Big Monster Fighting".

Is there such a possibility that the Zarrab man who used the ultimate combat device to lead Bei Laohei to escape from prison is the same person who deceived and abducted him on the planet Hama?

If they are really the same person, then this Zarab star is simply the source of all evil.

Dayir didn't believe it. Just when he was about to dig deeper, the spacecraft suddenly shook violently.

Yuhui almost fell down, but luckily Beria's shadow suddenly appeared and pulled him up.

Vice Captain Haruna's voice sounded: "Call Yuhui, we are under attack, there are aliens from space attacking us!"

Yu Hui picked up the communicator: "Okay, I'll be there right away."

Seeing "Come to Live", Dayel quickly carried his equipment, while Yuhui was a little surprised.

After Leonix was discovered by the Panlong yesterday, he did not immediately summon the monster to fight, but ran away for several kilometers.

When it really couldn't run away, it had no choice but to summon monsters to fight.

After the monster was defeated, it immediately surrendered and shouted, "Why am I so unlucky? Why don't you go find other people's troubles?"

It can be seen that most Leonix are unwilling to contact them.

And this "rebel" who dared to attack the Panlong was either a warrior who was not afraid of death, or he was very confident in his own strength.

"Could it be that [Grundy] is here? Well, we finally waited for him."

But after arriving at the bridge of the Panlong, Yu Hui discovered that he had guessed wrong.

"The person who came is actually... an armored Meflas star." Yu Hui was shocked.

Underneath the Panlong, the armored Mephirasian swung his sword upward again.

The purple arc-shaped sword energy struck like a crescent moon. Fortunately, Kumano pulled the joystick at the critical moment and dodged the attack.

Yu Hui said: "This attack is almost catching up with those big monsters..."

He couldn't help but make an association. They both used swords. Who is stronger, [Armor Meflasian] or [Jagura]?

At this time, Beria, who had been following all the way, said phantom:

"Such a little kid dares to come here and cause trouble for us. He is really looking for death."

"Hey, that woman, shoot it and kill it!"

Vice Captain Haruna was surprised: "Hey...call me?"

Beria: "Who else is a woman besides you?"

Yu Hui waved his hand: "No, no, no."

"The guy below probably came to me for a duel. If I used external force, it would be very disrespectful of martial ethics."

"Kumano, please stop the spaceship, and I'll have a men's duel with it."

Kumano said: "Okay, come on!"

Seeing the Panlong descending, the armored Mephiras man indeed stopped attacking. He put his sword on his shoulder with a cold look.

"The person who came here is not good. That guy is not simple. Don't be careless and underestimate the enemy."

After the Panlong landed, Dayil, who saw Yuhui off, gave instructions.

At the same time, he hesitated whether to find an opportunity to shoot the armored Mevolas alien's black spear.

"I know it's not simple." Yu Hui said, but still looked relaxed.

He still remembered this episode very clearly.

Initially, Ultraman Seven and Dark Armor fought on the planet Hama, and both Seven's header and Dark Armor's sword were lost in the fierce battle.

[Thunder] got Severn's header, and [Armor Mephrasian] got the sword of Dark Armor.

Then [Armor Mephrasian] launched a challenge to [Thunder]. If this is the continuation of the battle between Severn and Dark Armor.

But in this battle, [Thunder] was defeated just like Ultraman Seven.

After defeating [Thunder], the Mephorians followed the guidance of the dark sword and awakened the dark armor with Ultraman Seven sealed inside.

In other words, to rescue Severn, we have to rely on the [Armor Mephrasian] to guide him.

Otherwise...he wouldn't even know where the Dark Armor is.

After selectively handing over these "prophecies" to Beria, Yu Hui instructed:

"This is about the descendants of the Kingdom of Light. You have to be careful. Don't attack too hard and get killed by the Mephoras."

Beria replied perfunctorily: "I know."

Seeing Yu Hui coming over, the armored Mevolas star said:

"You must be the successor of light, I am the one summoned by darkness."

It was rather disdainful as it spoke. The man in front of it had sloppy steps and a casual stance. He didn't look like a warrior at all.

Yu Hui said: "Yes, I know, let's have a fair showdown."

After saying that, he took out a white ball.

The armored Mephoras star holding the dark sword was stunned for a moment, wondering what kind of solution this was?

Is this his weapon? Is he going to kill himself with a ball?

Has this kid lost his head?

Before the armored Mephiras man had time to think too much, he saw the white ball in Yuhui's hand turning slowly.

A dazzling bright light flashed, forcing the armored Mevolas to close his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, the human was gone.

Instead, there was a white giant.

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