Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 90 The Torn Portrait

Please let me pass. It was Percy's voice, and he came out of the crowd with dignity.

Why are you stuck here? You all must have forgotten your password... I'm sorry, I'm the chairman of the Boys' Student Union, please let me go.

The crowd fell silent, starting from the front, so it was like a cold wave spreading in the corridor.

Immediately afterwards, they heard Percy's voice suddenly sharpen: Someone go ask Professor Dumbledore! Quick!

Everyone turned their heads, and the last person stood on tiptoe.

What's the matter? Ginny probably stayed in the auditorium for a while, and just arrived at this moment.

After a while, Professor Dumbledore arrived, and he hurried over to the portrait of the Fat Lady.

The Gryffindor house huddled together to let him pass, and Harry, Ron, and Hermione moved closer together to see what the trouble was.

Oh, my God—— Hermione seemed to see it clearly, and squeezed her sleeve and let out a scream.

The Fat Lady had disappeared from the portrait, the portrait had been vandalized, pieces of canvas had been left on the floor, and large pieces of canvas had been completely ripped from the frame.

Dumbledore took a quick look at the damaged painting.

Professor McGonagall, please go to Filch immediately and tell him to look for the Fat Lady on every painting in the castle—

You'll be lucky! said a hoarse voice suddenly.

It was the teasing Peeves, dancing over the heads of the crowd, looking happy--as he always was when he saw sights of devastation and sorrow.

What do you mean, Peeves? Dumbledore asked calmly.

Then Peeves' mocking smile faded a bit -- he didn't dare laugh at Dumbledore.

So he adopted an oily tone instead, which sounded a little better than the hoarse voice.

Excuse me, Mr. Headmaster... she doesn't want to be seen, she's messed up. I saw that picture of her running across the fifth floor, sir, and she's hiding among the trees, crying about 'terrible things' '. Peeves said in a cheerful tone.

... Poor thing, he added at last, but there was no pity for anyone in it.

Did she say who did it? Dumbledore asked calmly.

Oh, yes, Head Professor, said Peeves, she won't let him in—he's very annoyed, you know. Peeves somersaulted in the air, facing Dumbledore from between his own legs Lido grinned.

He's got a bad temper, this Sirius Black.

Soon, Professor Dumbledore told all the Gryffindor students to go back to the Great Hall. And ten minutes later, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin students also came, and these students were all confused.

The faculty and myself will conduct a thorough search of the castle, said Professor Dumbledore loudly.

At this time, Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick closed all the doors of the auditorium.

For your own safety, I think you may have to spend the night here tonight. I ask the prefects to stand guard at the entrance of the auditorium, and the presidents of the male and female student unions stay in the auditorium to take charge of management.

Report to me immediately if anything happens, Dumbledore added to Percy.

When Percy heard it, he immediately put on the pride of I'm an important person.

Find a ghost to bring me a message, Dumbledore added.

And when Dumbledore passed Maca, he said softly, Maka, please come out with me.

He was about to leave the auditorium with Maca, but he stopped in his tracks as if thinking of something.

Oh, right,

I think you will need-- Dumbledore waved his wand casually, and the long tables flew to the edge of the auditorium and lined up neatly; with another wave, the ground was covered with hundreds of purple sleeping bags .

Sleep well. Professor Dumbledore said, opened the door and walked out. Maca followed closely and closed the door behind him.

Outside the door, Dumbledore was standing beside him, waiting for him.

Professor, what's the matter? Maca asked.

Someone broke into the school this time and destroyed the portrait of the Fat Lady, which is very dangerous for the students— Dumbledore said, I think you are familiar with those acromantulas in the woods, Can you search that forest for me?

Maca was taken aback when he heard that, he collected his thoughts, and then replied: Professor, you really know everything...Of course, why not?

I don't know everything, Dumbledore winked at him, I only know what I know...Professor Hagrid will go with you.

Leaving aside how surprised Hagrid was when he found out about Maca and Aragog's friendship, it was only natural that everyone's search tonight was fruitless.

With Blake's decisive style, he left through the secret passage under the Whomping Willow long after Maca and Luna returned.

In this regard, Dumbledore didn't feel disappointed at all - he just ensured that the intruder did not stay in the school, which is already very good, and eliminating the danger hidden in the school - this is the most important thing right now. things.

In the next few days, everyone in the school talked about the rumors about Blake.

Theories about how he got into the castle are getting more and more mysterious - a Hufflepuff student named Hannah Abbott has heard that Black can transform into a flowering bush!

At their next Potions class, she spent a lot of time telling the story to everyone who would listen.

And the vandalized portrait of the Fat Lady had been taken down from the wall, and in its place was a portrait of Sir Cadogan and his stout gray pony.

In fact, no one is happy about it.

Sir Cadogan spent half of his day challenging people or asking them to duel with him; He has to change the password at least twice.

He's really crazy, Seamus Finnigan said to Percy angrily. Can't we switch?

None of the other paintings would have done the job, said Percy. They were all horrified by what happened to the Fat Lady... and Sir Cadogan was the only one who came forward.

It wasn't Sir Cadogan that Harry was worried about, however.

Now he was closely watched - the teachers found all kinds of excuses to walk with him in the corridors, and Percy Weasley followed him around like a very pompous guard dog, probably because Mrs. Weasley wanted him to did so.

To top it all off, Professor McGonagall had called Harry into her office with such an uneasy look on his face that Harry thought someone must have lost his life.

There's no need to keep this from you, Potter, she said gravely. I know this will come as a shock to you, but Black—

I know he's after me, said Harry wearily. I heard Ron's father tell his mother. Mr. Weasley works for the Ministry of Magic.

McGonagall seemed very surprised. She stared at Harry and said after a while: I see! All right! So, Potter... then you understand why I don't think it's a good idea for you to practice Quidditch in the evening. Got it? On the pitch, with only your teammates around, you're very revealing, Potter—

We're going to have our first match on Saturday! Harry was furious, but he had to force himself to remain calm. I must train, Professor!

Professor McGonagall looked at him intently.

Harry knew that she cared deeply about the future of the Gryffindor team, after all, she was the one who suggested Harry as Seeker in the first place.

He waited, holding his breath nervously.

Hmm... Professor McGonagall stood up, staring at the Quidditch pitch outside the window, which was faintly visible in the rain.

Well...God knows, I'd love to see our team take home the trophy...but anyway, Potter, I'd be happier if a teacher was there - I'll ask Mrs. Hooch to oversee Your training.

The first Quidditch match is approaching, but the weather is getting worse.

Under Madam Hooch's watchful eye, the Gryffindor team was training bravely, harder than ever.

Then, during the final training session before Saturday's game, captain Wood gave his team some not-so-good news.

We're not playing Slytherin! he told them angrily. Flint just came to see me - we're playing Hufflepuff.

Why? the other players asked in unison.

Flint's excuse is that their Seeker's injured arm isn't healed! Wood said, gritted his teeth, but they're doing it for obvious reasons, they just don't want to play in this weather, they think It's going to ruin their chances—

It had been a stormy day, and even as Wood spoke they heard thunder rumbling in the distance.

Malfoy's arm's all right! Harry raged. He's putting on a show!

I understand, but we can't prove it, Wood said bitterly. We've been practicing with Slytherins, and now we're playing against Hufflepuffs, and their style is pretty bad. Same. They've got a new captain and Seeker Cedric Diggory—

Angelina, Alicia, and Katie suddenly giggled.

What's the matter? Wood asked—very annoyed at the carefree behavior.

Is he the tall, good-looking boy? Angelina said.

The strong and quiet one! Katie followed.

After speaking, they started to giggle again.

Laugh, laugh! Wood suddenly yelled, There is even worse news here, do you want to hear it?

What could make this worse? Harry moaned.

Of course! Wood had just finished yelling, and then showed a frustrated expression, McLean is going to play, do you think this is bad?

Immediately, the three girls put away the silly smiles that were still hanging on their faces, and Qiqi put on expressions of disbelief.

Oh, no— they said almost in unison.

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