“The adoptive father is here!”

In March Qi’s disbelieving eyes, Xing plopped down and knelt down at the knees of Doctor Truth.

With tears in his eyes, his expression was extremely sincere.

There was no false emotion at all.

Then…What’s even more outrageous is that Topa, who just now thought Xing was a madman.

They actually knelt down together.

There is a bang bang bang sound.

After a wave of operations, Dr. Zhen was so controlled that he didn’t even dare to move.

March 7 was even more dumbfounded

“no…Is there something wrong with you two?!”

“Shut up!”

Sharp eyes swept over him, and Xing’s indifferent words frightened Yue Qi into making any move.

Then, pleading words appeared from Xing’s mouth、

“The adoptive father is here”

“You know, I have been your loyal student”

“I was present at each of your classes, and I read your comments carefully. The teacher’s teaching feedback form at the end of the semester also received full marks, and the notes were always perfect.”

“Your explanation of knowledge is wonderful and fascinating.”

“You lead by example and are meticulous in your practice of the subject”

“An excellent teacher like you will never disappoint his students, right?”

“so…This time the light cone I must not be crooked!”

March 7: ???


Are you just here for the lottery?!

“However, your forward swing may be too long.”


What is this?

It’s smoked?!

It’s not like that…Is it free?!

The lottery costs money, and I’m not short of money, so I’ll kneel down and do it!

“Star, you bastard, haven’t you ever heard that a man has gold at his knees?! without”

“Kneel down with you!”

“Everyone was killed!”

“But you are a woman!”Xing bit his finger and looked at Topa.

Topa was also stunned.


I am a woman!

I am a woman….If there is no gold under your knees, there will be no shame!

No shame, just profit! so…I kneel down = I earned it?! good!



But…Why does this logic get weirder the more you think about it?!

“have to! Another crazy one!”







_ Those eyes full of tears looked at Doctor Truth again

“People always ignore common sense issues because of their past experiences”


Doctor Truth is a little confused!

Why did you suddenly say such a thing?!

Where does the qualifying topic begin?! baffling. but.

As a teacher, naturally you cannot lose to your students.

Dr. Truth cleared his throat.

“If you can understand this truth, I am very satisfied as a teacher.”


“Where did you get this insight?”

The wise eyes appeared again, and the intelligent thinking once again took over.

Xing stood up seriously.

In order to make his words more convincing, Xing also made special gestures.

“You see, the sashimi we usually eat should be dead fish!”

“Waiting for a red light is actually waiting for a green light”

“Fighting a fire is actually putting out a fire”

“The radio is actually playing”

“A bicycle cannot move on its own, it needs someone to pedal it”

“So are we, parts of something like a bicycle?”

Doctor of Truth:”….”


Coming for me! she…Maybe he really is a genius! but…He, Doctor Truth, is also a genius, and no genius smarter than him is allowed to appear!

Sorry, Star!

As a teacher, I also have some skills in boxing, okay!

“Come and accept the baptism of knowledge!”

Familiar textbooks, familiar people, familiar Cuixing was beaten again!

Star Dome Train.

Xing, rubbed his forehead, feeling….The outside world is too scary.

She is still young.

Need to be back in my mother’s arms

[Silver Wolf: Kafka, maybe your daughter really is a genius!]

[Silver Wolf: You…How was such a thing created?]

[Silver Wolf: Apart from the star core, are there any other weird things you packed in?!]

[Kafka: No!]

[Kafka: I strictly followed Elio’s script!]

[Kafka: This is all Elio’s fault!]

[Shigure Kirara (2): It’s Siegfried’s fault!]


Isn’t it?!

I drank Pulse!

I ate jelly!

Why haven’t I escaped your ‘heartbeat’?

It’s been so long!

How do you….Are you just staring at me?!

I really cried to death!

Old father Siegfried cried!

And his daughter, Kiana…Really deep in thought.

Maybe what Xing said is true.

This world is illusory. She should observe the world from a different perspective than ordinary people!

[Kiana: Got it, got it!]

[Kiana: Miss, I finally understand!]

[Kiana: Bai Ze, you are not a time traveler, I am!]

[Kiana: In other words, we are!]


“so…You mean, you have traveled to my world?!”

Bai Ze doesn’t understand.

Bai Ze also wants to know, Qiana…Why do you think so! she…Are you really still a normal person?! no.

You have to test her!

But how to take the exam?!

Thinking in my mind, the live broadcast room finally released a new question!

【I would like to ask: Who among the following four people is not a young man?!】

【A: Fu Hua】

【B: Bronya】

【C: Thunder Mei Yi】

【D: Kiana】

【Please submit your answer within one minute. Failure to do so will be deemed as an incorrect answer! ]

Kiana: I choose D.

Herrscher of Knowledge: I choose D.

Otto: I choose D

【Three answerers successfully submitted their answers, and the correct answer will be announced in 30 seconds! 】

The system sound echoed through the live broadcast room again.

The quiz has ended.

The voice of the system came to mind again,”The host can pull the winner into the illusion after the question and answer is over to test whether the winner has normal human thinking!”


The talent of the trainees at Maozhan has finally grown.

I feel very relieved.

Finally know what I want.

So…What kind of question is best to set?!

Bai Ze thought seriously���think, feel….The River God’s ax is great!

Easy to understand and has fixed correct answers.

Come on, Kiana, let me see if your brain is ok!

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