Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 80 Welcome to the new semester

I thought it better to get the matter out of the way before you get confused by this delicious meal.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and continued.

After they searched the Hogwarts Express... You must all know that our school is currently receiving a number of dementors from Azkaban. They are here to perform the official duties of the Ministry of Magic.

Dumbledore was not happy about the dementors guarding the school, but this was the meaning of the Ministry of Magic. As the headmaster of Hogwarts, he knew that the Ministry of Magic represented rules and constraints.

With Dumbledore's influence in the magic world, he must set a good example for other wizards to abide by the rules, which is beneficial to the stability and development of the magic world.

They are stationed at all entrances to the school grounds, continued Dumbledore, during their stay here, I must make it clear that no one is allowed to leave the school without permission. Dementors should not Deceived by tricks or disguises - not even an invisibility cloak, he added deadpan.

Dementors don't understand pleas or excuses by nature. So I warn each and every one of you: don't leave them any excuses to hurt you. I hope the prefects, and our new Head Boy And the President of the Girls' Student Council, you must ensure that no student will have a conflict with a dementor.

Percy sat just a few seats away from Harry when he puffed out his chest and looked around impressively.

That's right, Percy has become the prefect of Gryffindor College, looking at him, he is obviously showing off!

Happily, continued Dumbledore, I am delighted to welcome two new teachers to our ranks this year.

The first is Professor Lupine, who graciously agreed to fill the vacancy in Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Some sporadic, not very enthusiastic applause sounded in the auditorium. Only the students who had been in the same car as him on the train applauded vigorously, and Maca was of course among them.

To be honest, Maca still has a good impression of this werewolf professor... Well, of course, maybe it's just because he is very curious about creatures like werewolves?

Lupine looked shabby among all the well-dressed teachers.

And Snape, who was sitting on the other side of the faculty chair, stared at Professor Lupine along the faculty's long table.

At Hogwarts, it was known that Snape had always wanted to teach Defense Against the Dark Arts, and it was normal to be a little angry about it.

But to everyone's surprise, the expression on Snape's face was beyond anger, it was hatred. That feeling was exactly the same as every time Snape's eyes fell on Harry's face.

As for the second teacher we have appointed...

After the less enthusiastic applause for Professor Lupine died down, Dumbledore continued.

Well... I regret to inform you that our Care of Magical Creatures teacher, Professor Keitel Byrne, retired late last year in order to spend more time with his remaining rascals. However, I am happy to say , none but Rubeus Hagrid to fill his place. Hagrid has agreed to be a teacher as well as a gamekeeper.

As soon as Dumbledore finished speaking, Maca was the first to applaud—he knew that Hagrid must be given some encouragement, lest he keep forgetting what to do and what not to do as a teacher.

Although it's probably useless... Maca thought while slapping his hands dryly.

He could hear the applause on the Gryffindor table was exceptionally warm, and the cubs had always had a good sense of Hagrid.

Harry, especially, leaned forward to look at Hagrid with a happy smile on his face.

Hagrid was flushed with excitement, and he stared at his big hands,

His smile was hidden in his shaggy black beard.

Gradually, the applause subsided, and when Professor Dumbledore began to speak again, everyone saw Hagrid wiping his eyes with the tablecloth.

Well, I think the important things have been said, said Dumbledore, let's dine!


The new semester has begun, and everyone has once again devoted themselves to intense study.

From the third grade, there are elective courses.

One is ancient runes, one is Muggle studies, and there are two subjects related to divination-divination and arithmetic divination. Of course, don't forget about Hagrid's Protection of Magical Creatures class.

Speaking of it, Maca is not good at divination, just like he is not good at astronomy, but he chose both divination and arithmetic divination.

In addition, the ancient rune class seems to be very suitable for Maca, but he is not even interested in taking a look at it.

As for Hagrid's Protection of Magical Creatures class, Maca thought about it and chose it. At any rate, his relationship with Hagrid is pretty good, so we still have to give him some face.

It's just that he only intends to take a few lessons of the two divination courses, and the specific situation will be calculated separately.

But even so, this semester's Maca, in terms of the degree of busyness, is obviously better than before.

Oh, right! There is one more thing I have to mention.

During this term, something big happened at Hufflepuff House - the house's Quidditch team suddenly went into a semi-paralyzed state. And there is only one reason for its paralysis, that is, all the members of the original academy team have withdrawn from the team!

The first to withdraw from the team were Captain Darren Criss and Chaser Charles Brown, who have graduated with honors this year; and the next to withdraw were two seventh-grade players who, due to the pressure exerted on them by their families, made They had to quit the academy team and concentrate on preparing for the NEWTs exam.

In this way, Charlotte, who was also a seventh-grade seeker, also withdrew.

All that remained was sixth-year batsman Mark Baker, who could do nothing about the dire situation and eventually withdrew in desperation.

Just like that, the Hufflepuff house team was completely deserted like a drama.

At this point, Cedric Diggory must be mentioned. He started last year with a Hufflepuff prefect. Since he took office, not to mention, his popularity has been really good.

Let me ask, who wouldn't like a sensible, handsome, and elegant boy?

During a semester of Maca's low-key life, Cedric's popularity in Hufflepuff House rose rapidly, and the little badgers often compared him with Maca.

And it was such a fast-rising handsome prefect who was obliged to take the matter on himself when the Hufflepuff house team had such a serious problem.

He personally served as the captain, recruited new players, and quickly restored the completely stagnant academy team to a normal training state.

He even came to Maca many times, hoping that he could rejoin the academy team. Although Maca did not agree, he always maintained a humble and elegant tone, and he did not become impatient or even resentful because of Maca's repeated excuses.

It's just that Maca really doesn't have the time to fly around on a broomstick. He has too many things to do, and he can't be busy at all.

No, just after the divination class, he had to rush to the classroom of the arithmetic and divination class.

To be honest, Professor Trelawney's previous divination class really made him a little confused, and this was on the premise that he had thought about the content of divination in advance.

Why can the appearance of tea leaves predict the future? What's the reason? Maca couldn't figure it out.

What's more terrible is that none of the books on divination explained the principles, as if this is a completely empirical discipline, which makes people suspicious.

Relatively speaking, arithmetic and divination is much easier to understand.

Whether it is the magical properties of numbers or the analysis of the magical power of graphics, it is a subject with traces, which makes Maca really interested.

It's just that arithmetic and divination usually requires a lot of complicated calculations, and a lot of formulas, which makes Maca feel like taking an advanced mathematics class that is academically off the mark.

But in any case, the arithmetic and divination class is obviously more appetizing for Maca than the divination class.

But just when Maca was about to give up the divination class, he inadvertently remembered what Professor Trelawney said when he started the class.

You have taken Divination, the most difficult of all magical arts. I must warn you from the outset: If you do not have 'sight,' there is very little I can teach you in this respect. , books can only take you so far...

Yes, divination is undoubtedly a discipline that places great emphasis on talent, and this talent comes from the extension of blood.

But this has nothing to do with the pure blood theory of the wizard family. The horizon of divination begins with the awakening of a phenomenon similar to atavism, which has nothing to do with the pure blood.

It was this speculation that made Maca decide to continue taking this course that he didn't understand, and tried to find some clues from Professor Trelawney for reference.

In addition, Hagrid's Protection of Magical Creatures class followed closely.

Malfoy had been injured in Hagrid's class just yesterday, and the story spread quickly through Slytherin House. Malfoy and his two dumbass henchmen were spreading the word as hard as they could, trying to discredit Hagrid's name.

Hagrid, are you all right?

Next to Hagrid's hut, some Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students were gathered in the clearing, waiting for the others who hadn't arrived yet.

Maca came to Hagrid and spoke to him.

Oh, I think so, it's fine.

Hagrid looked obviously a little frustrated, after all, something went wrong in the first class, which is not a good thing.

Don't worry! It's not a big deal... Maca said, but to be honest, Hippogriffs are classified at level 3X. I don't think they are suitable for the first class of the third grade. content, isn't it?

But...but they're interesting, argued Hagrid weakly, and pretty, don't you think?

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