Kong Nuo smiled, "Very well! We are here to fight evil, not to make extra money, and I really didn't have the right mentality." "

Diagon Alley has not only regular shops, but also a variety of magic stalls, with all kinds of knick-kaks listed on rags.

Since it is necessary to fight crime, a mask used to disguise one's identity is naturally essential.

The three of them stopped in front of a stall, and Conno bought three masks that could change their shapes as they pleased.

Once they were ready, they walked down the main road of Diagon Alley until a tall snow-white marble building appeared in front of them.

The building is very conspicuous, and the dazzling snow-white marble alone feels like it doesn't fit in with the style of the surrounding shops.

They stood in front of a tattered poster, the original contents of which were no longer legible, only various graffiti.

At the top of the poster there was a shiny notch, and Williamson pointed to the notch and said, "You have to pay the entrance fee to go in, three Galleons an hour, and the bartender inside will ask you to renew the fee when the time comes."

Prout asked worriedly, "Are you sure you want to go in, Mr. Conno, and the three of us together will cost nine Galleons."

Conno reaffirmed, "Are you sure those elf items are played by ordinary people?"

Williamson nodded heavily, "Yes, there are a lot of Muggle games, and it was after the fall of the mystery man that those goblins began to develop new business." "

Then no problem!" Conno flung out nine gold coins, all absorbed by the shiny notch.

He instructed again: "You call me Akong, Williamson is Asen, and Prout is Art, understand?"

"Understand, understand!" The two Aurors hurriedly agreed.

The graffiti on the poster was quickly erased, and a palatial door soon appeared.

The door opened slightly, and a pointed nose poked out first.

The door opened, and the elf, who looked like a house-elf, bowed slightly, "Three guests, come in quickly!"

The two Aurors touched the mask on their faces again, and then followed Conno into the gate.

The elf's eyes are not as prominent as those of house-elves, and its mouth is a row of fangs, which makes it look both cunning and vicious.

When the three of them entered the house, two more goblins appeared with a stick and kept fiddling with them.

"Please hand over your wand, and when you leave here, it will be returned to its owner. The goblin pointed to the two Aurors.

After the two Aurors reluctantly handed their wands over, the elves handed over three clanderly pieces of iron.

The goblin said, "Please put the piece of iron on your robe, if you use magic, the piece of iron will turn red." Any wizard who makes a thousand here, will be hit by the goblins the hardest!"

"In addition, all of our entertainment items are made from the materials of the horned camel beast and the fire dragon, and there is absolutely no such thing as using magic to make a thousand. Happy play!" "

Inside the house is a large hall, there are many people inside, and there is a strange smell that is strong and choking.

The people who looked badly dressed stood aside and shouted, paying attention to the people sitting in front of the stage and spitting clouds and fog to lift their hole cards little by little.

Several young men in waiter uniforms looked a little evasive, and buried their heads to deliver cocktails to those who were playing cards.

This is a casino privately established by Gringotts and a number of wizarding families.

Konno swayed slowly through the halls, first abandoning the wizarding traditions of the Golf Stone and the Crackling Explosion Card.

In addition, he also passed the games such as twenty-one and stud, which require luck in addition to brainstorming, which is not suitable for a purely technical player like him.

He eventually stopped in front of a roulette wheel, which was crowded and easy to play, which suited him perfectly.

However, just to be on the safe side, he reconfirmed the gameplay again. "It's a bet on which number the ball will end up on, right?" the

goblin in charge of throwing the ball nodded, and his slender fingers pinched a ball and threw it into the wheel.

"If the guest wants to guess the numbers directly, it's no problem. The average player will choose to guess whether the ball will fall on red or black, "

If you bet ten gold coins and just guess black and red, you can get twelve gold coins if you win once."

If you guess the number directly, as long as you can guess the number, the gold bet will be doubled.

Williamson grabbed Conno's hand that was about to hold down the number, and persuaded, "Akong, let's guess black and red, right? "

It's not a big problem, you're here to buy a wand for me today, and I'll keep the money for one wand and play with the rest?" said Conno, shaking off Williamson's hand.

Prout pressed his hand over as well, and persuaded with a wry smile, "Why don't you play with a Galleon first?"

"Tut-tut, it's really not fighting. Kong Nuo sighed, and put his fingers together and poked at the acupoints on the two of them, "See more and learn more!" "

Don't be impulsive, just don't hurt yourself!" The two Aurors could only continue to persuade with their eyes and words, "Akon stop it! you can't fight them!"

"Shut up, don't let me set your dumb pussy on fire." Kong Nuo directly took out five gold coins and pressed them directly on the number 20.

"Buy and go!" said the elf in a playful voice, flicking the ball.

The players were also excited, they hadn't seen anyone dare to guess the numbers directly for a long time.


ball lands on the red, red, black and black wheel, and slides towards the center as it rotates around the wheel.

The fairy's slender fingers flicked on the wheel, and the whole wheel spun, and the numbers became blurred.

Conno closed his eyes and began to feel the entire roulette wheel, and found that the roulette wheel was indeed the same as the goblin at the beginning, and did not feel any magic fluctuations.

But even so, this kind of extremely skillful entertainment is very easy to get your hands on.

The elf's finger lifted slightly, and the wheel spun rapidly, and the balls that slipped to the center jumped from one color to another.

"Red, red, red!"

"Black, black, black!" The

surrounding players roared hoarsely, bloodshot eyes slowly appearing.

Compared with the complex projects of blackjack, this simplest and most intuitive gameplay can mobilize the player's emotions more.

The ball struggled and jumped a new square to the number 1.

"Good, win, win!" the players who shouted "red" were already cheering.

The roulette wheel suddenly trembled slightly, and the ball seemed to have strength again, and it took another step forward, and landed on the black grid number 20 next to it with a "bang".

“20...... 20 black checkered ......," the fairy said wruffly, staring wide at the pitted piece of iron on Conno's chest.

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