Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 68 Remaining Information

...A deal? Aragog said irritably, No matter what the deal is, put that thing away first!

Maca nodded, re-corked the bottle in his hand, and put it back into the inside pocket of his robe.

Aragok. Actually, you don't have to be so nervous—

How can I not be nervous! How can I not be nervous! That is the ancient creature that our spiders fear most! How can I not be nervous! Aragog said violently, rattling loudly.

Obviously, that thing isn't here, Maca said calmly, What's in that little bottle is its scales—I got them off with my own hands.

So what! said Aragog, even if you can handle it... that thing—

Basilisk. Maca added.

Oh, damn it! Can't say it! We can't say its name!

Hearing the word basilisk, the group of giant eight-eyed spiders became restless. Obviously, this was like Voldemort among wizards, and it represented terror and death.

I just want you to get used to it, Maca said. This deal is obviously good for you, and for all of your people.

What deal?

I've checked carefully, whether it's the basilisk— Maca dragged his tone, and continued, regardless of the commotion of those big spiders, Whether it's the basilisk or you acromantulas, they were all created by wizards. A magical creature that came out.

Maybe you're right, then what?

That is to say, you shouldn't have natural enemies at all. Maca said naturally, The reason why the basilisks become the natural enemies of your acromander family is simply because you have escaped the cultivation of wizards.

You mean— Aragog hesitated, we still have a chance to become stronger?

That's why I said that the wisdom of your acromantulas is only concealed by your ferocity. Maca looked directly at Aragog with piercing eyes and said, If I say, I can use the basilisk How about the bloodline of your giant eight-eyed spiders be further strengthened?

Do you like being manipulated by others! Aragog shouted violently.

But Maca suddenly changed the subject.

Aragok, why do you think I chose to make a deal with you?


Aragog didn't react for a moment, and after a pause, he took up Maca's new topic.

Well... because, we are all Hagrid's friends?

To be precise, it's because of 'wisdom'. Maca said, If I remember correctly, your acromantula's favorite food is human flesh, right?

Yes, this is the most delicious food!

But you have never eaten it. Maca continued.

No. Aragog clicked his feet, I have this instinct, but out of respect for Hagrid, I never hurt a single person.

Then have you ever wondered why?

Didn't I say it? Because of Hagrid! Hagrid was just a little boy, but he took care of me, hid me in a cupboard in the castle, fed me the crumbs that fell on the table—Hagrid Greg was a good friend of mine, and he was a good man! He protected me when people found me and held me accountable for a girl's death.

Aragok paused, and then continued: Since then, I have been living in this wood, and Hagrid often came to see me. He even found me a wife—Mosag. You see How prosperous our family has developed is all thanks to Hagrid...

Listen, Aragog. Maca raised his head slightly, Everything you said is true. And it's because of wisdom!

You have enough brains, reason and feelings. If you want,

You can suppress your instincts and control your behavior. Maca struck while the iron was hot, This is something the basilisks will never have, they only know how to obey and kill.


So, I chose to make this deal with you instead of finding a way to control the basilisk. Maca said lightly, ...Believe me, there is always a way, but I don't want to do that.

What I want is friends. He said softly, This is a deal between friends. If you feel that something is inappropriate, you can give up the deal at any time.

A transaction between friends... Aragog chewed on this sentence, and continued after a while, I can understand the meaning of this, but my children will not understand.

Of course I understand. Maca said calmly, So, can I talk to you about this transaction between friends?

Of course. Aragog said, However, I just want to live quietly in the deep forest. This is an absolutely unchanged premise.

Aragog's implication is very clear, it does not want to participate in any form of disputes.

Yes, that's right. My request is very simple - after your bloodline transformation is successful, can I adopt some of the first children?

Mosag won't agree! Aragog said decisively, Although I don't care too much, my wife regards every child as her treasure! This is the nature of spiders!

It's also the nature of every creature, I understand that... I will take good care of your children, just like Hagrid. Maca forced a sincere expression, but Aragog obviously couldn't understand .

To a spider, humans are all alike. Even Hagrid was, at best, stronger than the average man, and as far as that was concerned, he was wasting his efforts.

I can only help you ask.

With these words, Aragog ended the man and spider trade talks.

Unlike when he came, when he went back, Maca enjoyed the acromander mount, which was a luxurious etiquette that Hagrid had never experienced.

The benefits of the eight legs are reflected here, and the shock absorption effect is simply superb!

Aragog's children sent Maca to the edge of the Forbidden Forest. After Maca slid off his back, it spread out and hurried away on eight legs.

On the way back to the castle, Maca walked while thinking carefully about what to do next.

To put it bluntly, if it weren't for the difficulty of this test, he would have thought of doing it a long time ago.

When the series of changes last semester became a foregone conclusion, Maca had already decided not to act passively. Although he only wanted to be a research-oriented wizard in peace, many things could not be achieved by just thinking about it, and it was definitely not a bad thing to plan ahead.

The acromantula grows very fast, and its reproductive ability is quite strong. If it is properly cultivated, it can be compared to the basilisk in terms of cost performance.

It's just that things like bloodline transformation are simple to say, but very complicated to do. Fortunately, there is Merlin's Book of Jazz in the library for reference, and the research on bloodlines in it is quite in-depth; and Maca himself even extracted a lot of experimental data from Rowena's secret room. .

It's still the same sentence, time is really not enough... Maca shook her head and walked quickly to the dormitory.


In the days that followed, trivia came one after another.

First of all, the exam date is approaching. Amidst the sighs and sighs of the students, the one who should come still arrives as scheduled.

Then came the mandrakes, which were almost ripe. This means that those students who were petrified can be saved.

Then, it was the matter between Maca and Ron.

Occasionally, Maca would go to the hospital to see Hermione, but if he met Ron, it would always turn into Ron glaring at him angrily.

Even if Maca didn't care about it at all, Harry would become very embarrassed.

One day, Harry and Ron ran into Maca again in the ward.

While Ron was glaring at Maca, Harry noticed that Hermione seemed to be holding something in her hand. He leaned forward to take a closer look, and then took out the thing from Hermione's hand while Madam Pomfrey was standing between Maca and Ron with a headache.

Maca naturally noticed it, because the reason why he came so frequently was to witness this incident.

Now that Harry had taken out the note, he could leave.

Maca glanced at Ron expressionlessly, then turned around decisively and walked out the door, and soon disappeared from Ron's angry sight.

After a while, Harry dragged Ron out of the ward.

Look at this! Harry whispered, I found it from Hermione.

This is a page torn from a very old library book.

Harry unfolded it impatiently, and Ron joined him, and they read together:

There are many terrible beasts and monsters roaming in our country, the most bizarre and lethal of them is the basilisk, also known as the king of snakes.

The snake, which can become very large and often live for hundreds of years, is hatched from a rooster's egg by a toad.

The way it kills is astonishing. In addition to its deadly fangs, the stare of the basilisk can also cause death. Anyone who is stared at by it will die instantly.

The spider will run away when it sees the basilisk, because the basilisk is the deadly enemy of the spider, and the basilisk will flee for its life only when it hears the crowing of the rooster, because the crowing of the rooster is also fatal to it.

Under this passage, there are two words: Guanzi.

It's Hermione's handwriting, Harry said excitedly, I think I get it!

This crumpled page became a beacon in Harry's mind, guiding all the lost ships to find the correct route.

Obviously, Maca's remedial actions were undoubtedly successful, and such an ending was exactly what he wanted.

Ron, he said, almost out of breath with excitement, that's it. Here's the answer. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a basilisk—a giant snake! No wonder I hear that voice everywhere I go, but others don't. Can't hear. Because I can understand Parseltongue...

Oh, yes. Ron turned his head and looked at Hermione who was stiff in the ward. She left us the most important information...

...not the Maca she has always trusted. Ron added secretly.

For some reason, Ron felt a little joy in his heart.

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