"No homework! You have worked hard today! If you have any questions about the concept or practice, you can come to me. If someone wants to preview and doesn't understand something during the preview, they can come to me.

Hearing this, most of the students cheered, as a student, is there anything more joyful than having no homework?

Especially in the huge discipline of martial arts, they were really worried that Kong Nuo would suddenly say: "Give me a foot-long review next week

!". Gryffindor House is the most active group of people on the grass, who simply enjoy the pleasure of being light, and the Weasley twins keep the golden Peeves at bay.

The Ravenclaw students sat in small circles, discussing with each other about the operation of the meridians, and even prepared to go to the library to find some materials to test their conjectures.

The atmosphere in Hufflepuff was relaxed with smiles on their faces, and they were centered on the senior students, discussing how the Blood Qi Pill was made, guessing the materials involved.

Slytherin, on the other hand, looked coldly at the frantic Gryffindor in the distance, smoothing out the folds on his robes to make sure there were no grass clippings in the folds, and maintaining grooming was the most important thing.

Conno has completed the goal of "being one" and is now ready to start a free life of "six days off".

However, just as he shook before casting, McGonagall, who almost pursed her mouth into a line, and Dumbledore, who had a relaxed face, intercepted him in front of the castle.

"The course was brilliant and uncertain. Dumbledore smiled and said, "If it weren't for the fact that I'm past school age, I'd have wanted to taste the pill too."

"This blood qi pill is mild, quite suitable for the elderly, anyway, the materials are provided by the school. Kong Nuo took out a small vial of blood qi pill with his backhand.

Dumbledore took the vial, his face more relaxed, and was about to say something when he was suddenly interrupted by McGonagall.

"Professor Kong!" McGonagall said with a serious expression, "I must admit that your class was very impressive, but whether the method is debatable?

"The rhythm of the whole class is under control, and if something happens to Lu Wei, I will take action!" replied Conno solemnly.

Knock knock knock ......

The ground began to tremble, and the three-headed dog heard Conno call his name and ran towards him.

In this way, Lu Wei stood behind Conno in a squatting position, and the two sides formed a quantitative equality.

It's that McGonagall and Dumbledore have to deal with a large black shadow blocking out the sun, and they seem to be more or less on the weak side.

McGonagall lifted her glasses and continued, "Although there is only one class a week, I think Professor Kong's approach can be less radical, and he can't just let the three-headed dog knock a big hole in the castle. She

led the two men and the dog around the castle for some distance, and came to the bottom of the hole, and the wind poured into the room along the hole, making a whining sound, which was actually a bit of a depression.

"Well, it looks like a mess. Conno nodded.

The three-headed dog behind him seemed to know that this was talking about something related to him, and suddenly let out a whimpering sound.

"This level of restoration requires a craftsman to come and repair it, and the cost is ......," McGonagall pulled out a piece of parchment paper with a string of numbers on it.

"Anyway...... Doesn't the wizard have a repair charm?" Kong Nuo turned out a wand from the martial arts golden pill with his backhand, "How do you pronounce the spell...... Reparo!"

"I'm afraid not, because the magic used to protect this castle is an older one, so there is no way to ......repair it directly with a simple repair charm,"

McGonagall was suddenly speechless, as she saw the broken masonry trembling all over the ground.

The masonry seemed to have been pressed backwards, and began to float into the sky at the speed of Newton's tears, gathering little by little in the hole of the castle.

Kong Nuo felt the internal force in the dantian, which was continuously transmitted to the castle through his wand.

The whole castle is like a thirsty traveler who suddenly encounters a clear spring, desperately sucking his internal strength.

It was the first time he had seen such a scene, not only him, but also Dumbledore and McGonagall.

"Wang?" Louwe called out to the restored wall.

"Why can you fix ......it directly," McGonagall pushed her glasses again, pulling out her wand.

She cast a transfiguration spell on a small grass in the distance, and saw the grass turn into a husky, "My magic is fine, but it really didn't work against the castle just now." Suddenly

, she kind of understood why Headmaster Dumbledore was rubbing his temples when he was facing Connor...... It's a little weird indeed.

"What's wrong, why should I let the castle be white? Is it still ready to absorb my power and then become a sperm?" Kong Nuo secretly squeezed off the wand in his hand.

The core of Chopsticks-1's

wand is destroyed, and the exploitative relationship between Conno and the castle through the wand is severed.

"The Repair Spell is such a good thing. Reparo!" Conno pulled out another unicorn-fur wand and cast his spell on the severed wand.

McGonagall kindly reminded, "Professor Kong, wands can't be repaired with a repair charm...... Seeing

Connor's broken wand gather again, Dumbledore took out his wand, stared at it for two seconds, and then put it in his pocket and let out a long sigh.

"Professor McGonagall, now that it's all recovered, the story is over, and it looks like the castle hasn't been hurt in any way. Conno said, pointing to the wall that had been completely restored.

Not only was it unharmed, but the traces of the castle that seemed to have gone through the years seemed to have recovered a lot, as if it had become a little younger.

"Incredible!" Professor McGonagall dropped her temple-rubbing hand and pushed her glasses a third time.

"Professor Kong, your first class was a success, but I still hope that you can be a little more stable later, after all, ......"

"Ahem...... "Ahem it was Dumbledore who interrupted McGonagall's words this time, "Minerva, it's actually not bad to have such a way of teaching, after all, every subject has a teaching method for each subject."

"Actually, there is more practical content, which I think is beneficial. After Voldemort's downfall, the Ministry of Magic gave the school too many restrictions, which led to a drastic revision of our teaching content.

"It's better to be like Professor Kong said, this matter has turned a page. Besides, we need to take care of this big guy before we send it to the room on the fourth floor.

McGonagall sighed, "Okay! "

There was no class this afternoon, and she decided to go to Madam Pomfrey for a check-up, maybe she received a little too much stimulation today, and her temples hurt a little.

After all, when you get older, you have to take good health, but you can't be like Headmaster Dumbledore, who stays up late every night and loves to eat sugar.

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