I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 35 Not selling this time

【Ding! The points arrears of the group member Awakening of the Strongest have been paid off. 】

[You get 99,000 points, and the relevant commissions have been deducted. 】

[Your current number of points is: 101442]

Hear this beep…

Siya, who was still meditating, suddenly had an idea.

Have the points arrived?

After seeing the news clearly, she couldn't help but feel good.

At the same time, these words came to Siya's mind.

As expected of a boss, repayment is fast...

Is this recycling of resources?

Is it the awakening stone?

Immediately, she wanted to ask out of curiosity.

But then, Li Ye’s nickname did not appear in the group.

Not even a sign in.

After thinking about it, she decided not to bother.

Later, when Siya was thinking about how to use the points...

In my ears, the chat group notification sounded again.

【Ding! Create a new world without criminals and join the group chat! 】

Newcomer coming?

Create a new world without criminals?

she mused.

Although I have no impression at all, looking at this nickname...

Do you feel like a righteous person?

the other side.

A high school student looked at the chat interface that appeared in front of his eyes, and his mind started to spin rapidly.

A chat group implanted in your mind?

Currently, such technology does not exist...

Could it be... another supernatural force?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but glance at the notebook on the table to one side with the corner of his eye.

For it?

However, this calm high school student did not act rashly.

He chose to wait and see.


[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Hello, newcomer. This is a very peculiar chat platform. All the members in the group are from different worlds. 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: If you have any doubts, you can ask directly, @Create a new world without criminals. 】

[Create a new world without criminals: a different world? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Yes! However, newcomers who have just joined the group will generally be very skeptical about this point...]

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: But time will prove everything, so let’s just believe it for now? ! 】

[Create a new world without criminals: ...So what are the rules of this chat group that links different worlds? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: There are no rules. This may be because there is no administrator and the group is not perfect enough...]

[Create a new world without criminals: no rules? Wouldn't it be possible to just assume that this chat group does not exist? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Absolutely. However, it is not recommended. The points in the group are very useful and can be used for various purposes such as strengthening oneself, treating injuries, etc. 】

[Creating a new world without criminals: Supernatural powers? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Pretty much. In addition, points in the group are also the main currency for transactions between group members. 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: If the follow-up chat group can open the time travel function, it should also be able to ask group members for help. 】

[Create a new world without criminals: I probably understand, but what about you? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Hmm...what about me? 】

[Create a new world without criminals: I see there are four other members in the group, but you are the only one to answer the question, and you explain it in such detail...]

[Create a new world without criminals: So you are the intelligent chat assistant of this chat group? Or is it because it is profitable? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: In fact, everyone is usually very enthusiastic, but they have been busy recently...]

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: As for your question... I think it's the latter. 】

[Create a new world without criminals: Because there are points awarded for solving puzzles for newcomers? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: No, you also saw my name. I can help people see their future destiny clearly, and then collect corresponding points as a benefit. 】

[Creating a new world without criminals: the future destiny? Are you really an omniscient person? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: I will explain the specific situation clearly when the transaction is formalized; please tell me your name now, I couldn’t find it...]

[Create a new world without criminals: What does it mean that this is not found? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: This... I will tell you the specific reason after the transaction. Please tell me your name first. 】

[Create a new world without criminals:...]

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Worried? There's no need to be suspicious about this... The chat group has brought you in directly. If I were the mastermind behind the scenes, why would I still not know my name? 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Are you right about this? 】

[Create a new world without criminals: ... Luna Night. 】

[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Is your name Luna Ye? wait a minutes. 】

Luna Night…

In reality, Siya began to search for this name.


[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Your name is Yagami Yue, right? 】

[Creating a new world without criminals: Hmm...]


When she searched for create a new world without criminals or lunar night, she found no results.

I almost thought the newcomer was not a character in a fantasy work.

Fortunately, I just had an idea and entered both keywords directly...

Only then did we find the corresponding character.

As a result, it turned out to be Ye Shenyue.

The names are reversed…

This newcomer is quite cautious!

However, Siya can still understand this behavior.

After all, spells like the curse of the true name appear endlessly in those works.

Maybe, there is such a thing in the world of newcomers...

So she didn't have any resentment, but read the character introductions with excitement.


Thea frowned slightly.

As thought before, the True Name Curse does exist in this world of Yagami Yue...

There is a [Death Note] that can kill people just by writing their names.

And there is a copy, still in his own hands...

No wonder you are so scrupulous!

The righteous person previously analyzed based on his nickname can be considered correct.

This Yagami Yue's sense of justice is indeed very strong, that is...

Too extreme!

Just like his nickname: he wants to kill all criminals and create a new world without crime.

It's ideal and beautiful.

Unfortunately, he later twisted himself and became one of the criminals.

As for why you didn’t judge yourself?

This, he should think that he is above everyone...

Even if he kills innocent people, he doesn't feel it is a sin in his heart.

Rather, it is believed that this is a necessary sacrifice.

At that time, he had completely lost respect for life.

But it’s normal to have this mentality.

When you write just a few strokes, a life is lost...

That kind of relaxation makes people unable to realize the weight of life at all.

Because of this fragile feeling that is about to break...

This gave rise to contempt.

It's like the old saying: When you hold a hammer in your hand, everyone looks like a nail you can pound.

this point…

Even after Siya herself became a professional, bad thoughts like this would occasionally flash through her mind.

For example, she had imagined what it would be like if she hit an ordinary person with a fireball spell?

But it is not difficult to restrain this thought.

But the scariest thing is to think of this as an act of justice...

This Ye Shenyue obviously has this idea.

In the work, the protagonist lives his life as a villain...

Finally, and very rarely, he died.

Still an ugly death.

But if you can know the future in advance, you can easily avoid it.

However, this time, Siya was not prepared to earn the points.

After all, if more people died because of this, she would be the one to blame.

Although Thea considers herself not a good person, she has nothing to do with some of the beautiful shining points of human nature...

In essence, she is just a little person who wants to work hard to become stronger.

But it will not directly become without a bottom line because of this.

Maybe it's because I've seen a lot of news about professionals who started to kill ordinary people wantonly after taking control of magic power.

Moreover, Siya had just embarked on the path to transcendence not long ago, and her mentality had not yet changed.

So she had a sympathetic experience of this.

I also hate it deeply!


[Omniscient Witch of Destiny: Sorry, no destiny related to you was found. 】

[Create a new world without criminals:? 】

Thanks to [Huo Yinglong] for the 600 points, and thanks to [Sajia is a bastard] for the 588 points.

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