Harry Potter’s Book of Sin

Chapter 99 Guidance and Analysis

Just at the door of the Three Broomsticks, McGonagall and Flitwick walked in with a flurry of snowflakes.

Behind him came the big Hagrid, who was having a heated conversation with a dignified man in a lime green bowler hat and a pinstriped cloak - Cornelius Fudge, the Minister for Magic. .

Ron and Hermione put their hands on Harry's head at the same time, pushing him hard under the table.

Hermione cast a spell and moved a nearby Christmas tree in front of their table, obscuring them all. Looking out through the thick foliage at the lower part of the tree, Harry saw that the four chairs at the next table had been pulled back, and he heard the teachers sit down with Fudge, muttering and uttering A few sighs.

Then, a conversation sounded.

A small glass of canyon water—

Mine. Professor McGonagall's voice.

Four pints of mead—

Thanks, Rosmerta, said Hagrid.

A sherry soda with ice and conch—

Hmm! said Professor Flitwick, smacking his lips.

Then yours is currant rum, Minister.

Thank you, Rosmerta, darling, said Fudge's voice, I must say, it's good to see you again—you'll have a drink too, won't you? Come and sit with us...

Okay. Thanks—

Before Ms. Rosmerta finished speaking, the door of the Three Broomsticks was opened again, and a voice that surprised Harry and the others came clearly from the door.

Sorry, Ms. Rosmerta, before that, give me a...um...butterbeer, thank you! The calm tone was obviously Maca speaking, and Harry and the others recognized it immediately, ... I always heard that butter beer is very popular with my classmates, but I haven't tasted it yet!

Oh - Maca? Hagrid's voice sounded cheerful. It's been a long time since I last saw you - you know!

Yes, of course. Maca said, There are a lot of things to learn recently, and there is always no time...

Maka, listen to me—you don't have a signed application form— Professor McGonagall seemed a little disapproving, after all, she always valued the rules so much.

Well, yes...but I guess I can't find anyone to sign my application either.

Maca's tone was still calm, as if he was stating something that had nothing to do with him. But the meaning contained in the words made Hagrid couldn't help wiping away tears.

Oh—I know, I know how you feel, Maca.

Sorry, Hagrid, don't push too hard...

Hagrid, who has always been rough in appearance and slender in heart, seems to have kept Maca, and Harry can even imagine the suffocating feeling of being strangled by a powerful force-he has also experienced that feeling.

Well—maybe so, but— Professor McGonagall struggled, well, well—Albus doesn't even care that you're throwing that party—I mean, Professor Dumbledore.

Don't worry, Professor McGonagall! Maca said. I'll take care of myself—oh, thank you, Ms. Rosmerta.

He picked up a mug full of butterbeer and took a sip.

At this moment, Harry's heart was beating up to his throat.

He never expected that not only the teachers came, but Maca also came! He didn't sign like himself, but he swaggered and sat next to the professor-this was simply unbelievable.

Should he go out? Say hi to the professors? No, he doesn't have the guts!

Hermione also seemed a little uneasy, her legs twitching slightly beside Harry.

What brings you here, Minister? Rosmerta sat down beside Fudge.

Harry saw Fudge's thick lower body wriggle in the chair, as if checking the surroundings for eavesdropping.

Then he said in a low voice, Except for Sirius Black, what's going on, my dear? I dare say you've heard what happened at school on Halloween?

I've heard rumors, Ms. Rosmerta said, but I also heard that a student is going to hold a graduation party—

I don't even know where to start getting angry. Professor McGonagall sighed.

Do you think Blake is still around here, Minister? Ms. Rosmerta asked in a low voice.

Sure, said Fudge curtly.

Did you know that the dementors have raided my tavern twice? said Madam Rosmerta, with a touch of sharpness in her voice, they've scared my customers away - which is bad for business. It's not good to say, Minister.

Rosmerta, my dear, I don't like them as much as you do! said Fudge uneasily. That's a necessary precaution...but you're right, I just met a few. Dumbledore was furious - he wouldn't let them into the castle grounds.

I think it's bad to let them in, said Professor McGonagall sharply. How do we teach with these horrible things floating around?

Search and defense cannot rely too much on them. After all, in the final analysis, they are not reliable. Maca said calmly.

Yeah, remember— squealed the diminutive Professor Flitwick, we all knew Black could—

You know, I still can't believe it... Ms. Rosmerta didn't pay attention to how Black escaped. Of all the people who have fallen into the heap of villains, Sirius Black is the least I have ever seen. To think of someone who would do that... I mean, I remember when he was a kid at Hogwarts, if you had told me at that point what he would have been like, I would have said You drank too much.

You don't know half the truth, Rosmerta, said Fudge grimly. Very few people know the worst thing he did.

Worst? said Ms. Rosmerta, her voice full of curiosity. You mean worse than killing so many poor people?

Of course, said Fudge. I can't believe it. What could be worse?

Fudge, I think it's better to change the subject— Professor McGonagall interrupted suddenly.

What's the matter—oh! Fudge was taken aback for a moment, and when he turned his head, he happened to see Maca who was gulping down butter beer.

Sorry, it's really not suitable... He took a sip of his wine and said.

But Maca put down the large glass in his hand, and turned to face them.

I didn't expect butter beer to be so sweet— he said calmly, I want to say that there is nothing inappropriate about it...In fact, I happened to know something about it back then.

He paused, and then continued: The Loyalty Curse, betrayal and escape, the death of 12 Muggles... Of course, there is Peter Pettigrew.

Isn't it because Black formed a gang with the mysterious man? Rosmerta asked in a low voice, Also, what is the Loyalty Curse?

But for the time being, no one had time to answer Ms. Rosmerta.

They were all shocked by Maca's understanding of the incident—although Maca only said a few key words, the people sitting here are all insiders. Just knowing a little bit as he puts it.

Oh—McLean, how did you know? Professor McGonagall asked in surprise.

Believe me, Professor, it's not that hard to check.

Maca still had the white foam of butterbeer on his upper lip, which made him look like he had a white beard, but no one could laugh at the moment.

But— Fudge also seemed a little uneasy, Because the case is closed, there are not many insiders of that case—

My lord, compared to this, I am actually more concerned about some details of the case. Maca said calmly, In fact, I analyzed the principle of the spell that was used to blow up that street, but the result made me I was taken aback.

Although his expression was completely opposite to the word surprised, everyone cared more about what he wanted to say.

Professors present here—of course, there are also ministers! Maca continued, Everyone is an expert who has in-depth research on magic. From my point of view, there are indeed some... But I don't know if you have paid attention to it. , the nature of that spell?

That should be a rather partial black magic, which can detonate the magic power contained in the body, but so what? Professor McGonagall asked doubtfully.

To be precise, it is a kind of black magic of sacrifice, which originated from an ancient evil magic. Maca analyzed, Detonate the body, or detonate the soul-these evil magics have all existed in history. They have appeared in the long river, but they all have to be 'voluntary' to take effect.

He stretched out his hands, hooked his fingers, and put a quotation mark on the word voluntary.

You mean to say that Peter Pettigrew was blown to pieces willingly? Hagrid said loudly. No, that's not possible! Poor Peter...

Hush! Professor McGonagall apparently blamed Hagrid for being too loud.

Actually, I want to say that this kind of black magic is usually self-sacrifice. Maca whispered, Of course, it's not always the case! But at least, doing so has the highest success rate.

Are you suspicious of Peter? Professor McGonagall frowned. We all know that Black is James' secret keeper! The Fidelity Curse is absolute!

James Potter told Dumbledore that Black would rather die than tell where they were, and that Black himself planned to hide... Professor McGonagall added, James said it himself .”

But Maca shook her head.

The Fidelity Charm is absolute, that's for sure...but James... well, Uncle James might not say so, Maca said, It's like the Weasley brothers, Uncle James and Uncle Black Clever and... cunning.

Maca noticed that when he said this, a piece of glass in the side window of the tavern shook slightly.

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