Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 46 Warhammer 40K Old Tradition: Big Chaos

The warships on the battlefield began to disperse immediately.

No one dared to confront this big guy head-on. Even the battleship of the prophet Alan began to move away from the battlefield. That was a planet. The last time Warhammer 40K encountered such a thing was probably during the Beast Wars more than 30 thousand years ago.

Godzilla planet only approached some shipwrecks on the battlefield, and those shipwrecks were attracted to the planet by the gravity of the planet. Godzilla planet began to rain broken scrap metal.

Most of the broken things burned up under the friction of the atmosphere, leaving only the big guys.

A small group of Eldar troops and a large group of green-skinned orc troops also landed on the planet.

Their luck was too bad. They were too close to escape.

But this was inevitable.

This is the world of Warhammer 40K. You will not be treated preferentially just because you are a group of handsome men and beautiful women. Remember, this is the world of Warhammer 40K. "God of Asuryan, I am so unlucky."

An Eldar Ranger came out of her flying machine, cursing. Rangers are one of the sniper units of the Eldar.

Eldar rarely wear heavy power armor, and Rangers are even worse. They wear flexible spirit bone mesh armor, carry Ranger rifles, and are equipped with power swords or star dart pistols.

They are very powerful ground units in both close combat and ranged combat. One person can easily wipe out a squad of Tau.

The Eldar looked around. There were signs of burning on the ground, but the plants were emitting a faint light.

After taking a look at the condition of the plants, the Ranger silently put on her mask and hood. The color of her coat began to become similar to the surrounding environment, hiding well.

She was very experienced and could see that these plants were emitting harmful radiation. The Eldar and humans looked similar, but their body structures were very different, so this level of harmful radiation could not kill her.

But when the ranger looked up at the sky, countless fire meteors were falling on the planet.

It was like a man-eating beast, devouring everything on the planet.

Even the orcs' battle meteorite was pulled down. The outer wall of the battle meteorite burned in the atmosphere, absorbing a lot of damage for the orcs inside. When the battle meteorite hit the Godzilla planet, a large number of green-skinned boys rushed out of the battle meteorite.

They started firing at the woods without seeing the enemy, and several unlucky farts were shot in the head by their teammates.


The green-skinned orcs roared and shouted at the exit of the battle meteorite, and then were kicked out of the door by a tall orc leader who was nearly three meters tall. This orc leader was obviously different from other orcs and dressed like a pirate.

The mechanical eye on the left scanned the planet. He stood with his hands behind his back, his posture upright, and looked so out of place with the manic green-skinned orc boys around him.

Until he raised the bomb pistol and shouted.

"Boys! Attack me!!!"

The greenskin boys rushed into the woods, completely ignoring the possible danger.


The greenskin leader was still a little rational and did not rush with the boys. The orc bosses were like this. Although they liked to fight, they could not all be brainless.

When the greenskin boss became bigger, stronger and WAAAGH, he would also become smart, and being smart was also WAAAGH!

He seemed to hear something.


The noise was getting louder and louder, and the greenskin leader's artificial eyes flashed with a light of thinking. He couldn't help but look in the direction of the sound. An extremely huge black shadow was advancing in the jungle, scaring the greenskin leader's eyes wide.

"Oh, my Mao brother!"

This greenskin leader who was calm even in the face of the falling meteorites in battle was extremely shocked at this moment.

"That thing is so fucking big! It's even bigger than my Squiggle!!!"

The green-skinned orcs' accents sound a bit barbaric, but that's actually the case. Their dialects are very strong, and the translation probably means 'I think'.

The 'big thing' in his eyes is naturally Godzilla.

Godzilla is heading towards this huge battle meteorite, which is the biggest thing that has fallen from the sky.

'I think it's too WAAAGH to use this thing for boarding! '

The battle meteorite is a green-skinned battle fortress made by hollowing out a meteorite, which is much larger than an ordinary battleship.

Standing next to the battle meteorite, Godzilla looks particularly small.

Thump thump thump thump!

The green guys have already seen Godzilla. They are holding crudely made bolt guns and shooting at Godzilla. On the turrets on the battle meteorite, the green guys hold the triggers and fire at Godzilla frantically.

They just pull the triggers, and leave the rest to the machine spirits and WAAAGH energy. Whether the barrel explodes or not depends on fate.

But it’s useless. Ordinary bolt gun ammunition can only produce a small spark when hitting Godzilla, and the big turrets can only produce a larger spark when hitting Godzilla.

Godzilla’s forward trend is almost unstoppable.


A huge roar suddenly came from the battle meteorite, and the outer wall of the battle meteorite was broken, and a huge machine made of rags staggered out of the battle meteorite.

‘Fuck, they stuffed Ku Juji into the battle meteorite? ’

The huge machine that appeared in Godzilla’s sight was the orcs’ Titan unit, Ku Juji.

As mentioned before, it is almost impossible to find identical machines in Orc units, and the same goes for Titans. These Titans are huge Orc machines made of rags. They often have stocky bodies and a huge Orc skull-like head.

At the same time, there are an irregular number of arms, which often have weapons such as flamethrowers, saw blades, missiles, and turrets.

What now appears in Godzilla's field of vision is an ancient giant. The individual strength of the ancient giant is not as good as that of other forces, but if the orcs can make ancient giants at the scale, they will often mass-produce ancient giants. Compared with the Titan unit, they are more like some kind of super heavy-duty units. vehicle.

The ancient giant in front of Godzilla is ridiculously big. Generally, ancient giants are only more than ten meters long, but this one is even taller than Godzilla.

The green-skinned leader stood atop Juji's head, holding a pirate scimitar pointed at Godzilla.

"Brother Mao is the strongest, attack the big guy in front, advance four!!!"

The orc boys inside the Ancient Giant began to get into their positions, operating the Ancient Giant in an orderly manner amidst the chaos, and began to advance towards Godzilla.

They fired as they advanced.

There was a huge cannon barrel in the head of Gu Juji's orc, and with a rumbling explosion, a huge cannonball hit Godzilla's head, and Godzilla's progress paused for the first time.

But there was only a pause.

‘This is okay, it must be fun to fight. ’

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