I am the younger brother of Superman, but I got the template of Thanos

Chapter 12 David, what’s going on with your body?

A figure that he knew very well but shouldn't be here.

Following the sound of footsteps, David slowly walked out of the darkness under the streetlight.

"David, what did you say?"

Clark was confused and surprised by David's sudden appearance.

"How did you come here? I took him out of the town to come here.

In such a short time, it is impossible to get from school so quickly even by car. "

In addition, if I heard correctly - his brother asked him to kill someone?

"I said kill him, Clark."

Ignoring his question and glancing at Jerome, David stood still and repeated with a serious expression.

[Rage from Jerome +0.02, killing intent +0.02...]

Unexpectedly, this person can also provide emotional points, but compared to Clark, there are very few.

"If you don't do it, I will."

"No, how can we kill people?"

Clark, who had been taught kindly by Martha since childhood, was surprised. He couldn't believe what he heard and felt that his brother in front of him was a little strange.

"He killed more than one person. He is already a madman. He is a damned person, isn't he?"

David heard what had been said earlier.

And just by looking at the other person's face, you can tell that he is crazy and wants to kill hundreds of people in one breath without blinking an eye.

"We can't lynching."

Clark's face was slightly ugly, his voice slowed down, and he declined the proposal.

"With the law, we can hand him over to the police station, and he will be sentenced and get the punishment he deserves."

He did not deny that Jerome deserved the death penalty, but no one should arbitrarily place himself above the law and life.

"You let him see your face."

David stopped talking nonsense and walked towards Jerome, who had just barely stood up from the ground.

"my face?"

“Do you think an ordinary prison can hold him?

When he comes out, will he take revenge on you? "

David was not worried about the thick-skinned Clark, but revenge on a person could also start from the people around him, he asked rhetorically.

"If he follows you and finds our home..."

When Clark mentioned his parents, his expression changed, and he suddenly remembered that there was something he had forgotten all along.

He finally knew why his brother wanted to kill him as soon as he came up.

Clark touched his face. In his anxiety, he forgot to hide his identity.


Jerome was not afraid at all when facing Clark, but when David walked towards him with a cold aura, he felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if he was like a gentle elephant, different from a deadly lion.

He could see from David's eyes as cold as death that David was not just talking about killing him.

And would the person who saw his abilities and had the confidence to come over and kill him be an ordinary person?


Electricity burst out, and David disappeared without blinking before Jerome suddenly raised his hand.

Thanos's ability does not include super speed, his speed is only close to the speed of sound.

But that's enough.

"To avoid future troubles, your death sentence can only be brought forward."

Along with his voice, David came to the startled Jerome, grabbed his neck with one hand and lifted him up in the air effortlessly like a little chicken.

It was like an iron vise was strangling his neck. Jerome could hardly breathe, his face was bruised from the suffocation, and his legs were weakly moving in the air.

"You...what kind of monster are you?"

Looking at the purple-skinned David, his eyes widened in horror, and he struggled to hold David's palm with both hands. Under the fear of death, he tried his best to activate his abilities.

"Let...let me go!"


The terrifying electric current hit David's hand, only turning half of his sleeve into fly ash, but it failed to shake his slender body like a body of steel.

"David, what do you look like?"

With parents on one side and murder on the other, Clark was already in a dilemma. Seeing the sudden change in his brother's appearance, he froze on the spot in shock and opened his mouth.

"How did you become like this?"

"You're not the only one with secrets, Clark."

Glancing at Clark, David replied.

He could have strangled Jerome's neck at any time, but he didn't do it on purpose. He had a guess.

Clark quickly realized that wasn't what was important right now.

He left an afterimage on the spot, quickly came over and grabbed his wrist.

"Put him down, brother."

He hurriedly tried to stop David.

But what surprised him was that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't pry David's hand off.

From the force that is enough to make ordinary people let go, to the force that is enough to bend the thick steel rod of the arm, the road under his feet is overwhelmed and cracks because of his force.

David's body remained motionless like an unshakable mountain.

"How did you do that, are you really David?"

Clark was so surprised that he didn't dare to push any further for fear of hurting his brother, who suddenly made him feel so mysterious.

“Look, David you can’t kill him.

Some lines are difficult to take back once they are crossed. If your father and mother were here, they would not agree with you doing this. "

Then, his expression became serious, he stared into his brother's eyes, and seriously asked him to put him down.

Clark was very regretful at this time that he had not thought carefully.

But he didn't want his brother to deal with the aftermath of this incident at the cost of killing someone.

"Think about what our parents would think if they found out about this, David."

One second, two seconds...the two looked at each other,

"Okay, you don't have to kill him."

When it came to his parents, David seemed to relax and put Jerome down.

"However, I'm going to take a step just in case."


After saying that, he slapped Jerome on the back of the head. The blow didn't use much force.

The back of his head felt like a severe blow from a baseball bat. Before he could react, Jerome fell straight down on the cold and hard road, closed his eyes and remained motionless.

"You still killed him?"

Clark quickly checked the situation. Jerome was still breathing, but he couldn't wake him up no matter how he screamed.

"I turned him into a vegetable to prevent him from doing evil again."


Hearing his brother's giddy words, Clark looked up in disbelief: "David, you..."

"Are you trying to say that this is also a lynching and this is not acceptable?"

David immediately raised his eyebrows and asked.


That's what Clark honestly thought.

It would be too cruel to beat someone into a vegetative state to prevent him from retaliating.

But when he remembered that this incident was caused by his own negligence, and his brother listened to his words and did not kill the other party, would he still scold his brother harshly?

Clark was speechless and speechless.

"This matter ends here. Just send him to a place where he can be treated and don't get involved in this matter anymore."

David glanced at the freshly baked vegetable on the ground, turned around and left.

[Fear from Jerome +0.04, anger +0.03, hatred +0.004...]

A steady stream of emotional points are collected.

"Sure enough, although a vegetative person cannot wake up, his brain is still conscious."

This would be more beneficial to him than killing Jerome.

"I dropped him at the door of the hospital in town."

Carrying Jerome on his shoulders, Clark disappeared from the spot. Within a second or two, David came back again and said in a dull voice before David had gone far.

"Now let's go back to school in case anyone notices we're missing."

David glanced at Clark, who could only see vague movement tracks when he left just now, and said.

"My strength and defense are definitely far superior to Clark at this time, but in terms of speed, Clark has a big advantage over me."

He was a little curious in his heart. If he didn't use kryptonite, he didn't know who would win in a fight between him and the current Clark.

"David, what's wrong with your health?"

After catching up with his brother, Clark looked complicated and had a series of questions to ask. David suddenly revealed too many things today, and he suddenly realized that he didn't seem to understand his brother very well.

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