I, Doomsday Superman, join the chat group

Chapter 25 Overestimated after all

Take a stone…

Why did someone die for such a simple thing?

Although Wang Zhongsheng had some unexpected things going smoothly before, it was just out of worry about external influences.

Such as detailed works from other cities.

But for that student, he naturally never thought that something unexpected would happen.

After all, no matter how useless his subordinates are...

That wouldn't be like turning over on an ordinary student, right?


City Lord, you can't blame us for this!

Hearing this, Wang Zhongsheng couldn't help but frown and said, What's going on?

The thing is like this... Chen Changzhang began to explain.

When we first asked for the stone from Ye Nantian, we had all the good things to say and promised a lot of benefits.

We even stated the conditions for him to be eligible for awakening in advance.

But that kid is so arrogant that he doesn't want to say anything.

He said he wants to keep it for himself. Even if he wants to trade, he must at least let the man from City S come to him in person...

This guy is pretty well informed, but he just doesn't know where his arrogance comes from. Chen Changzhang was speechless.

Then we went straight to coercion and took the stone by force.

And he was detained.

But then that kid got the courage from nowhere and grabbed the stone while we weren't paying attention.

Then, jump directly from the corridor on the fifth floor of the school...

He fell to death!

Speaking of this, Chen Changzhang became angry.

Forget about an ordinary student with an attitude similar to that of Long Aotian.

It's such a high five-story building that you can jump whenever you want...

Do you really think that you are the protagonist who cannot be killed?


The first time he heard such a strange thing, Wang Zhongsheng was speechless for a moment.

Later, the old man asked again: Did you really fall to death?

This... Chen Changzhang seemed a little guilty.

After that kid jumped down, my accompanying bodyguards kicked him a few more times.

But he probably fell to death...

Naturally, he was not very sure about this.

Just because the entourage this time jumped in, they kicked the corpse a few times...

But the kind that didn’t pay attention to the severity.

There's nothing I can do about it, this kid was really hated by others before.

When speaking, the tone is either calm or the expression is flat...

Even when being detained, he still calmly closed his eyes and rested?

If you were the one from City S, naturally no one would dare to be dissatisfied.

It may even feel natural.

But just an ordinary student...

Who are you looking down on? This is!

Now, Chen Changzhang is getting more and more angry as he thinks about it.


If he hadn't been concerned about his identity at that time, he would have wanted to kick him a few times.


After hearing this response, Wang Zhongsheng was naturally not very satisfied.

However, after combining the previous words, he could still understand it.


Dragging like Long Aotian?

If an ordinary person has this kind of attitude in front of an awakened person, he will naturally be unhappy.

Moreover, he refused to cooperate and jumped off the building himself...

Thinking of this, Wang Zhongsheng was not prepared to pursue the matter any further.

Just think that he fell to death himself!

What a pity.

Finally, the old man said one more thing: Pay attention to make more amends to this student's family.

City Lord, I have investigated before and found that this person is an orphan.

But this kid... Chen Changzhang paused.

It seems to be Ye Xibo's son.

Hearing this, Wang Zhongsheng overreacted and shouted.

You said, who?!

Thinking that the old man had forgotten, Chen Changzhang introduced in detail: The city lord is the third son of the Ye family.

Ye Xibo, he was originally a professor at our Awakening University in City X.

However, in the 7th year of the awakening calendar, he was defined as a first-level wanted criminal because of his serious violation of the [Awakened Human Rights Law] of City X.

And because there was still a force secretly protecting Ye Xibo at that time, he was not captured in time.

You were also aware of it at the time and were prepared to take action yourself.

But Ye Xibo had already escaped from X City and disappeared later.

I didn't expect that he would have a son here.

Chen Changzhang still has some feelings about this.

Is this considered the father's debt has been repaid by the son? !

And just when he felt that it was the reincarnation of cause and effect and retribution, he was unhappy.

On the other side, Wang Zhongsheng was extremely surprised.

Regarding Ye Xibo, there is actually no need for anyone to introduce him.

He remembered it very clearly.

And compared to Chen Changzhang, this old man knew more.

Wang Zhongsheng even knew the specific whereabouts of Ye Xibo after escaping from City X.

In fact, he went to S city!

Presumably, the reason why he was able to escape from City X so smoothly was because of the help from the forces in City S.

Since then, Ye Xibo has been working for S City.

Until three years ago...

Because this secret was involved, Wang Zhongsheng stopped thinking about it.

However, in his heart, he still unconsciously thought, This son Ye Xibo died well!

But soon, the old man himself denied this idea.

The sins of the parents cannot be attributed to a child.


Does the man from City S think the same way? Wang Zhongsheng asked himself silently in his heart.

Maybe, let's say...

Everything here today is just the plan of that person?

Thinking of this, the old man frowned.

He felt that he was too panicked and thought too much.

But in his heart, Wang Zhongsheng still had a doubt involuntarily:

Now, three years have passed...

How powerful would the person from S City be?

However, he soon stopped worrying about it.

It’s all the same anyway!

After coming back to his senses, Wang Zhongsheng said to Chen Changzhang: For this matter, let the Ye family collect the body directly.

The latter replied: ...the people of the Ye family may not be happy.

Because of Ye Xibo's fault, the Ye family disappeared from the upper class society of X City.

The entire Ye family declined step by step.

Naturally, I hate it very much!

How could it be possible for Ye Xibo's son to be buried in the Ye family's ancestral grave?

And I heard that the Ye family expelled Ye Xibo from the family tree long ago...

However, Wang Zhongsheng didn't think much about it.

If the Ye family is not happy, just let someone find a place to bury it.



the other side.

In S City, the sky is still dyed red.

Still on that beach, Li Ye was still lying on the deck chair.

I saw that he had his eyes closed at this time and seemed to be asleep.

But in fact, Li Ye would not be sleepy.

And at this time, there are countless complicated audio sounds, which seem to be transmitted along electromagnetic waves...

Or should I say…

This is his super hearing, which directly absorbs all the sounds produced on the Blue Star.

Immediately afterwards, these sounds were transmitted to the super brain.

Then they were processed one by one.

As for their final results, almost all of them are filtered into useless information.

Of course.

This almost all naturally does not mean all.

And this will.

Li Ye just received a useful piece of information.

The protagonist is dead?!

Although the tone of his voice was still calm, there was still a hint of surprise in his dark eyes...

And, more of a look of disappointment.

Li Ye was indeed disappointed.

After all, he was a protagonist, so why did he just kneel down like that?

He originally thought that the protagonist who encountered a desperate situation would awaken a stronger template than the original.

Then he soared into the sky and showed his invincibility!

Defeated the early bosses Chen Changzhang and Wang Zhongsheng with one punch...

However, it is quite difficult to defeat Wang Zhongsheng directly.

But the protagonist can also escape with serious injuries and have a three-year period.

Finally face yourself!

But the real result...

That's it?

Because when he was idle and bored, Li Ye read all the fantasy works of the old era.

This naturally includes those online novels.

So he is naturally no stranger to these cool writing routines.

Maybe it was because of this that Li Ye made a misjudgment.

After all, it's still a high opinion.

Realizing, he put the matter behind him.

Then he looked at the chat group.

I have a slight cold today and my head is a bit dizzy.

Although it does not affect playing games and watching videos (laughing), it still affects the coding state.

So sorry, this is the only update tonight.


Thanks to [Huo Yinglong] for the 500 points, thank you to [any name] for the 100 points, and thank [hvgrqh] for the 100 points.

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