Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 45 The Belonging of the Academy Cup

Sorry, Harry. I didn't know that night—

In the school hospital, Maca stood in front of Harry's bed with an apologetic face.

No, it's okay. Harry said immediately, What you did later is the biggest gain of this operation, and I should thank you!

Yeah! If not... oh! It's scary to think about it. Ron followed Harry's words and echoed.

Apart from Dumbledore, the person present who felt the most about this was probably Ron. For a young wizard born into a pure-blood family, there is nothing more terrifying than the resurrection of Voldemort.

That's true, Dumbledore also said, It's really thanks to Mr. McLean this time. I came a step late. If he hadn't used his ingenuity to coax Voldemort, and even made a decisive move at the last moment, the result would have been terrible. It's totally different.

Professor Dumbledore, what happened to the Philosopher's Stone? Harry took this opportunity to ask hastily.

Well, Dumbledore smiled, the Philosopher's Stone has been destroyed.

Really? There seems to be no change in this point. Maca couldn't help thinking to himself.

Destroyed? Harry asked puzzled, but your friend, Nicolas—

Oh, you still know Nicole? Dumbledore asked, looking very pleased. You've made this very clear, haven't you? Well, Nicole and I talked and we agreed that It's the best way.

But then he and his wife would be dead, wouldn't they?

They've stockpiled some elixirs, enough for them to get things sorted out. And then, yeah! They're going to die.

Dumbledore couldn't help but smile when he saw Harry's surprised expression.

I know, it may seem unbelievable to someone your age, he said, but for Nico and Perenal, death was actually like a Bed and rest. And, to the sane mind, death is just another great adventure.

You know, the Philosopher's Stone is actually not such a wonderful thing. With it, no matter how much wealth you want and how long you want to live, you can get it! These two things are what human beings want most, but the problem is that human beings just Just like to choose what is least beneficial to them.

Maca was listening, but couldn't understand the deep meaning.

For him, the most lacking thing is probably time. He has a lot of things to do, and a lot of things to study... In his whole life, I'm afraid he won't be able to—

No, maybe, death is really the beginning of another adventure.

Maca compared her tortuous life, and suddenly had a vague understanding. It's a pity that this concept is also out of reach for him. Even though he has experienced it once, he still doesn't know anything about it.

He glanced at Dumbledore, and felt more and more that this white wizard was really as unfathomable as the rumors said.

By the way, Maca, what is that war chess level— Ron suddenly patted Maca's arm and asked.

Huh? Battle chess level? Maca looked blank, but Dumbledore laughed.

That level is not bad, right? He said with a smile, Professor McGonagall, on my suggestion, replaced the original ordinary wizard chess with the wizard war chess invented by Maca. That is very interesting, I personally like it very much.

Eh? Maca said in amazement, Professor, although I'm glad you like my gift, but...

He wanted to say, is it really okay to change such an important level at will?

But Dumbledore continued: Not only that, inspired by you and Harry, I also designed the last level myself. Yes, that's right, it is the legendary story of King Arthur...

Oh—I'm sorry about that,

It was I who made Voldemort discover the secret. Hermione couldn't help showing a guilty expression when she heard the words.

But you have shown bravery because of this, Miss Granger. I don't think ordinary students can do this.

Oh, thanks, but—

Maca patted Hermione on the shoulder and smiled at her, It's okay, you've done a good job.

Yeah! I'd probably be shaking with fear! said Ron, and, if Quirrell didn't think of taking you hostage in the end, you'd probably drown in the water!

But Hermione took half a step back because of Maca's pat on her shoulder. Under Maca's surprised eyes, she whispered: Oh, thank you...

Maca didn't know what to do with her, in fact, he didn't notice Hermione's existence at all. Although he can't be blamed for this, it has to be said that the little girl's heart is still very sensitive.

Dumbledore watched their every move, and the warm smile on his wrinkled face never changed.

In the time that followed, Harry brought up Snape again. Although he already knew the cause and effect, he was still brooding about it. Dumbledore, however, told him that Snape once owed Harry's father his life.

For Snape, there was nothing more difficult to accept than the fact that his rival rescued him. So, he hated Harry's father, but he also hated Harry.

The human mind is really wonderful, isn't it? Professor Snape can't bear to continue to owe your father's favor like this. I believe that the reason why he tried every means to protect you this year is because he feels that this will make you feel better. He is even with your father and owes nothing to anyone.

Then, he can relive his hatred for your father with peace of mind.

Harry tried to think about the words, but it made his head hurt so badly again that he had to stop thinking about it.

Okay, enough questions. Son, I suggest you start enjoying these candies! Oh! Bibi's Beans! I was unlucky when I was young, and accidentally ate a stinky bean. I'm afraid I haven't been a big fan of beans since then - but I guess it's always safe to pick a toffee one, don't you?

I think it's best not to fight for character. Maca looked at the beans in Dumbledore's hand and couldn't help shaking his head, I've never eaten delicious ones.

Character? It's an interesting word. Dumbledore said, putting the golden-brown multi-flavored bean into his mouth, and then he was choked and coughed, Bah! Unlucky, it's earwax... ...It seems that my character is really not very good.

Seeing Dumbledore walking out while wiping his mouth, Maca immediately followed.

I still have something to do, let's talk first.

In the corridor, Maca and Dumbledore talked a few words, and they went to the principal's office together. But when he came out of the principal's office again, there was a hint of surprise on his face.

He stood at the door of the principal's office and looked back.

Unexpectedly, Dumbledore is so easy to talk.


In the evening, in the main hall of Hogwarts, the end-of-semester dinner seemed to be extraordinarily lively.

Maca sat on the long Hufflepuff table, listened to the complaints of the Quidditch captain and prefect Darren about his absence from the last game, and accepted the harassment and nagging from the big beauty Charlotte. To the warmth of a family.

What made him even more surprised was that because his outstanding performance this time spread like wildfire, many students knew the story of his skillful fight against Professor Quirrell and the protection of the Sorcerer's Stone. Although everyone didn't know that there was Voldemort in it, but this did not prevent everyone from showing respect and enthusiasm for him.

While this moved him, it also dispelled a lot of the haze in his heart.

Even a small group of Slytherins looked at him in awe. After all, not everyone can face an in-service professor head-on, even if everyone is a little bit disapproving of Professor Quirrell.

Speaking of those little snakes, I have to mention the appearance of the hall at the moment.

The walls on the left and right sides of the hall are being decorated with the silver and green pennants representing Slytherin; on the wall behind the guest seat, there is also a huge banner with a Slytherin snake-this should be Slytherin. Lytlin College has won the House Cup for the seventh year in a row.

Although because of Maca's excellent results, Hufflepuff got a lot of points. But one person's power is limited after all, and Hufflepuff College is still ranked second, only slightly higher than Ravenclaw.

After a while, Harry, who came late, stepped into the side door of the hall, and Dumbledore also appeared in the expectant eyes of everyone.

Another year has passed! said Dumbledore cheerfully. Before we can indulge in these delicious meals, I must trouble everyone to listen to an old man's platitudes...

Upon hearing this, Maca immediately blocked the next few sentences. When Dumbledore finished the nonsense and started talking about the Academy Cup, he continued to listen.

...Now, as far as I know, we must first conduct the awarding ceremony of the Academy Cup. The specific scores of each academy are as follows: fourth place, Gryffindor, 365 points; third place, Ravenc Law, four hundred and twenty-six points; second, Hufflepuff, four hundred and forty-two points, and Slytherin, four hundred and eighty-five points.

There was a thunderous cheer and stomping across the Slytherin table.

Maca deliberately glanced at the edge of the long table in Slytherin. Willie Blois still had that calm expression, and didn't respond to the noise around her at all.

I still remember that before the exam, Maka would often meet her in the school's greenhouse. But the other party either turned a blind eye to him, or left directly. Even if he tried to communicate with her, she would just stand there quietly. He would answer Willie with a word or two, and then turn around and leave after asking. It was really impossible to communicate.

If it wasn't for Willie who came to him to ask a few questions from time to time, he really felt that he had done something wrong and made the little girl angry!

Just as he was thinking, he found that the little badgers around him suddenly boiled up.

What's the matter? Makara grabbed Charlotte's sleeve.

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