Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 58: How is the battle going on in Macragge?

Occasionally, some ships appear that have entered the warp in the past.

Subspace is also a classic setting used by GW for reading.

But the battleship's crew and Space Marines had little time to think about these things, because the zerg fleet had discovered them, and they had also discovered these twisted biological ships.

The Ultramarines saw the biological ships from the bridge.

"Honor Macragge, what are these twisted alien creatures?"

There were no insect swarms in the 30K era, but the arrival of the insect swarms was related to the Ultramarines.

The swarm didn't hesitate at all, they rushed directly towards the battleship.

‘Did I just see something flying out of subspace? ’

Godzilla looked at the battleship. It was too far away and there was no reference object. Godzilla could not judge the size of the ship. The overall difference between the Empire's ships was not much, but from the 'toilet seat' emblem on it, he could tell It turned out to be the ship of the Ultramarines.

‘Wait a minute. Is the proportion of this ship a little wrong? ’

Only when a Tyranid biological ship opened its mouth to attack the ship did Godzilla see the size of the ship.

‘Holy shit, is this a battleship or a heavy cruiser? ! ’

The average frigate is only about one kilometer in length, while the Tyranid biological ship is dozens of kilometers long, which is enough to swallow a frigate, but this ship is about half the size of the Tyranid biological ship.

'This ship is too big! It's definitely not the Rogue Trader's ship. Damn it, what idiot would drive a heavy cruiser-level ship alone to face the insect fleet? Isn't this giving away meat? ’

Godzilla wants to protect the ship, ah, not the humans on the ship.

He only wants the boat. Humans can use it to feed insects, but the boat wants to stay.

He looked down on ordinary frigates, but this ship was good enough to accommodate some of the lizardmen from Planet Godzilla.

And the intensity is definitely online.

The strength is indeed online. After all, this is a battleship with only more than a thousand ships in the Great Expedition.

It is enough to serve as the flagship of a fleet.

The most important thing is that Godzilla also wants a void shield. Godzilla's shield skills have to wait for Planet Godzilla to have them.

It’s very expensive to exchange individually.

While thinking, the insect swarm's biological ship had already started fighting with the battleship, and countless small Tyranid units flew out from the insect swarm's biological ship.

They surrounded the battleship like a swarm of mosquitoes.

"Activate the void shield!"

The tech-priests at the Void Shield Engine chanted ancient binary hymns, and the machine spirits rejoiced.

A faint blue enveloped the entire battleship.

"Captain Wade, these unknown alien creatures are attacking the Genesis, and more alien creatures are surrounding them."

"Enemies of the Empire are everywhere in the galaxy. Our expedition is not over yet. Inform the artillery deck below to load the macro cannon! Wait for my signal!!!"

On the lower deck of the battleship, servitors and workers loaded huge cannonballs into the muzzles on both sides of the ship.

At the same time, the automatic cannons throughout the battleship began to fire intensively under the dual control of machine spirits and technicians.

At the same time, the battleship faced the charging giant biological ship and rushed forward without fear of death.

"For the Emperor! Charge!!!"

As the battleship and the insect swarm biological ship collided with each other, the battleship's collision angle broke through the body of the insect swarm biological ship.

Enter from the head and exit from the tail.

The interior of the ship shook violently, but the captain sat firmly in his seat.

At this moment, he became one with the ship.

The second biological ship passed by the battleship, and the captain suddenly shouted.

"Right macro cannon, fire!!!"

The dense macro-cannon array bombarded the insect swarm biological ship, bursting out sparks one after another.

Suddenly you can understand why this battleship can survive in subspace for so long.

This captain's martial virtue and loyalty far exceed those of the current Imperial Navy.

Godzilla looked in admiration.

‘Okay, kill one mothership and cripple another. I will decide on this combat power. ’

Although one insect swarm biological ship was killed, more insect swarm biological ships were surrounded.

In the distance, a special biological ship with a huge ion cannon tube has been aimed at the battleship. A huge plasma beam shot out and bombarded the battleship's void shield.

To be honest, the bombardment intensity of this plasma beam has exceeded Godzilla's attack intensity.

This was an attack from a Tyranid biological ship with a length of more than fifteen kilometers, and its gun barrel was so thick that it could hold down a Godzilla.

There was a violent shaking inside the battleship. This time, even the captain could not sit still and was almost thrown off.

"Damn it, what are the origins of these aliens? There are many of them, and they are not weak in strength."

"No matter who he is, enemies of the empire should be killed!"

This 30K-era Ultramarines captain is preparing for a loyal gang-hopping war.

But a voice appeared in his head.

"Don't go gangbusters. It's a Tyranid biological ship. It has biological structures inside and no crew."

The voice came from the Genesis navigator.

But tone is not the navigator.

"Who are you?"

"My name is Isis, the spokesperson of Lord Godzilla."


Whether it’s 40k or 30k, the name Godzilla is very unfamiliar to them.

"You used psychic energy to invade our navigator's consciousness?!"

"Oh, I'm not interested in him. I just use him to send messages. If you don't want to sink the ship, land on the nearby planet immediately."

"Why should I believe you? You have blasphemed the Navigators. They are loyal servants of the Emperor!"

Haider was furious. The Terminator-armored Ultramarines veteran was as muscular as a gorilla.

But Isis just smiled.

"Believe it or not, I only set my sights on your ship. Even if you die, I can still get that ship."

At this time, the navigator spoke.

"I heard...a warning from Holy Terra."

Navigators are specially adapted psykers, some with three eyes and unique appearances that make them almost alien.

But they are indeed the Emperor's most loyal servants, or... tools.

"Don't mess with Godzilla. This is a warning from the Emperor, Captain Heidel, and we must obey it."

"Don't mess with Godzilla? I don't even know what Godzilla is."

Haider spread his hands helplessly, he still didn't understand the situation yet.

But the navigator’s advice is worth heeding.

"There are too many alien ships. If we continue, we may be wiped out."

"Loyal sacrifice for the Emperor is an honor for us, but we must return to Macragge to inform the Lord of the Ultramarines, the Word Bearers, of his shameful treachery!"

Haider's words were probably similar to the words from Halo next door, "How is the battle on Reach?"

Isis's voice sounded again.

"In return for your cooperation with the big plan, I can open a gate to the webway for you that leads directly to the home planet of the Ultramarines."

"What's the price?"

"I want this ship of yours."

Before Haider could speak, various members of the Mechanic Cult were unhappy.

"This is blasphemy against the God of All Machines!"

"We will never allow that to happen!!!"

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