Nearly a week has passed since Li Si obtained the [Mastery of All Martial Arts] warrior professional specialty.

During this period, Li Si was very fulfilled!

Joining Yaer's adventure group was unexpected, but Li Si also seized this opportunity to study hard and exercise.

After all, getting skills from your teammates for free is a waste of time.

Obtain many practical skills from Ya'er and Yasen, such as charge, soul-breaking cut, tendon severing, thunder strike, etc.

Learn very practical life-saving skills such as persistence, shield wall, iron armor, and physical strength enhancement from Renbos.

Even Li Si, the black iron dwarf's racial skill, stone statue form, got his hands on it.

[Stone Statue Form: After activation, it is immune to bleeding, poison and disease effects, and the armor value is increased by 10%. Lasts 8 seconds, cooling time is 3 minutes]

As for Elena, after getting acquainted with Li Si, she realized that Li Si was not the disgusting noble who kept elves in captivity, and their relationship improved a lot.

At Li Si's request, he also showed Li Si some hunter professional skills, such as tracking, traps, wind travel, etc.

Li Si successfully learned secretly.

As for the hunter's core set of skills to tame beasts, Li Si has not been able to learn them yet. Li Si speculates that he may have to obtain the hunter professional expertise before he can unlock these skills.

Compared to the family guards, who were all warriors, Li Si lamented that they were really incomparable, both in terms of quantity and quality. (Family guard: Shall I leave then?)

Although everyone was curious about Li Si's request to show how to use various professional skills, Li Si explained that he had rarely been exposed to other extraordinary professions before and wanted to become familiar with them to avoid being unclear when facing these professions in the future.

Li Si didn't want to hide it from his teammates. In fact, his [Almighty] talent had too much to do with it, so he had to be cautious before he had enough power to protect himself.

It is relatively rare to be able to master corresponding skills across one profession. If you can master all professional skills, doesn't it show that there is something wrong with you?

When Li Si plans to act as himself in the future, he can only use the skills of a warrior at most. At worst, he may say that his profession is a magic swordsman!

The skills of other professions can be used if you don't need them.

At the same time, after Li Si learned many skills and obtained the basic warrior expertise of [Mastery of All Martial Arts], the additional experience bonus brought to him by the [Almighty] talent also increased to 30%.

The power of the [Almighty One] talent is gradually revealed.

Today, Li Si was sparring with Ya'er until very late again. Li Si on the villa grounds was already sweating and covered in dust, but he was still sparring with Ya'er with a long sword.

I have to say that Yaer is worthy of being the protagonist of the plot in the future. She is young, but her strength and combat experience and skills far exceed that of the forty-year-old Welf! (Welf: Shall I go?)

"Okay, come in when you're done, dinner is ready!"

Seeing that the two of them had stopped, Yasen called to them from the window.

When the two saw this, they stopped playing tricks, packed up their weapons and returned to the house.

Ya'er ran into the house excitedly and shouted:

"I'm so hungry. What should we eat tonight?"

"The meal you ordered from Parcell's Restaurant may not be as good as Li Si's, so just make do with it."

Yasen said with a smile, while greeting Li Si.

"You're welcome, I can't be as good as a restaurant chef." Li Si was modest. He had cooked many dishes in the past few days and had almost completely conquered several teammates of Ya'er's adventure group.

Yasen waved his hand and said nothing. In his opinion, Li Si was indeed very strange. No matter he was a noble but was very proficient in cooking, he was a mage but practiced close combat with Ya'er.

But after getting in touch with him in the past few days, I feel that Li Si is quite a good person. Unlike some old-fashioned people who act like a noble all day long, he is well-informed and can tell a lot about things he doesn’t understand. He is very easy to get along with. It's relaxing and enjoyable.

It was rare today that all the members of Yaer's adventure group gathered together. While everyone was enjoying the food, Yasen knocked on the table. When everyone turned their attention to him, he cleared his throat and said:

"We have rested for a long time since we completed the last commission. A new member, Li Si, has joined us. I wonder if we are going to the Mercenary Guild to take on a new mission?"

As a rare gold-level adventure group, the Ya'er Mercenary Group is naturally an important force for the Mercenary Guild to complete high-level commissions. The guild has sent people to ask Yasen if he needs to accept high-level commissions, not to mention that this is also a task given by the superiors. own tasks.

Miss Ya'er's own strength has reached a certain level, and what is more important is to increase her experience and experience in all aspects.

This is also the reason why Miss Yaer became a mercenary and traveled around.

"I agree!" Ya'er was the first to raise her hand holding the chicken legs. She couldn't wait for a long time. It's so boring to stay in the city every day.

"I have no objection!" Lenbos looked at the ale in the wine glass in his hand. Almost all the reward he received for completing the last commission was spent on drinking. He really needed to earn more money for drinking.

Elena tucked a few strands of golden hair behind her ears with her right hand, and nodded slightly in agreement.

Li Si would not have any objections!

Accepting commissions = completing high-level tasks = huge amounts of experience!

This is too tempting for Li Si now!

"Okay, then it's decided." Yasen nodded. He was basically responsible for the daily affairs of Ya'er's adventure group.

"Then let's go to the guild tomorrow morning and take a look?"

Having said this, Yasen turned to look at Li Si, hesitated and said:

"I think this is the first time Li Si has joined our adventure group. Let's choose a simpler crusade mission for this mission to get used to it first."

Li Si nodded. This was reasonable. After all, he was only at bronze level, while his teammates were all silver level, and Ya'er was even a gold level warrior. If the cooperation was not good, his presence would even have side effects on the team.

Compared with missions such as dangerous exploration, the error tolerance rate of crusade missions is higher. After all, when exploring secret realms, dangers may come from all directions at any time and at any time. This also requires a higher degree of tacit understanding among team members, so Yasen This is quite thoughtful.

However, Li Si is not worried that he will be held back. He dare not say anything else. His actual combat experience in cooperating with his teammates is quite good. This is all honed from countless group defeats in his previous life.

Li Si did not believe that other people could experience countless deaths like him. For Li Si, ordinary battles could no longer break his calm and calm fighting mentality.

Li Si's current situation is a bit like a clever woman struggling to make a living without rice. She only has mature and sophisticated combat experience and skills in her previous life, but does not have the corresponding strength.

The speed at which I can improve my strength is not enough, it is still far from enough!

After these few days of practical training, I have finally seen the gulf-like strength gap between Ya'er, the protagonist of the plot, and myself.

Even if he exerts his full strength, he can't hurt Ya'er even a single point.

too weak!

Li Si clenched his right hand, blood was rushing through his body, and his mind was roaring. The desire to improve his strength had never been so intense as at this time!

It was even stronger than when he had just been reborn as a viscount and realized the death threat he was about to face.


Now that we have come to this magnificent world and an era of heroes, how can I want to fall behind others, be caught up in the tide of fate, and just accept the situation as it comes?

Not even the protagonist!

I'm Li Si!

In this life, I must reach the top of the world and let my name be remembered by all the races in the world!

Thanks to all the readers, this book will finally be recommended in the first round at midnight tomorrow. It’s not easy~(*)

Tingyu would like to thank you all here. If you like it, I hope you can continue to support this book.

Save it and read it, it's so important to this book.

Thanks again!

_(:з ∠)_

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