Conno wanted to find out because he vaguely felt that perhaps the magical beast that Hagrid was raising could be used as a textbook for his first lesson.

"Okay!" Hagrid pulled out a key and unlocked the door, his cheeks puffed out, blowing into the handmade bone flute.

"Beep...... Not...... Burst...... Chirping...... Beep...... Not...... Burst...... Squeak......

"Uh-huh?????" Kong Nuo's face was full of question marks, what is Hagrid's sudden salutation of the Sorting Hat?

The sound of the bone flute was extremely sharp and piercing, and Kong Nuo's righteous eyes were true, and he identified it as a sound that carbon-based creatures could not play.

Hagrid shook his head slightly, and continued to stir his cheeks, continuing to blow the bone flute as he walked behind the door.

"Beep...... Not...... Burst...... Chirping...... Beep...... Not...... Burst...... Squeak......"

Conno covered his ears and waited until Hagrid finally stopped bothering the people before entering the room.

"Professor Kong, help lock the door!" Hagrid whispered.

After closing the door, Conno saw a behemoth in front of him and Hagrid.

The behemoth had three heads, and was smaller than the horned camel, with its back almost reaching to the ceiling.

But at this time, the eyes of the three heads of this behemoth were closed, and its body was slightly undulating, as if it was sleeping soundly.

It's terrifying to hear such a torturous sound, and to be able to fall asleep like this!

, "Hell Three-Headed Dog?" Conno asked.

Hagrid kept his voice to a minimum, "Yes, it's a three-headed dog, I bought it from a Greek merchant in a bar!"

"It's a rare magical animal, but it's very obedient! it can be soothed with music, and it will fall asleep like it is." With

such a large physique speaking so little, Conno struggled to filter out the jets and mutters inside to understand what Hagrid was saying.

"Then it's really not picky, and you can fall asleep with a little tone. Conno rubbed his eyebrows.

If anyone dares to harass him by blowing something like this while he is sleeping. He will ensure that the person will sit back and relax for the rest of his life, never touch the ground, enjoy the treatment of the emperor, and be served every day.

"Yes! Louwe has loved listening to my bone flute since he was a child. Hagrid looked at and smiled as hopefully as a parent looks at a child, "At first it was a little resistant, but then it understood that it was the sound of Mom's flute." "

Conno has compassion for the three-headed dog of hell named Luwe. If it was in a previous life, if there were really parents who tortured their children with this kind of ghost tune, they should have been arrested for child abuse, right?

I haven't heard any serious music since I was a child, no wonder this three-headed dog can fall asleep so casually, and it's really embarrassing for it.

Admittedly, though, the three-headed dog fits the strings of Connoeau's first lesson, strong enough and difficult to tame.

The three-headed dog is also at the top of the food chain among magical beasts, comparable to top magical animals such as fire dragons and horned camels.

The flesh and skin of that body are similar to those of fire dragons and horned camels, and can withstand most magical damage, and it takes multiple wizards to work together to break through the magic resistance.

At the same time, the three heads can be divided into three ways to attack, which also makes the attack full of unknowns and more difficult to prevent.

Fortunately, the three-headed dog itself is also a rare magical animal, so like the fire dragon and the horned camel beast, it is not easy to cause too much harm to ordinary people.

"Hagrid!" Conno patted Hagrid's arm, "Can we discuss?"

Hagrid placed the barrel in front of Lou Wei, then slowly stepped back and opened the door, "Professor Kong, what do you want to discuss?"

"Your Lou Wei, can you borrow it from me? I just didn't need such a brave magical animal in my first class. "

This ......," Hagrid hesitated, "Professor Kong...... Don't look at Lu Wei in my hands so well-behaved, but for those students, it is really easy to cause accidents.

Conno blinked, "But the headmaster said that I could find any kind of help in the castle, as long as it allowed me to finish the first lesson."

"I've searched the whole school before, and I've picked out Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout to help me, and you're the third.

Hagrid's face flushed slightly from under the motley hair, "I see...... Am I so honored to be the third person to help you?"

Conno raised an eyebrow, "Is that okay? I can ensure the safety of the students, not to mention that the headmaster should also be watching at that time, with him on the scene, will there be an accident?"

Hagrid was a little entangled, "But...... If you want to bring it to class, you will definitely need to take advantage of Loe's weakness, so that it will not be able to continue guarding the school.

Conno waved his hand, "First! I don't need a sleeping three-headed dog." Second, I promise that Louwe's secret will not be known to anyone else.

"I'll use my own methods to make them understand the power of martial arts! At least I need to fulfill my part of my duties as a teacher."

(After all, if you don't show some real skills, you don't want to lose face.) At the very least, he will fill out the class effect, and the rest is the choice of those students themselves.

Hagrid gritted his teeth and kept inhaling into his mouth, still a little entangled, "I believe in Professor Kong's strength, but I'm not afraid of ten thousand, just in case......"

Conno shouted softly: "Newt will communicate with me next week and send me something." When the time comes, I'll send him a letter introducing you!"

Hagrid immediately replied, "No problem! Lou Wei must be happy to help Professor Kong, and he will definitely be impressed by the first class!"


early Sunday morning, a poster notice marked red appeared on the bulletin board in the break room of the four colleges.

The above is the relevant information about the first martial arts class, including the specific time and where to gather, with clear instructions.

At the same time, a new class schedule appeared on the bed cabinets of the students of the school.

This timetable has made some adjustments to the original curriculum, and at the same time, a one-hour martial arts class has been added to it.

The freshmen were the most excited about this, and they all felt that in this class, they should be able to catch a glimpse of Professor Kong's majestic giant sword again.

At the same time, the senior students are actually very curious about this unfamiliar Professor Kong.

Although Conno didn't have classes for a week, he would always wander around the classes of each grade, which still made the senior students remember such a special professor.

And the word of mouth of those freshmen, the senior students did find the giant squid disappearing from the black lake, which deepened this curiosity a little.

Not only the students, but even Flitwick and Sprout, who were most familiar with Connoeau, were also looking forward to how Conno would conduct this first lesson.

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