I am Crazy About Money in Football

Thirty-four, please don't slap your face?

A competitor appears!

Steve saw Stephenson a little familiar just now, and it was not until Stephenson took the initiative to stand up that he suddenly remembered, isn't this guy a Wolfsburg scout?

Sure enough, all geniuses have a fishy smell, and these scouts are like sharks who smell fishy and swarm up.

This time, the scene is a bit stalemate and a bit awkward.

If possible, Steve wants to kill Stephenson with one shot, and then chat with Ye Feng slowly. After all, it is the naked hatred between peers.

Can we chat? Steve glared at Stephenson, then turned his head and said to Ye Feng with a smile.

That's exactly what I want to say! Before Ye Feng could speak, Stephenson immediately stated his position, so he would not give the initiative to Steve.

At this time, Ye Feng realized what was going on!

He became famous and attracted the covet of two teams, ready to seduce himself to join?

I couldn't help laughing secretly in my heart. I did plan to leave the second team of Bayern to find a more suitable platform for me to make money. However, the way to leave the second team of Bayern is impossible to sneak.

After all, Bayern has nothing to feel sorry for. If he tears up the youth training contract and leaves Bayern directly, Ye Feng will look down on himself.

Mr. Ye Feng, as long as you are willing to join Bremen, we are willing to treat you as a super rookie!

Mr. Ye Feng, as long as you are willing to join Wolfsburg, we will not only offer you an attractive annual salary, but also give you a commitment to the first team. Moreover, we will definitely win the Bundesliga championship this season. Just imagine, In the first professional season, you can win the top league championship, what a perfect start!

Seeing that they had no chance to chat with Ye Feng alone, the two scouts could only try to throw their chips.

Ye Feng couldn't help but want to laugh a little, is he really a fragrant pastry?

In front of me, raising the salary is a bit boring!

Do you think labor and capital are like people with poor money?

For the first professional contract of a newcomer, the annual salary is usually not too high, about tens of thousands of euros. Even if it is a super newcomer, it usually does not exceed 20w.

After all, the salary in the Bundesliga is generally low. Except for Bayern, even for a strong team like Bremen, the average annual salary in the team is only around 60w.

Don't look at Ye Feng, who is still holding a monthly subsidy of 800 yuan for the apprenticeship contract, but with the system, even an ordinary German Bundesliga can earn 60,000 or 70,000 euros!

That is to say, Ye Feng is more concerned about improving his own strength. Otherwise, if the money from the system is used to squander in reality, I am afraid that no club can offer Ye Feng a matching salary.

So, you should go home honestly!

Oh, that's really unfortunate, I have to go to develop my new dish, I really don't have time to talk to the two of you in detail! Ye Feng said with a harmless smile: But since the two of you came to my Chinese restaurant , then I'll invite the two of you to a light meal, it happens that I have many friends here, and they will definitely accompany you to enjoy a wonderful dinner!

Then, Ye Feng turned to the lobby and said loudly: These two gentlemen are scouts from Bremen and Wolfsburg clubs, let's toast them from afar!

After speaking, Ye Feng turned around and entered the back kitchen, without giving them another chance to stop them.

Steve and Stephenson looked at each other, and then found themselves in trouble.

The warm atmosphere of the Chinese restaurant just now seemed to have suddenly dropped to freezing point. Looking at the brawny men who gathered together with bad intentions, I couldn't help but gudu and began to swallow.

What's even more frightening is that after surrounding the two of them, these strong men took off their jackets together as if they had been rehearsed.

Everyone is wearing a Bayern jersey!

Steve and Stephenson are about to cry!


We are here to recruit players, how did we recruit into the Bayern fan base?

Now it's not a question of whether they can seduce Ye Feng, but whether they can leave this terrible Chinese restaurant alive and with all their parts intact.

I said it was a misunderstanding... do you believe it?

With an innocent smile on his face as much as possible, Steve stammered.

Yes, I also wanted to say that it was a misunderstanding, really... okay! Don't slap in the face, okay?

Even at this time, Stephenson is still not far behind!


Came to the training base early the next day, and just after changing his jersey, Ye Feng was called to the sidelines by Grande.

Don't leave in a hurry after the training, I'll go to Mr. Cohen's office with you. Grande said to Ye Feng with relief, his smile still full of the kindness of an old father.

What's the matter with Mr. Cohen? Ye Feng asked curiously.

Usually, as the director of Bayern's youth training, Cohen is very busy, and usually there is no need to go to Mr. Cohen for small things.

It's as if Ye Feng was temporarily called up to the first team last week, but it was just a notice from Grande, and there was no trouble with Cohen.

Did something big happen?

However, Grande didn't give Ye Feng an answer. He just smiled and turned away, leaving a confused Ye Feng in place.

After finishing the training and changing his clothes, Ye Feng followed Grande obediently to the office of the youth training director Cohen.

My dear boy, you always surprise us! Cohen stood up when Ye Feng and Grande pushed in the door, walked quickly to the door, and gave Ye Feng a warm hug.

If you don't strangle me, then I'm really honored! Ye Feng rolled his eyes and gasped deliberately.

Cohen quickly let go, but he was wondering, I didn't try hard!

This kid, it's nothing to make fun of me!

Grande sneered on the side, Ye Feng, this bastard, is not flat.

Cohen reached out and invited Ye Feng and Grande to sit on the sofa, and then poured them a cup of tea before sitting on the single sofa beside them.

Ye Feng, I know that after your debut in the Bundesliga, many teams are very interested in you. Cohen said with a smile: This shows that you are really a genius, and at the same time, I am also very pleased that the Bayern youth training camp To be able to cultivate a genius like you.

Ye Feng smiled shyly, when others praised themselves, they had to be modest.

Yes, sir, I think I'm a genius too!

Cohen and Grande couldn't help but grin and caress their foreheads helplessly.

You stink, you are indeed a genius.

So, today we mainly want to talk to you about your future.

After drinking a sip of tea, Cohen said to Ye Feng seriously.

Ye Feng was not too surprised. He had probably guessed this during training today.

The thing that can make the youth training director find him is probably about his future arrangements.


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