I can enter Hogwarts in the end of the world

Chapter 51 Third Grade Charms Class

Just when Ian was asking, he glanced at Penelo walking down the stairs of the girls' dormitory, so he stopped Kaili who was about to speak, and then stood up to face him.

"Good morning, Penello!"

"Good morning, Ian, what's the matter? I remember this is the first time you've come to me since the beginning of school!"

Penello said slightly surprised, while not forgetting to stare at Ian with her charming amber eyes.

"Over there." Ian pointed to Kaili, who was still curled up on the sofa.

"Kerry Trollope, a new student this year, was kicked out of his dormitory by his roommates and slept in the common room all night. I think this is something that needs to be dealt with by the prefects."

To be honest, Ian was already a little bored at the moment, and his previous curiosity had been almost exhausted in more than half an hour. He originally planned to use this time to preview the textbook content, but now that he had intervened, he couldn't just leave it alone.

So after seeing Penelo at this moment, I couldn't wait to kick the ball out.

"Oh Ian! Maybe you could just offer help to the poor little boy, I know you can handle it just fine."

Penello said with a smile, while still looking at Ian with her eyes. After not seeing each other for a while, she found him more and more charming, with his calm and unhurried temperament, tall and slender figure, and the fact that his youthfulness gradually faded away, and he became slightly more charming. Mature and handsome face.

"No! I'm not a prefect. This is not my responsibility." Ian immediately refused.

Just kidding, this obviously seemed like a bit of trouble. If it was easy, he wouldn't mind helping Kaili.

But at present, it seems that this matter can actually involve two sixth-grade prefects, which is a bit complicated to think about. So sorry! He doesn't have that much time.

"Okay! It's very Ravenclaw-like to just sit back and watch, but..."

Penelope smiled teasingly.

"Maybe in two years, someone will have to take care of this kind of thing. After all, Professor Flitwick admires you very much. You can't avoid the new male prefect."

"Then wait until two years later!"

Ian shrugged and replied nonchalantly. After saying that, he and Penelo came to Kaili.

At this time, Kaili had already stood up from the sofa and looked at the two people in front of him with some trepidation.

Ian tried to use a gentle tone and said: "Okay, Kerry, this is Miss Penelope Clearwater, the prefect of Ravenclaw's fifth year. Don't worry, she will help you."

"Miss Crevat!" Carey raised his head and glanced at Penello, then quickly lowered his head and remained silent.

"Okay, Kaili. Come on, take me to your dormitory." Penello said with a chuckle.


Kaili was still a little panicked at this moment, and glanced at Ian for some reason.

It's a pity that Ian no longer intends to take care of it anymore. If he is not a relative or a friend, it would be considered an act of kindness to help him find Penello.

Besides, since he came forward to build a bridge, Penello would handle it properly, so he nodded to reassure the other party.

After that, he turned around and left the common room. After this small episode, the time was also delayed a lot. Ian simply stopped thinking about previewing books. After choosing to go to the auditorium to find something to eat, he planned to go directly to the Charms class. The classroom is full of people sitting and waiting for class to begin.

Watching Ian's figure getting further and further away, until he disappeared. Penello also spoke here and said somewhat indifferently:

"Stop saying buts, there are no buts! Take me to your dormitory right now, do you understand?"

At this moment, Penello seemed to be a different person, and the strength and dominance of the female prefect were clearly demonstrated.

What Ian didn't know was that Penello had accompanied the other party in for nearly twenty minutes and still hadn't come out yet. If he were here, he would definitely be able to guess that things might not be that simple after all.

After splitting the conversation, Ian just grabbed a bottle of fresh milk from the auditorium and walked directly to the Charms classroom.

There are still more than 20 minutes until class starts, so there are almost no people in the classroom at this time. There are only a few Ravenclaws sitting there concentrating on reading, and they also turn a deaf ear to Ian's arrival.

That's good! Ian likes this kind of atmosphere very much. He studies quietly, everyone takes care of their own business, and everyone does not interfere with each other.

He found an empty seat and sat down, opened the book and waited quietly for Professor Flitwick to arrive.

During this period, many students came in one after another. Unlike the boys, every girl who came in for class had a look of surprise in her eyes after seeing Ian for the first time. It's just that because the other party is reading quietly, it's not easy to rush forward and disturb him.

However, this quiet atmosphere did not last long before it was interrupted by a voice.

"Oh my God, Ian, you should have called us. You haven't forgotten that your Charms class schedule is the same as ours now. It's all my fault. Ivy had to play wizard chess with me yesterday, so late. Sleep, which almost made me late."

Andre, who looked slightly embarrassed, said to Ian with some complaints.

Ivey was also a little embarrassed at this time, even missing one of his socks. However, after hearing what Andre said, he immediately retorted:

"Blame me? Who lost 7 games in a row yesterday, and then refused to accept it, insisting on winning one game before going to bed? Who also insists on dragging me to play chess whenever he has time?"

‘Typical people are addicted to food. ’ Ian sighed silently in his heart when he heard this.

But even so, Ian still explained aloud:

"Sorry, I forgot. After all, our class schedule is the same starting today. But next time, I will remember to call you."

Ian really forgot. After all, he had just returned from the apocalypse, and a month had already made him forget these trivial things.

"It's not your fault, it's Ivy's fault. If he let me win a game, I would have gone to bed early..."

Andre is still somewhat clear about it, and at the same time he doesn't forget to complain about Ivey.

Before Ivy could refute, a voice suddenly came from the door of the classroom: "Children, if you don't want to be late and get deducted points, please go into the classroom and sit down obediently now, because it is already class time."


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