Godzilla from Warhammer 40K

Chapter 34 The Figure King is looking for figures again

The brute force displayed by Godzilla was enough to remind the Empire's mortal auxiliary soldiers of the God Machines. Those God Machines as tall as buildings and mountains could even carry a church building.

However, because of this, the morale of the Chaos Space Marines has not collapsed.

Because the Chaos Space Marines have seen God Machines as tall as Godzilla, and the former World Eaters also had their own Demon Titans, but the current World Eaters are lonely.

Compared with other demon primarchs, Angron is a capable boss, but he is definitely not a boss who is good at commanding.

The Chaos offensive is retreating.

The Empire swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

"Commander, is the communication still stable?"

"I can hear it, soldier, how is the battle going?"

"Those heretic troops have been repelled, and those aliens have a behemoth that exceeds the size of the Warlord Titan."

This mortal auxiliary soldier has seen the Warlord Titan, and there are three of them. It was a battle between humans and the Eldar. The Eldar also dispatched two Titans, and the battle was very tragic.

"Have those alien races advanced into the city?"

"No, not yet."

"Soldier, what's your name?"

"Sergeant Randall, sir."

"Very good, Randall, now follow my instructions and lead the troops to withdraw from position 3. Our other positions have been breached. I need you to continue to shrink the defense line and reach the spire area to set up defense lines."

"Yes, commander!!!"

Randall, we finally know the name of this mortal auxiliary soldier who may die soon.

But now is not the time to discuss his name.

The retreat of the Chaos troops means that the Lizardmen have begun to enter the sight of the human position, and the Lizardmen have also begun to see humans.

Isis glanced at the human position. Her psychic power has long known the human's thoughts.

"Running so fast"

The speed of the human line shrinking exceeded Isis's imagination. With the transportation of the few remaining troop transport vehicles, these mortal auxiliary troops began to retreat quickly from the alleys, main streets and even sewers.

Obviously very familiar with the terrain here.

Isis said to a chameleon stalker: "Follow them."

She naturally had to follow the movements of humans. She had no good feelings towards humans, especially since she knew that humans had the ability to destroy planets.

Isis would try her best to prevent the planet where Godzilla was located from being destroyed, which would cause Godzilla to float in the universe. Godzilla did not have the ability to fly in the universe. Once the planet was destroyed, Godzilla could not go back.

"Okay, next it's time to follow Lord Godzilla to the fourth ritual site."

Isis continued to follow Godzilla to the fourth ritual site.

On the human side, the Empire finally saw Godzilla.

The Ultramarines walked into the command room and asked the commander: "Commander, why did you call us back? The soldiers on the front line are being suppressed by the Chaos Demons. We are in a hurry."

"I'm sorry to call you back, Sergeant Carrion, but in fact, you have to take a look at this."

Godzilla's battle video record was played.

Just the first glance shocked this veteran of the Ultramarines.

"My 500 Worlds."

It's normal to be surprised, but it's not normal not to be surprised.

"Is that the Tyranids?"

"No, they don't show the characteristics of the Tyranids that devour everything. In fact, as you know, there are no Tyranids in the star field of the 500 Worlds for the time being. We don't know where they went, but that beast is definitely not a Tyranid."

"Then what could he be?"


The commander said, "Although I don't know what happened, I think he's called this name."

"Godzilla, I have an impression of this name."

[Don't mess with Godzilla. ]

The Extreme Warrior remembered the words that the think tanks had conveyed not long ago. The Second Captain of the Extreme Warriors, Cato Sicarius, had also brought back some information about Godzilla.

It is said that it was a primitive beast on a certain planet and had fought with the Tyranids.

And also brought a sentence.

[Don't mess with Godzilla. ]

This is the benefit of having a biological father.

Guess if the Emperor on the Golden Throne dreamed of the Earth in the 2K era in the middle of the night, where he and a beautiful girl were eating popcorn and drinking Coke in a movie theater, and a monster movie was playing on the screen, and the monster was beating up a three-headed golden dragon from outer space.

Then he really saw Godzilla in the distant and dark 40th millennium.

Oh, God, this is definitely a nightmare.

"So, we don't attack those aliens? Instead, we let them act freely in our cities?"

"At least most cities are no longer under our jurisdiction, Commander."

The Ultramarines were still relatively rational and did not fire just because the Lizardmen were aliens.

If it were the Inquisition, it would have pulled out the cannons to bombard the Lizardmen, and maybe even taken out the Extermination Order.

"As long as they don't actively attack us, we'd better not attack them. After all, the words of the Think Tank are often very referenced."

Psychics sometimes receive the Emperor's oracles, which is common sense in the current empire.

"Okay, my idea is not to attack these aliens for the time being. We don't have enough troops to attack them. We are exhausted just to defend the existing front line."

"Commander, this is position 6. We have been breached. There is a Khorne Daemon! I repeat, there is a Daemon Daemon. Oh, damn it!!!"

Along with the communication came the screams of humans and the sound of broken buildings. The roar of the Great Demon of Khorne was the last sound of this communication.

Finally, communications broke down.

"Big devil!!!"

"Oh, your Majesty!"

Sergeant Carrion of the Ultramarines turned serious.

"We're all going to die here."

Each of the big demons has terrifying combat power. Let alone appearing here, even if they appear on the tightly defended Ultramarines home planet Macragge, they can cause a bloody storm.

The most famous summoning event of the Khorne Daemons was the eight Khorne Daemons summoned on Terra during the Horus Heresy.

That's in Holy Terra! ! !

On the holographic sand table, the position of Position 6 quickly turned red and rushed towards the top of the tower.

"Position No. 6 has been breached, and demons are pouring into the last refuge. It's over, it's all over, our defense line is all over!!!"

You don't need to even think about what will happen if the demonic army of Khorne rushes into the mortal crowd.

Everyone will die.

This scene, which had been rare for centuries, also attracted a certain famous person from Warhammer.

A skeleton-like metal skeleton holding a cane appeared high on the city building, overlooking the battlefield below. The red Khorne demon in the battlefield was already killing mortals like a no-man's land.

There was a faint light shining in the metal skull's eye sockets.

He murmured: "Oh, this is really a rare collection."

Indeed, in terms of quantity, the Great Demon of Khorne is much smaller than the Imperial Guards. It is no wonder that Trazin the Endless is moved.

Oh, correct me.

There are far fewer Khorne demons appearing in the real universe than the Emperor's Imperial Guard.

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