I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 56 Liu Peiqiang’s Current Situation

[Nefertari Weiwei: Yes, I seem to have seen Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang a few times these days...]

[Fei Yingli: Well, I didn’t say much, I just came up to sign in. 】

[Mai Sakurajima: The situation in his world is complicated, so he must be very busy! 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: The situation of this lieutenant colonel...should indeed be very complicated. 】

[Nunally V. Brittania: Huh? Why do you all seem to understand that gentleman's situation? 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Nunnally, you’re here! 】

[Thea: This is naturally because everyone has seen related works. 】

[Nunally V. Brittania: Well, Vivi, I took the time to come up and take a look. 】

[Nanaly V. Brittania: Related works? Is it possible that everyone in the world has works about Mr. Liu Peiqiang? 】

[Thea: Well, Nunnally, you can look at the public files in the group. 】

[Nunally V. Brittania: Public documents...]

[Nunally V. Brittania: Thea, are you talking about the one with two files in it? 】

[Thea: Yes, The Wandering Earth is a work related to Lieutenant Colonel Liu, while Superman Collection is about the abilities of Boss Li Ye...]

[Xiya: Take a look at them all, it will refresh your outlook! 】

[Nunally V. Brittania: Okay...]

[Nunnally V. Brittania: Unknown.JPG]

[Group message notification: Group member Nunnally V. Brittania downloaded the video file The Wandering Earth. 】

[Group news notification: Group member Nunnally V. Brittania stole the information file Superman Collection. 】

[Nunally V. Brittania: I'm going to see it, bye. 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Goodbye. 】

[Tony Stark: By the way, what’s the situation on the wandering earth? 】

[Tony Stark: It’s been so many days and there’s still no movement! 】

[Tony Stark: Didn’t Brother Liu Peiqiang say that he has used points to strengthen himself to prove it... Doesn’t this even convince him? 】

[Mai Sakurajima: I’m probably still verifying the authenticity! 】

[Ya Shenyue: When it comes to matters involving the entire human civilization, it is normal for the coalition government over there to be more cautious. 】

[Tony Stark: No, in special circumstances like this, the decision should be decisive! 】

[Ya Shenyue: Do you have the determination to decisively destroy all mankind? Not everyone has this courage. 】

[Yakami Yue: What’s more, a government may not always be of the same mind; there are those who dare to take risks, and there will naturally be those who are conservative. 】

[Yakami Yue: And there should be a lot of trouble behind this wandering earth plan. 】

[Tony Stark: Huh? What do you think is fishy? 】

[Ya Shenyue: Why does the sun suddenly accelerate its aging? Why does the coalition government have to escape with the earth? 】

[Tony Stark: ...Do you think there are external factors like aliens coercing you? 】

[Ya Shenyue: Otherwise? 】

[Tony Stark: All human knowledge of the universe is based on digital models and is theory! 】

[Tony Stark: The sun suddenly ages faster? How do you know this isn't a natural evolution of stars? 】

[Tony Stark: As for why you brought the Earth with you? This problem is even simpler! 】

[Tony Stark: The answer is for the earth’s ecology, an ecology that can feed all mankind. 】

[Tony Stark: Also, you can’t build many spaceships, but you can’t take many people with them. 】

[Tony Stark: So in my opinion, those who propose the wandering plan and implement it resolutely can be called heroes! 】

[Yakami Yue: Hero? You are still young and it is normal to not understand. 】

[Tony Stark:? ? ? 】

[Tony Stark: So I said a lot, and you said this in reply? 】

[Ya Shenyue: Then let me ask, is it possible given the selfish nature of human beings? 】

[Tony Stark: ...I suddenly want to ask you how old you are? 】

[Yakami Yue: Although I haven’t entered college yet, my father is the chief of the police department, so I have seen the darkness of human nature that you can’t imagine. 】

[Tony Stark: Oh, then I can almost be regarded as your father. I control an industrial group that manufactures arms and is currently turning to energy. 】

[Tony Stark: I am not saying this to introduce how rich I am, but to say that in the past I have experienced, the so-called humanity and darkness you have seen are just child's play. 】

[Yakami Yue: Child’s play? 】

[Nefertari Vivi: Well, why do you feel like you guys suddenly started arguing? 】

[Yakami Yue: No, it’s just a matter of arguing because of different ideas. 】

[Thea: Weiwei, why are you trying to start a fight? Everyone is enjoying it! 】

[Thea: It’s a pity that the chat group does not have a battle function now, otherwise a fight would be even more fun! 】

[Mai Sakurajima: So Sea is so disdainful...]

[Mai Sakurajima: Also, let me make it clear that I was not watching the excitement just now! (dog head)]

[Fei Yingli: +1 for not watching the fun]

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: +1 for watching the fun]

[Mai Sakurajima: Teacher Shizu, you are exposed! 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: Then if I add no now, will it be too late? 】

[Thea: It’s okay not to join, and if it weren’t for this excitement, I would have thought that this chat group only had female members! 】

[Fei Yingli: Indeed. 】

[Tony Stark: What did you women talk about about your mother-in-law and mother-in-law before? What's there to talk about? 】

[Yakami Yue:...]

[Thea: Mother-in-law and mother-in-law? 】

[Tony Stark: I speak quickly because I think there is nothing interesting to talk about. 】

[Tony Stark: Look, the little boy Yagami Yue also feels speechless! 】

[Ya Shenyue:? ? ? 】

[Neferutari Weiwei: I'm off topic again. Aren't everyone talking about Lieutenant Colonel Liu Peiqiang? 】

[Fei Yingli: But it’s hard to tell clearly what his condition is. 】

[Xia: No matter how many guesses you make, they are just guesses. Why not ask the person involved? 】

[Shizuka Hiratsuka: I agree. 】

[Xiya: @Liu Peiqiang, hey, do you have time to come up and talk about the current situation? 】

[Thea: Forget it’s inconvenient. 】

[Liu Peiqiang: It’s okay. My current situation is that I have left the Navigator Space Station and returned to Earth...]

[Liu Peiqiang: At the same time, information about the chat group and related works has also been reported to the summit. 】

[Liu Peiqiang: However, at present, it is still in the stage of verifying its authenticity. 】

[Mai Sakurajima: How to verify this? Could it be sliced? 】

[Thea: Sakurajima, you have watched too many movies! 】

[Liu Peiqiang: It’s not like taking a biopsy, it’s just testing various body data and doing routine blood draws. 】

[Liu Peiqiang: Yes, there are still a bunch of psychiatrists surrounding...]

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